"Why can't you just let him grieve?"
Bracken's eyes turn towards the shrill cry of his kit, her panic piercing his soul even through the commotion of the skirmish turned outright battle. His heart skips a beat at the sight of blood smeared across Honeysuckle's features, at the vision of long fur fluffed up against Swaying Willow's claws. They'd both been part of the Colony for so long ... why, in all of the forest, would she turn her claws against another cat so willingly instead of working with them to hunt?
He grits his teeth and breaks into a run. Using the momentum he aims to slam his shoulder into the tuxedo molly with a grunt of - "You!" - to knock her off balance and away from his kit. He doesn't care if she fights back: as long as Honeysuckle is given the chance to escape, he would take anything Swaying Willow would give.
Bracken's eyes turn towards the shrill cry of his kit, her panic piercing his soul even through the commotion of the skirmish turned outright battle. His heart skips a beat at the sight of blood smeared across Honeysuckle's features, at the vision of long fur fluffed up against Swaying Willow's claws. They'd both been part of the Colony for so long ... why, in all of the forest, would she turn her claws against another cat so willingly instead of working with them to hunt?
He grits his teeth and breaks into a run. Using the momentum he aims to slam his shoulder into the tuxedo molly with a grunt of - "You!" - to knock her off balance and away from his kit. He doesn't care if she fights back: as long as Honeysuckle is given the chance to escape, he would take anything Swaying Willow would give.
@Swaying Willow
BRACKEN ☼ penned by wren
— — he/they, colony cat
— — a broad, tufted blue-and-red tabby tom with white patches and amber eyes. often serious-looking, but kindly in demeanour.
— — mate to hazel ; father to magnolia, honeysuckle, hyacinth