SkyClan Journey Life is here and then and now || FOG

Flowercloud led the group beside Hawkstar, her steps slowly throughout the journey thus far seeming a bit more confident to be in the lead- though her voice was not. Through the thicket of the forest, the group emerged to find their paws lead down a trail, deep into rock faced cliffsides on either side of them.

Hunting patrols were beckoned closer, into the narrow passageway of the trail, her green gaze watching behind her carefully, before back forward. As they traversed down the rocky and light snow plastered ground, heavy fog made sights harder to see, her gaze narrowing into hesitance with each step.

But the large deputy kept her head up. They still had a long way to go, and Skyclan knew gorges and cliffsides from back home - this would be nothing. Right?

"Everyone! Stay close!" The amber point called, lifting her tail to signal to slow down. It would be noticeable, the worry that shows on her soft features, her eyes squinting to try to see the group, but it was difficult, even for her in the dense fog.
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre



Bright often wondered if his life would ever return to normal– obviously not the 'normal' he'd known as a kittypet, but just.. Something stable. Ever since he'd been abandoned by his people it felt like one overwhelming thing after another with no chance to settle into this new life of his, and a part of him was desperately hoping he might find some of that normalcy with Skyclan once they arrived in their new territory.

The journey itself was proving to be every bit as dangerous and amazing as cats predicted it would be, and Bright had to admit that at least the chaos of his life up until then had helped prepare him for it; it was much easier to cope with all these new things when he'd technically been dealing with 'new things' for the last couple months.

At least he wasn't alone now.

"Wow.. You can barely see anything." he marveled aloud, green eyes widening as he gazed around him to find that he could barely see the clanmates that were on the other side of the group. A cat could easily become separated in this, and then…

He shivered at the thought of being left behind, and without really meaning to began shuffling closer to the cat nearest him.


loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes

  • Love
Reactions: deidre


Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

The young paw had trotted close behind Hawkstar and Flowercloud, their eyes trained upon the two of them like they were an anchor in this whole journey ahead... And in a sense, they were. Leaders meant to guide them to safety. Away from the rat-infested home they had left behind. It had been a sad thing, surely... Teaselpaw had known nothing other than the clan they had grown up in. To leave for the big unknown beyond was a thrilling and scary thing... So they had told themselves as long as they stuck close to either their siblings or Hawkstar or mama, they would be just fine! And that was exactly what the young paw was trying now. Remain close to them. Though they couldn't help the way their mismatched hues started to stray to the side, a frown apparent on their little face.

Something was off... Something that caused a shudder to run through their pelt and a flick of the tip of their tail as whiskers quivvered. A small noise was made as they glanced to the side, eyeing the fog that started to come around them. It had been slight at first, hardly noticeable and not that much of an obstacle.. But the further they padded, the thicker that fog started to become and the more Teaselpaw wanted to hunch into themselves.

So mesmerized they were by the fog around them, they had not noticed the ones before them had stopped and with an 'unf', they had crashed against @Hawkstar 's behind. A sniff and a shake of the head, blinking twice and looking cross-eyed at their nose for a second, they finally lifted their head to look at Hawkstar, giving a somewhat awkward smile, ears flicking down in embarrassment. A form of an apology as they dipped their head down and scuffed a paw on the ground. They should have paid attention to what mama was doing...

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  • Haha
Reactions: deidre

He walked on the left wing of the ground. Perhaps a 'marker' for where the group should stay within. He had placed himself in here, wary eyes keeping watch for any threats on their left, alongside ensuring no kit or queen strayed out from the journey group. A tiring task, if for nothing but being on alert. The cold was biting yet, this narrow trail keeping him on his toes almost literally, when the fog began to drift in. Eyes strayed across the group again as worry began to permeate the air, then Flowercloud was calling for them to slow down.

A breath left him, curling white even in the heavy fog. "This is creepy." He uttered to himself, tail twitching behind him. Batwing's ears flattened backwards, turning to look out into the fog and.. well, it wasn't a good sight. He could barely see past his nose at this rate. He bid the closest warrior to him to take over his spot before moving towards the front of the group, quickly weaving around cats before pulling up beside Flowercloud and Hawkstar. "What do you think we should do? Think it's a temporary fog?" He questions them both, looking between them.

