Shipyard knock his block off! [open/intro]

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


blood in the water
Shark / Sharky
Played by



OOC- cue the over-confident, angry boy that just showed up out of nowhere a day or two ago! This is Shark, and if your cats interacted with him in the brief time since he showed up they would know that he's a bold little shit that doesn't listen to anyone, and is always getting into mischief (probably tried to fight the first cat that came near his boat to 'defend his territory' lol).

The spiky furred kit had shown up seemingly out of the blue. One day the shipyard was without him, and the next, a small gray and white figure could be seen scampering about the place like he owned it. He'd claimed a small, abandoned boat at the edge of one of the longer docks as his own, bravely leaping across the gap between the wooden platform and the slowly bobbing craft with a bravery most kits his age lacked.

But Shark took a lot of pride in how brave he was, thank you very much! He had to be brave, because it was up to him to look after himself now. And he did a darn good job at it, too. It'd been almost a full moon since he'd lost his parents, and not only was he doing just fine for himself, but he'd also managed to find this super cool water place where he didn't have to worry about any stupid twolegs trying to pick him up or touch him. He'd shown the last one just how hard he could bite when they'd cornered him along the thunderpath and tried to scoop him up. No way was he going with one of them.

"Get outta here ya smelly, disgusting flying rat!" he yowled, fluffing up as big as he could and hop-stomping toward the seagull in a fury. "I'm not sharing with ya!"

Behind him was a half-eaten fish that he'd just set down on the dock nearby to the boat he now called home– a morsel that had attracted the attention of Sharks pain in the tail neighbor; an ugly old gull.

He charged toward the thing, swatting and slapping at it with claws outstretched as it once again tried to dodge around him to snap up his prize, It let out a surprised squawk when he tore out a few of it's feathers, which earned him a few heavy slaps of it's wings before it was lifting off into the air to circle out of reach above him.

"And stay away, you giant, stupid bird" he huffed, glaring at the offensive creature as it no doubt plotted it's next move against him...

shipyard cat - male - 5 months blue ticked tomcat with high white and aqua eyes

Wave of RiverClan
" Oi, you young one! " called the black-and-white she-cat as she approached, a hint of amusement in her pale blue eyes. " You're drawin' quite a few stares with that fish, aye? " She gestured toward the catch. " What say you bring it with you, back over there where the birds don't dare get too close, lest they feel the wrath of a couple of cats? "

With a light purr, she added. " Mother to two and a sea adventurer, I know how pesky seagulls can be. But when there are plenty? They grow less brave. Though I must admit, you've shown your worth chasing off that old gull. "

She tilted her head. " Come on, you rascal. " she chuckled, shaking her head once as she turned. " Ye've got guts, I'll give ye that. " she purred, her whiskers twitching. " But guts won't fill your belly if them seagulls decide they fancy fish too. "

She glanced at the fish once more, her gaze thoughtful. " Tell me, young one, do you plan on sharin' that with the whole shoreline, or are ye keepin' it to yourself? "

With a flick of her tail, she motioned toward a group of cats, where her kits were waiting for her too. " Let's find a spot where the waves won't carry our secrets away, and the gulls are too afraid to dive. "

・゚✦ —— As we roll down this unfamiliar road


Adder was familiar with most of the members of their rag-tag group. His acceptance of them was quiet, unstated, but the fact he hadn't chased them out was proof enough. For all his tolerance, there was an unspoken rule: threaten his family, and you'd find his subtle hospitality replaced with something far less welcoming.

Of course, there were still a few among their crew he didn't know so well. One such was a kit, barely a few moons older than his own. The scrappy thing had seemingly crawled out of the reeds one day and staked a claim on the beach as if he'd always belonged there. Young as he was, Adder's first instinct had been to keep his distance—his paws were full, and the tom didn't make a habit of taking in strays. Still, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of sympathy. If not for his own father, Adder might have fared the same or worse.

The wilds spare no compassion for the weak and unprepared.

The kit's tenacity, though, was hard to ignore. Watching him lash out, Adder couldn't help but think maybe he'd make it after all. The thought was chased with a tinge of respect. No one could say the little devil wasn't determined.

From his perch atop a piece of driftwood, Adder watched Wave head toward the young outlier. Then, with deliberate slowness, he unfurled himself. His scarred face was set in a steely expression, the chill in his amber eyes betraying nothing of his thoughts as he padded after her, lean frame cutting a hard shadow against the sand.

Adder didn't speak as he approached but hovered a few steps behind his mate in a silent gesture of support. He'd let her do the talking for now. There was no point in sticking his nose in it unless he had to. For all the kit's rough edges, if anyone could wear down a stubborn heart, it was Wave.

  • "speech" - thoughts
  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
Last edited:
𓆝 . ° ✦
Shark had nearly bitten off her whiskers the last she had tried to interact with the kit, and from what she had heard there weren't many others on the docks that had anything different to say. It was a sad sight to see a kitten fending for itself, but by the ocean's waves did this one make it hard to help! She almost called out a warning to Wave and Adder, that his teeth might be small but his ferocity immeasurable. Maybe struggling to fend off the gulls would give Shark a moment of humility, with any hope.

"What a mouth on that kid, huh." Haze mumbled half-amused to herself. She was just content watching for now, not ready to part with any tail on her fur for the kid.
° . . °
Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

It seemed that everytime she came back from a hunting trip away from the shipyard, another young one appeared to join the cacophony of kittens that they seemed to be collecting. So many strays left to fend for themselves, only to be taken in under the wing of one of the multiple adults that resided at the desolate docks. Pine, Smoke, Brook, Willow. All of them had taken a kitten under their charge. Whether related through blood or not didn't matter. And Wave was no exception to this rule.

