The entire way home, Mirepurr is plagued with doubts. Am I doing this right? Their battle-hungry Clanmates are surely going to hiss and puff at them for alerting their leader, akin to a cowardly kitten begging their parent to step in and break up a fight. But this has to be the better alternative- staying and idling about would not have helped anyone. Certainly not the likes of Fleakit and Sealpaw, or even Pepperpaw. They do not need yet another battle. Over what, anyway? A random strip of land? There are plenty of other places to hunt at.
Mirepurr all but explodes into camp. Were they fast enough? If they think of the scene that they had left behind, they swear they can hear the frenzied and angered yowls of their peers, fastening teeth and claws into former friends...
Stop it. Mirepurr has to focus.
Mirepurr all but explodes into camp. Were they fast enough? If they think of the scene that they had left behind, they swear they can hear the frenzied and angered yowls of their peers, fastening teeth and claws into former friends...
Stop it. Mirepurr has to focus.
"Where is Sablestar? Quick, there is.. there is going to be-"
Their lungs cave then, unable to give Mirepurr any more leftover oxygen to speak. Faded limbs shake with adrenaline and fear, and they must take a moment to collect themself — all the while forcing ShadowClan to fill in the blanks without any proper context clues to start off with.