  • "speech"
  • BATWING AFAB he/him, WARRIOR of SKYCLAN, twenty-seven moons.
    A tall, agile, blue and black pelted tom with bright green eyes. Extremely talented at climbing and cracking jokes when most needed.
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
her paws press down on familiar, nostalgic ground. swallowpaw's eyes sweep around their newest checkpoint, anxiety prickling at her skin as the heavy fog rolled in. this will make hunting more difficult, and gathering herbs… oh, stars, she still can't tell their scents apart.

"it's so creepy." she breaths out, nodding in agreement with bright. the girl keeps her attention focused on ahead of her, briefly flicking it to the side to make sure any kits were still present. swallowpaw thinks about the fog parting and they're suddenly back at the old camp, and her ears lower.

⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said

Sagesong licked their lips, squinting into the fog to try and spy anything ahead from where they were within the group. Nothing. Everything was blanketed in a layer of grey that made the cat frown. "Maybe the fog will burn off as the day goes on." They meowed, trying to sound confident and encouraging though there was a hint of hesitation just under the surface. She had never seen fog quite this thick before. It was unnerving and eerie.

"Stay close, @Magpiepaw. If you can't see me I can't see you, alright?"

  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.


A gorge. Bumblepaw relaxes as they enter it, experienced paws carrying them downhill. Nostalgia washes over them briefly, some homely comfort easing their mind. It's like home. They muse silently, relaxing for the first time in what feels like ages. That comfort proves only temporary, however, as Berryfur's familiar meow drifts to them from his place nearby in the procession:


He sounds different than Bumblepaw had ever known their father to, his meow soft and almost pleading, and Bumblepaw's paws still in place. Daisycurl ... that was their mother's name, wasn't it? Rounded ears prick upwards as their head turns, only to see the familiar form of their father turning away from the SkyClan procession. Bumblepaw frowns, an unfamiliar uncertainty squeezing at their chest.

"Hey, wait- where are you going?" They question, but he doesn't seem to hear them. They'd have to act quickly to snap Berry fur out of it; they wouldn't have long until he wasn't visible anymore.

  • // haha :) uh oh
  • 92061903_BiFnaM6nIl9MGSr.png

    BUMBLEPAW ☼ penned by wren
    — any pronouns, skyclan apprentice
    — a round, curly-furred ginger point with heather blue eyes.
    — single ; littermate to asphodelpaw, ponypaw

  • Sad
Reactions: Fujimoto


Scrap's tiny paws ache as she stumbles through the swirling fog. It's thick, clinging to her fur and making every breath feel damp and heavy. She's never seen fog like this before, and it feels like it's going to swallow her whole. The only reason she's out here now is because she thought if she found some prey then Mom will like her like she likes Brother. Now she realizes what a bad idea this is.

Scrap calls, her voice trembling as her pelt bushes out in fear. She swivels her ears, straining for any noise beyond the oppressive silence. She huddles closer to the wall of the gorge, her flank brushing the cold stone. It keeps her grounded as she presses on, refusing to let the tears gathering in her eyes fall even as her heart pounds in her chest. The kittens whiskers quiver as she tries to make sense of the shadows that loom and stretch in the fog. Are those boulders or trees? Please let it be the end of the gorge!

Hurrying toward the shadow, desperate to be out of the fog, Scrap bumps into a cat's leg, bouncing backwards as she lets out a squeal of surprise.
"M-Mom? Is that you?"
she stutters, trying to peer up at the face of the cat through a combination of her tear-filled eyes and the fog.

  • ooc — bumped into @Hawkstar
  • afab ; she/her
    sh chocolate tabby with low white
    2 moons ; ages the 7th of every month
    ; thoughts ; attack
    gen 1 ; daughter of npc x npc
    penned by Ian

Last edited:

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious
Tagging "SCRAP"

Whatever tenacity she had walked into this journey with a half-moon ago were long gone now. Tired, sore, and now lost in a sea of fog, Hawkstar felt anxiety begin to tickle the undersides of her burning paws. How could she know that they were going in the correct direction if they couldn't even see? Her electric eye whizzes between Flowercloud's voice, then Batwing's, then Sagesong's, all present but notably unmoored from her own position.

She pauses, her large ears angling this way and that, trying to catch the glimpses of conversation between her extant clanmates, trying to parse what to do next. They were too exposed, too loud, too - mfph,

Teaselpaw bumps her in the tail and another, smaller thing steps on her foot, neither helpful in this situation. She wants to call for Lostmoon or Flowercloud, her maw already curling to snap at them to collect their children - Creamkit should certainly be carried at this point, and be allowed to wander but -

its not little Creamkit that speaks to her. Smaller than her still, and still drenched in milk-scent, Hawkstar bends down to stare nose-to-nose with the kit that she had nearly trampled in her confusion. "Hello, little warrior," a delicate smile replaces the original workings of her snarl (try as she might, Hawkstar had never been able to hold her anger in view of children, not really) "You're a bit lost, huh, bud? Where is your mother?"


