☆ The only word for the way the air settled around them was tense. Like the teetering point was on the horizon- no, they were on the teetering point. The horizon held nothing but the promise of a slippery slope down, either one of victory or utter loss. As such, it sat heavy on Thunder. He had always been prudent in feeding the colony, ensuring no elder or kit went hungry even at the expense of his own stomach, sinewy muscles surviving on the scraps he allowed himself.
Other colony members did, of course, share in his bountiful hunts. If the kits and elders were fed, the prey- thinning each and every day- was going to those weaker then him, younger cats or queens, then last the most able. A long breath left Thunder as he settled down with his own meal, half of a mouse- the other half given to a young cat who had been practicing her battle moves- settled between his paws. Eyes settled there and dwelled on the future, thought hard and long about that. Young cats, barely weaned from their ma's, already learning how to throw a paw or two.
Thunder's head tilted towards who lay near him- Serpent- a frown still present on his face as he asked, "Y' want this? M' not.. exactly hungry anymore." He asked, accent harsh on his words.
// @serpent
THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
☆ a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
☆ mentored by who / mentoring no one
☆ whichever relations / want listed
☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
☆ penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.