Private StarClan KEEP THE GARDEN ALIVE ʚɞ phloxwish

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This thread takes place in StarClan.
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i'm heading for the moonstone. swallowpaw announced to her clan. she knew which direction to walk in, and the look of it, all she had to do was make the journey. tigerfoot told her the way awhile ago, now, looking back on the memory feels ironic. the den feels empty without his expierence, and she's concerned about the health of her clanmates. starclan will surely know what to do… they have to know where tigerfoot went. she couldn't do this without him.

over the bridge, weave through the prarie, you'll find a collection of mountains sitting north. they stretch upwards, reaching impatient hands towards the sky. a breeze ruffles the girl's fur, her gaze settling on the empty void ahead of her. i've been waiting for you, the voice whispers from the entrence, and her knees almost buckle from the weight. swallowpaw inhales an uneven breath, her chest twisting into itself with anexity. she tries to count her breathing.

"i… i need a moment. i'm sorry." she murmurs to her companions, eyes squeezed shut, her stomach pressed into the padded earth. it takes her a long, long time to walk forward. "stay out here, please. i shouldn't be long." she turns her head towards them, and slips into the mothermouth.

her whiskers brush against the cold stone, darkness surrounds her in an uncomfortable silence. all swallowpaw can hear is her breathing, her throat becoming dry and her mouth sour. the light of the moonstone inches closer, and swallowpaw squints while her eyes adjust. after what feels like a lifetime, swallowpaw exits the tunnel into the wide clearing. the moonstone stands at a great height, it's ethereal light bouncing off the cavern walls. she almost collapses again, but she trudges forward, her legs trembling. she flops onto the cold ground, and stretches her neck out until her nose brushes the quartz. sleep finds her in a flash.

stardust sprinkles the ground. everything around her feels like a haze, ecosystems woven together to create a world of peace. flowers bloom in all directions, starlight fluttering off them like pollen. the paradise stutters every so often, a pine tree becomes oak, rivers dry up and begin flowing. a starry mouse turns into a frog, then a bird. swallowpaw isn't entierly sure how to feel. is it wrong she expected more?

"hello?" she calls out, too afraid to venture and try to explore. a part of her tries to look for coffeestar among the trees. "my mentor disappeared, and i need some help."

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Shimmers amidst the oak shook ethereal leaves, their protesting creaks sounding like windchimes. He'd never been much for climbing, often preferring much closer sights than the ones branches offered him, but StarClan gave him the free time to try new things. Had he not been on his mission now (and had he the patience for it), Phloxwish believed he may have even tried swimming in the starlight rivers - without fear of drowning and with fish practically jumping into their mouths, it would certainly be a less traumatic experience than he'd had while living.

Alas, he'd been summoned and dreams of swimming would stay dreams until further notice. With an almighty leap, Phloxwish descended from the branches, his outline quivering as he made contact with the twinkling grasses. Blue eyes widened and settled as he stood before a spindly she-cat, clearly young, clearly lost, as if this was her first time meeting StarClan. Perhaps it was. Too much had happened when he had slept, too many details about the world lost. "Hello, that is quite the predicament." A predicament, as well, that was all too familiar to the ancient feline. Staring down the young apprentice, he was reminded of the own he'd left behind by choosing to fight instead of preserving himself. For the first time since StarClan was renewed, he felt a twinge of unpleasantry touch his immortal soul, a remnant of guilt he'd promised he would leave behind when talking to the new mortals.

He promised himself it was not that guilt that caused him to step forwards, that forces beyond his understanding wanted him here more than he wanted himself to help out. To be attached to flowers despite knowing they would inevitably wilt was... difficult. "Tigerfoot's fate is beyond our vision, but our decision would be the same regardless. A medicine cat of StarClan will help you to complete your training, this... gift is a rare one. Interfering with your destinies could be considered wrong, but, well... sometimes, a bud just needs a bit of extra care to bloom." His tail swayed left and right, the tip brushing stardust into the air. His smile pierced through a bushy snout and frayed whiskers. "My name is Phloxwish, I knew everything there was to know about healing the sick. I shall be your mentor..."

He was a StarClan cat, to know more than everything, to be more than everything. Yet, he couldn't deny the gap in knowledge regarding recent SkyClan events - his aqua gaze had been firmly settled upon ThunderClan (and only occasionally veering to RiverClan when duty called). Perhaps he should've asked Coffeestar about Swallowpaw. "How much do you feel you know about medicine?"
like a mirage, a figure approaches. it's not coffeestar like she expected, but someone else, a face she can't recongize. his eyes are sunken with age, the tips of his mustache frizzing out, hiding yellow teeth underneath. a cat lost to time, someone able to live hundreds of years. he's probably wise, the girl thinks, awkwardly bowing her head in respect. swallowpaw doesn't know what's happened with starclan. how it's been rebuilt from the ground up, with most spirits lost forever. the ones who are able to crawl from their graves, however, carry the most weight.

to be honest, swallowpaw didn't know what starclan could do. she assumed they would give her a name, then whisk her away to figure the rest out. her problem was unique– most medicine cats are able to complete their apprentices training. when phloxwish declares himself to be her new mentor, she stares at him in shock. "y-you? but you're, not really— uh, alive? …sorry."

the small flower wilts out of stress, her ears pressed against her skull while she takes it all in. her mentor has been replaced by someone alien. they don't know where he's gone, deep down, she's not suprised. search patrols couldn't even find a tuft of fur. stardust dances around the tom's paws, the world of starclan shimmers around them both. "i know… wounds, infections, kits and travel herbs." it's easier to admit her lack of knowledge to someone that's already dead. "i'm aware of the herbs in our territory but their uses are beyond me. if anything were to plague my clan, or injure them, i wouldn't know what to do..."
