OOC- cue the over-confident, angry boy that just showed up out of nowhere a day or two ago! This is Shark, and if your cats interacted with him in the brief time since he showed up they would know that he's a bold little shit that doesn't listen to anyone, and is always getting into mischief (probably tried to fight the first cat that came near his boat to 'defend his territory' lol).
The spiky furred kit had shown up seemingly out of the blue. One day the shipyard was without him, and the next, a small gray and white figure could be seen scampering about the place like he owned it. He'd claimed a small, abandoned boat at the edge of one of the longer docks as his own, bravely leaping across the gap between the wooden platform and the slowly bobbing craft with a bravery most kits his age lacked.
But Shark took a lot of pride in how brave he was, thank you very much! He had to be brave, because it was up to him to look after himself now. And he did a darn good job at it, too. It'd been almost a full moon since he'd lost his parents, and not only was he doing just fine for himself, but he'd also managed to find this super cool water place where he didn't have to worry about any stupid twolegs trying to pick him up or touch him. He'd shown the last one just how hard he could bite when they'd cornered him along the thunderpath and tried to scoop him up. No way was he going with one of them.
"Get outta here ya smelly, disgusting flying rat!" he yowled, fluffing up as big as he could and hop-stomping toward the seagull in a fury. "I'm not sharing with ya!"
Behind him was a half-eaten fish that he'd just set down on the dock nearby to the boat he now called home– a morsel that had attracted the attention of Sharks pain in the tail neighbor; an ugly old gull.
He charged toward the thing, swatting and slapping at it with claws outstretched as it once again tried to dodge around him to snap up his prize, It let out a surprised squawk when he tore out a few of it's feathers, which earned him a few heavy slaps of it's wings before it was lifting off into the air to circle out of reach above him.
"And stay away, you giant, stupid bird" he huffed, glaring at the offensive creature as it no doubt plotted it's next move against him...
The spiky furred kit had shown up seemingly out of the blue. One day the shipyard was without him, and the next, a small gray and white figure could be seen scampering about the place like he owned it. He'd claimed a small, abandoned boat at the edge of one of the longer docks as his own, bravely leaping across the gap between the wooden platform and the slowly bobbing craft with a bravery most kits his age lacked.
But Shark took a lot of pride in how brave he was, thank you very much! He had to be brave, because it was up to him to look after himself now. And he did a darn good job at it, too. It'd been almost a full moon since he'd lost his parents, and not only was he doing just fine for himself, but he'd also managed to find this super cool water place where he didn't have to worry about any stupid twolegs trying to pick him up or touch him. He'd shown the last one just how hard he could bite when they'd cornered him along the thunderpath and tried to scoop him up. No way was he going with one of them.
"Get outta here ya smelly, disgusting flying rat!" he yowled, fluffing up as big as he could and hop-stomping toward the seagull in a fury. "I'm not sharing with ya!"
Behind him was a half-eaten fish that he'd just set down on the dock nearby to the boat he now called home– a morsel that had attracted the attention of Sharks pain in the tail neighbor; an ugly old gull.
He charged toward the thing, swatting and slapping at it with claws outstretched as it once again tried to dodge around him to snap up his prize, It let out a surprised squawk when he tore out a few of it's feathers, which earned him a few heavy slaps of it's wings before it was lifting off into the air to circle out of reach above him.
"And stay away, you giant, stupid bird" he huffed, glaring at the offensive creature as it no doubt plotted it's next move against him...
shipyard cat - male - 5 months blue ticked tomcat with high white and aqua eyes