Open The Farm Living life like I'm in a dream [Daydreaming + Intro]

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


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Holly curled out of his nest in the hay loft shaking his pelt clean as he did so. It was almost sunrise and the air was still cold and crisp. Quietly he walked over to the ladder down to the barn ground, careful not to wake any of the other barn cats in the process. He then jumped down step by step of the ladder till he quietly hit the ground.

He then walked over to the barn door and peered out. The sun was just starting to shine over the moorland past the farm. Taking a step forward he stretched his legs as he padded out the barn door finally. Walking out he jumped up onto the fence next to the barn sinking his claws into its wooden posts.

He yearned to go hunting for rabbits. Rabbit had been his favorite prey since he was a kit. He remembered hunting them with his parents Oleander and Pepper at their farm near the sea. Sometimes he missed those days but now he was here and could make even more great memories. He thought as he purred aloud to himself.
Leafbare felt sluggish, as if it were taking its sweet time and dragging on for however long it pleased. It certainly had a mind of its own, feeling the slightest bit warmer on one day before sending in dark clouds and a snowstorm the next. The changing of seasons always made things more interesting—Buck was not a fan of stagnancy—but the cold... He was not a fan of it. Hopefully newleaf was well on its way and would melt the snow before long. Icy powder blanketing the land did not make hunting easy.

Speaking of hunting, the chocolate tabby tom ducks under the fence and stops to give a roll of his shoulders. The morning was brisk and chilly but some movement would pump blood into his limbs, surely. Buck casts a glance upward toward the black smoke feline, who currently sits perched upon the wooden plank. "I'm gonna go for a hunt. Hopin' I can find somethin' interesting; I'm gettin' tired of mice. Wanna come with?" The amiable tom offers, more than happy to take on some company this morning.

  • 86417735_kGin7DEMi2EjrP5.png
  • 93540135_BxewJOuIV6ij3rC.png
    — buck / 26 moons / he/him pronouns
    — loner / barncat
    — sh chocolate tabby w/ orange eyes, bite marks on left foreleg, nick in left ear & scratch on right side of lip
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