"Oh, not good. Not good." Fuji muttered as the dense mist closed in on them all. A cool breeze wisped at his legs and he felt an uncomfortable tickle along his pelt from the fog. The red patched tom shook his body as if trying to get rid of the feeling, but it unfortunately only persisted.

He hated fog.

"Loud and clear, Flowercloud!" Fuji looked to Batwing as he spoke to Hawkstar and her deputy, tail twitching awkwardly when the former Sun Guard was met with silence. "M-maybe a tether! Everyone... holds a tail?" They sounded uncertain of their own suggestion the more they talked, so they dismissed it themself and turned to see so many pelts clouded by the coverage now.

"Bumblepaw, is that you? What's wrong?" His nose is useless with all the water in the air, washing his Clanmates scents this way and that. Did someone already get hurt?
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wild and you will never lose him.
Lostmoon was not good at following directions—no, seriously, he would get lost before anyone had the chance to grab him and keep him tethered before something grabbed his attention, and off he went. He had a poor attention span that usually resulted in him getting into trouble and laughing off a near-death experience. All in the name of a good story, right?

He squinted through the thick haze, shuffling closer to the nearest warrior at Flowercloud's call, head cocked, chittering quietly as he searched through the smoky haze for his adoptive kin. He could barely make out his father's thick coat beneath the heavy fog, whiskers quivering in bubbling unease, though the expecting caregiver barely twitched with a hint of uncertainty, merely offering a rounded grin to anyone glancing his way (if they could see him, that is).

When Fujimoto suggested holding tails, Lostmoon sniffled an amused snort despite their predicament, ears swiveling with a soft mutter, "Let's hope no one's dragged their tail in the dirt." Who knew where everyone's tails had been? "Why don't we keep the little ones and the inexperienced apprentices close to the center until the fog breaks? I can barely see my whiskers. Who knows what else is lurking here." He chittered.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 832134662baa9c3d5b8935bc3fa976c98dfc568d.gifv
    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    ♡ caregiver of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

SNOWVEIL, 88 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging @Bright @Fujimoto @Falconkit

The air was heavy with tension, of that she was certain... The kind of tension that made her ears flick to the side. She couldn't see the fog, but she didn't really need to... She felt its presence, heavy and thick in the uneasy murmurs of her clanmates and the occasional misstep on the damp ground. From Flowercloud's worried tone, she figured that the mist was thick enough to make visibility near impossible... Snowveil couldn't help the quiet but amused purr that rumbled in her chest at the irony of it all. Blindness, it seemed, gave her an advantage in times like these.

Her ears caught the voice of one of the younger cats, muttering nervously about the mist, their voice tinged with a certain worry... It caused her to turn her head toward the sound, her unseeing eyes soft with reassurance. " Careful, little one. " she meowed, her voice warm but firm. " Stay close to us, we wouldn't want you lost to this fog, hm? " she spoke, tilting her head a bit as she tasted the air. As far as she knew, she was still nearby Creamkit and kin...

Her tail gently brushed against Bright's flank, guiding the younger cat closer to her if they felt the need to. Her steady presence might be a quiet anchor amidst the confusion, her blindness an assurance that even with no sight, one could still walk. But even as she was offering her comfort to Bright, there was another voice that caught her attention. Something out of place; the faint, fragile cry of a kit.

Her heart tightened at the sound, unsure whether what she was hearing was... Actually there. After all, who would leave a kit alone in the mist? The thought tugged at her very heart strings... The voice was also unfamiliar to her, which only brought more concern to her. Taking in a sharp breath, she focused her attention to the front of the group, lightly tilting her head a bit as she strained herself to hear the conversations.

"Fujimoto's suggestion is a good one." she called out, her voice carrying over the murmur of the group. "Hawkstar, is everything okay up there? Who stumbled upon you?" Her words were calm but carried a note of urgency. Snowveil's protective instincts burned brighter than ever, this journey was hard enough without the added worry of a lost kit. If there was a little one in need, she would be ready.

there's fire underneath this snow

A long-legged short-furred seal point tortie with one electric-blue eye; heavily scarred
Mentoring ROSEPAW ; mother of STARLITPATH
Prone to corporate attitudes, harsh words, hazing practices ; generally morally dubious

"Fine, fine," the pointed leader offers at last, her eye flicking away from the kit towards the sound of her previous mentor. In all directions, her clanmates seemed to be unravelling in to the creeping white, the blanket of fog seeming to bring with it a certain madness - a fear of the unknown made blatantly manifest. They all acted like the had never been made to hunt with their eyes closed before; surely, not being able to see was not the end of all things.

