Closed The Colony LIKE DEATH IN MOTION [ serpent ]

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


he / him
storm guard
Played by

The only word for the way the air settled around them was tense. Like the teetering point was on the horizon- no, they were on the teetering point. The horizon held nothing but the promise of a slippery slope down, either one of victory or utter loss. As such, it sat heavy on Thunder. He had always been prudent in feeding the colony, ensuring no elder or kit went hungry even at the expense of his own stomach, sinewy muscles surviving on the scraps he allowed himself.

Other colony members did, of course, share in his bountiful hunts. If the kits and elders were fed, the prey- thinning each and every day- was going to those weaker then him, younger cats or queens, then last the most able. A long breath left Thunder as he settled down with his own meal, half of a mouse- the other half given to a young cat who had been practicing her battle moves- settled between his paws. Eyes settled there and dwelled on the future, thought hard and long about that. Young cats, barely weaned from their ma's, already learning how to throw a paw or two.

Thunder's head tilted towards who lay near him- Serpent- a frown still present on his face as he asked, "Y' want this? M' not.. exactly hungry anymore." He asked, accent harsh on his words.

  • "speech"
    // @serpent
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Serpent draws a pale paw over her countenance, brushing away any moss or dirt that had found her muzzle in her sleep. The chill has disrupted everything about their lives - their meals, their rest, their companionship. She fears that when snow falls, blood will spill shortly thereafter. She is no fool, of course; many murmurings and frustrated arguments count on her father in law's death, and the potential downfall of her mate. Any bloodshed would be due to someone too focused on power and control (but who? Who?)

She does not realize who reclines beside her, her menial grooming shifting to her shoulders next. The dissipating warmth of the tom's meal is none-to-alluring, even as he offers it to her. Thunder, a capable tom. She knows it is not him who thirsts to climb. He had snapped at the fools who voiced the worst of their thoughts. Serpent lowered her green gaze to the morsel he offers, a discontent tch fluttering from her lips.

"Never thought you'd lose your appetite for an owl's leftovers," she chirps. She shifts closer to him, a she-cat greedy for another's warmth regardless of who they may be. "Talk with me. I'm bored of being useless," a pale paw nudges the mouse to the empty space between them. "You talk, I eat. I talk, you eat. I think that's fair enough of a deal...?" Serpent inclines her head with a grin not unlike her namesake. After a few beats, she murmurs, "What's on your mind, Thunder?"

Her words cause but a snort to leave the tom, eyes shifting back towards the young cats already learning how to spar. This wasn't play-fighting, no, it was true sparring already. A frown remained cemented where a grin normally does. Serpent's pelt presses against his, and Thunder doesn't move away. He knows this isn't any kind of advancement, no, most cats were desperate to keep warm. An ear twitched her direction, vision turning back towards her. "No' sure I can keep you from bein' bored." He responded lightly.

Her paw nudges the mouse he had offered her, and she offers a deal. Her own grin is hard to mirror, but he nods once. "I think I can manage tha'." Thunder responds. He lets her take the first bite with a nudge of the mouse back to the other, his head turning back towards the heart of the Colony. "Go' my mind on wha's about t' happen. Clearly it's comin' to a breakin' point. The hunger is only gettin' worse, and with what those cats said th' other day..." Thunder frowns again. "Wee kit's are all bu' fightin' already. Even they know." He utters the last part, the breath curling from his lips turning white.

Vision turned towards her, and when she began to speak, his fangs sunk into the mouse, taking a small but modest piece to chew on.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Serpent doesn't let her own drawl get the better of her - her wanting whine for him to play along is cut short as soon as he relents. Sure, he's not as jovial or coy as she makes herself to be... but in truth, he doesn't need to wear the facade she does. As she gathers a piece of the prey between her teeth and starts chewing, he makes note of the tension, his eyes lingering on the youth that are hardly steps from drawing blood.

"Do you think..." she trails off, her brows furrowing as she again nudges the prey back to him. It's a minor game in itself, watching him maneuver himself to only take small bites. She holds her tongue still. "Do you think -" she starts again, quicker this time, "- that something will actually come of this? I mean, surely it's all talk..." And yet, like he says, even the kits are fighting. They're preparing as if their own mothers and fathers may not be able to defend them. Serpent's gut churns and she grits her teeth, waiting for the tom to pass back their meal.

"If it's not..." another bite, another chew, "... do you think fighting... will be worth it in the end?"