Peachy had been enjoying a nice sunbath on top of the metal roof of one of their shelters, the sun beams having warmed it despite the chill in the leafbare air. Her gaze just happened to be on the rambunctious bicolor that had staked his claim on one of the rickety boats at the docks. It was quite entertaining, to see the feisty tom-kit defend his catch from a rather annoying gull that was as stubborn as it's kind could get. The molly felt a flutter of joy for him when he was successful, the old gull moving to perch on a far away enough beam in hopes of scouring the catch if the kit looked away once again.

It was when the aforementioned dual toned tabby moved in that direction that Peachy's interest was peaked, her head raising from the warm metal to watch and ears perked in order to pick up her words. Curiosity got the better of her and she just couldnt resist a conversation that included the mother of two. She was constantly a riot to be around, with her thick accent and unabashed personality. Paws landing softly among the sand after her drop from the shed, they followed behind Wave's mate, Adder, before she overtook him once he came to a stop.

"Aw~, come on Wavey~!" The nickname was said as natural as the flow of water, as if she hadn't just called her that for the first time. "A shipcat like you should know when you see a captain." Peachy smirked as she passed by Wave to step closer to the boat, settling back onto her launches when she was at the cusp of the boat and the wooden dock. She didn't dare move a paw any closer, respecting the kit's 'territory'.

"Hey there~! Name's Peachy! It's what the sea-legs started calling me after finding me munching down on a bag of...well... peaches!" She said that last part with much enthusiasm, as if everyone enjoyed hearing her talk about the sweet fruit. "And what is your name, mister Captain? Does your ship have a name as well? I heard many sea-legs talk about their ships like it was a two-leg they loved, calling it by name or 'she'." Peachy couldnt help the giggle at that last statement. A sea-monster given a gender. How strange! She was sure all these questions would confuse the kit, but she was excited to share the tales and habits of the sea-faring two legs she had spent so long with.
  • ooc
    —— xxx!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachy She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
    ❀ 36 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru



While Shark would never admit it out loud, he was tired after all that.

He'd already had to haul the fish all the way there from where he'd found it on the shoreline, and the five minute stand off he'd just had with that seagull hadn't done him any favors. The fact that it was still loosely circling overhead left the kit feeling just a tad uneasy at the prospect of having to face it down again– not because he was afraid of it, but because he was tired and he wasn't sure if he would keep winning. And losing in front of the other shipyard cats would just be way too embarrassing. Could he make the jump back across to his boat while carrying his prey? He wasn't sure about that either. The fish was a good size and it was awkward to hold for the small boy. What if he didn't make it and fell in?

And again, he wasn't scared because that kind of stuff was for babies, but the water was cold and he didn't really like the idea of falling into it.

As he stood there over his feast, glaring up at the bird and trying to formulate a plan of his own, fate saw fit to intervene with a way out of it's own in the form of a black and white shecat and companions.

It wasn't the first time he'd been approached by a cat since coming to live in the shipyard. One of the reasons he'd stayed was because it looked like a place where a lot of cats lived, which meant it had to be a good spot. And it was! But it also meant that every now and then he had to defend his territory from someone or make it clear that he wasn't going to be pushed around just because he didn't have grown ups with him.

But this was the first time a group had come up to him.

Aqua eyes widened slightly in surprise as they flickered from a pelt of black and white, to copper, to red. All bigger than him. Stronger. He wouldn't be able to fight them over the fish and win if they tried, but he was petty, and if they came for it he'd shove it over the side of the dock into the freezing water where nobody would get it.

Or at least, that was his plan until the shecat started talking. The more she spoke the more his fur fluffed up and his anger grew. Did she think she was better then him just because she was bigger? Thinking he wasn't strong enough to fight that stupid bird and his friends?

"I don't care if it gets close!" he shot back, lying straight to her face. "I'll eat that stupid bird next– and all of his friends, too!" The declaration was accompanied by a furious lashing of his grey and white tail, which only grew when she asked if he intended to share.

"Back off, lady! This is my fish and I ain't sharing it with anyone!" he fumed, and yet, his gaze followed to where she'd gestured. Toward a group of cats and some kits were lounging peacefully not too far away. A tempting picture, even for Shark.

But he didn't need help. Or friends. Or anything from these cats.

Luckily, the red shecat seemed to have a better approach.

"Aw~, come on Wavey~! A cat like you should know when you see a Captain."

While Shark had never heard the word before in his life, the way she said it gave the impression of someone important– which he definitely was. And while he didn't like her coming closer to his spot, he also couldn't abandon his fish to go swat her away unless he wanted that bird to swoop in and take it. Could still push it off the ledge and then a shot at her, but he didn't want to lose his food after all that effort if he didn't have too. And she wasn't coming closer…

He didn't really want to talk to her, mainly because he didn't trust the situation, but if there was one thing he wouldn't do, it was look scared or weak in front of these cats. "My parents called me Shark, so if you know what's good for ya, keep away from me and me stuff!" he replied with a stomp of a small foot. "And of course it has a name! I'm not dumb you know– but I'm not telling any of you cuz it's none of your business.""

Another bold faced lie, a bluff to make himself feel less small and less stupid even though he was burning with curiosity over all the strange things being said by this shecat.

"But.. I-I might tell you what it is, if you tell me what your's is called first." he added after a moment, casting another uncertain look between the three, still trying to determine exactly what it was they wanted from him. If they wanted the fish, why not just try and take it from him by now?

shipyard cat - male - 5 months blue ticked tomcat with high white and aqua eyes