(In the moment, she pretends not to hear a distant whisper on the wind, her own name lilted back through time and memory... if she does not acknowledge it, surely... surely it is simply madness failing to ensnare her as well.)

"We've got a stowaway, @Snowveil , you might want to come up this way. Another babe for your collection," Hawkstar gives the she-cat an unseen grin, quite happy at her jape, "We'll thoroughly question this ruffian later... after it gets some food. Warriors -"

She pitches her voice louder above the confusion, "Find your apprentices by sight and smell, make sure you can feel them at all times. Those without, please pair up with the closest cat to you. We'll crawl if we have to but do not separate. @Teaselpaw , come -"

The leader shuffles a step away from her deputy, motioning for the apprentice to sidle in between the two of them. "If you step on my tail again, I'll have you picking fleas off Lionfire for a moon, and he bites more than the bugs do."



Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw's mismatched eyes blinked owlishly as they peered past Hawkstar, their gaze locked onto the tiny kit standing before their leader. They didn't recognize this cat... Where had they come from? Had they wandered into the fog? And where was their mother? The kit's cries tugged at Teaselpaw's heart, a pang of worry settling in their chest.

Shuffling their paws uneasily, Teaselpaw kept their focus on the small figure. The kit looked so tiny... so fragile and hungry, if the way their ribs showed through their thin fur was any indication. Teaselpaw's ears flicked forward, curiosity and concern warring within them.

But even as their heart ached for the little one, there was a sense of reassurance. Hawkstar, their fierce and steadfast leader, stood tall before the kit. Teaselpaw had always known Hawkstar to be strong and commanding, but they also knew her kindness ran deeper than she let most see. This kit would be safe now. Certainly... It would have a place with SkyClan! If... If the mother would not be found, that was. For all they knew, there was a mother searching for the scrappy thing.

Startled from their thoughts, Teaselpaw flinched slightly as Hawkstar turned her sharp gaze on them. The promise of picking fleas off Lionfire's pelt for a whole moon didn't sit well with them at all, and everyone knew how rough Lionfire could be! If they could avoid that by NOT bumping into their leader or stepping on any tails, they would certainly do so!

Teaselpaw's nose scrunched up, and a small sound of protest escaped them, though it was quickly swallowed by an apologetic nod. A small chirrup, a promise in their eyes, whiskers twitching. They would stay in line! No more bumping into leaders!

As Snowveil stepped forward, their serene presence a comfort to the kit, Teaselpaw sidestepped slightly to give them room. Their gaze lingered on the scrap of fur for a moment longer before flicking back to Hawkstar, a silent vow in their eyes to prove themselves worthy of her trust.

The little kit would be cared for now, Teaselpaw was certain of it. With Hawkstar's strength and Snowveil's nurturing, SkyClan had gained something precious today—a chance to show the kind of clan they truly were. Giving a proud little noise, they carefully moved inbetween Hawkstar and their mother, blinking up at the both of them before giving a soft mrrp.

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SNOWVEIL, 88 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging @Falconkit @Hawkstar

Snowveil gave a small nod to her companions before stepping forward with careful precision, making sure not to tread on any tails. Once beside Hawkstar, she leaned her head down, her whiskers brushing lightly against the tiny kit's face. Her voice was soft and soothing as she spoke, " Hello, little one. Don't worry. We'll keep you safe until we can reunite you with your family. " If that was the case. If the kit had family to return to, otherwise she was certain it would find a home with all of them. Not something they had expected during this travel, or had the capacity for... But... They would try their best.

Gently, she grasped Scrap by the scruff, her movements careful and practiced. As she straightened up, she gave Hawkstar a light, friendly nudge, her posture and voice carrying playful humor. " Careful, Hawkstar. " she teased through the mouthful of fur. " You were once part of that collection yourself. "

With that, she turned and padded toward the center of the camp, where the other kits and queens were gathered. Her steps were steady, her demeanor calm, radiating a quiet confidence that the little one would be safe and cared for.

there's fire underneath this snow