Open The Farm Living life like I'm in a dream [Daydreaming + Intro]

Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


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Holly curled out of his nest in the hay loft shaking his pelt clean as he did so. It was almost sunrise and the air was still cold and crisp. Quietly he walked over to the ladder down to the barn ground, careful not to wake any of the other barn cats in the process. He then jumped down step by step of the ladder till he quietly hit the ground.

He then walked over to the barn door and peered out. The sun was just starting to shine over the moorland past the farm. Taking a step forward he stretched his legs as he padded out the barn door finally. Walking out he jumped up onto the fence next to the barn sinking his claws into its wooden posts.

He yearned to go hunting for rabbits. Rabbit had been his favorite prey since he was a kit. He remembered hunting them with his parents Oleander and Pepper at their farm near the sea. Sometimes he missed those days but now he was here and could make even more great memories. He thought as he purred aloud to himself.
Leafbare felt sluggish, as if it were taking its sweet time and dragging on for however long it pleased. It certainly had a mind of its own, feeling the slightest bit warmer on one day before sending in dark clouds and a snowstorm the next. The changing of seasons always made things more interesting—Buck was not a fan of stagnancy—but the cold... He was not a fan of it. Hopefully newleaf was well on its way and would melt the snow before long. Icy powder blanketing the land did not make hunting easy.

Speaking of hunting, the chocolate tabby tom ducks under the fence and stops to give a roll of his shoulders. The morning was brisk and chilly but some movement would pump blood into his limbs, surely. Buck casts a glance upward toward the black smoke feline, who currently sits perched upon the wooden plank. "I'm gonna go for a hunt. Hopin' I can find somethin' interesting; I'm gettin' tired of mice. Wanna come with?" The amiable tom offers, more than happy to take on some company this morning.

  • 86417735_kGin7DEMi2EjrP5.png
  • 93540135_BxewJOuIV6ij3rC.png
    — buck / 26 moons / he/him pronouns
    — loner / barncat
    — sh chocolate tabby w/ orange eyes, bite marks on left foreleg, nick in left ear & scratch on right side of lip
    click for tags
—————————— Dreaming along in a pace you'll understand. ✦

The cold tickled at Merry's muzzle. Days had yet to warm as the frost still clung to the earth and hovered like a whisper in the air, enough to stir the tom awake. The sun had yet to fully rise, though it basked the outside in shades of orange, which was enough to part his lips to a smile. Good was sure to come with the thawing of the cold, sure as the sun rose in the morning. From his perch up in the loft, Merry stretched with a yawn, overhearing Buck from elsewhere below proposing a hunt.

At that, his ears pricked in intrigue. He'd yet to do rounds within the barn for any vermin skittering about, but the other mousers could handle that today; a juice rabbit could be a good catch for the morning, fill his and other bellies. Just the thought made his mouth water as, with a thump, the tom hopped from the hayloft to atop more hay stacked high from the ground floor, purring. "A hunt ya' say?" He hummed, eyes flicking between Buck and Holly. "I can come along, help ya' both out with an extra pair 'f claws."

With another hop, he landed with another thud to the wood flooring, purring as he padded towards the open barn doors. "Ya' could say that again Buck, mice 're plenty for fillin' bellies, but I've been cravin' somethin' meatier." He spoke as his tail flicked, motioning the other cats to follow too, eager to get his claws sunk into some poor unsuspecting creature ripe for the hunt.

  • Merry
    ✦—Barncat | 24 Moons
    ✦—A skinny, tortoiseshell cat with bright green eyes and pelt speckled with hay.
Well I'm still here...
They can't tell me who to be... Cuz I'm not what they see—

COMET(TAIL), He/Him / 6 moons / Barn Cat (Future Windclan Apprentice)
Short fur black self tom with low white and fluffy tail + ginger somatic mutation in tail, bright yellow eyes
Doesn't typically sit still, Quick on his paws and with his wits, Mischievous and a bit of a prankster but not unkind
Tagging [@]

Comet wriggled himself awake, to his surprise it was barely even sunrise! What luck! Turns out his decision to hit the hay early was totally solid, he wanted to work out what time was best for him in this new place rather than just relying on what he was already used to back where he used to live. The young cat danced around for a bit to stave off the cold, and hopped out of his comfortable little corner in a little hay bale and considered whether or not he wanted to play with his ball or not. He noticed another cat, one of the older cats had also gotten up and wandered off to the barn's entrance. Becoming curious, Comet left his ball alone where he kept it and bounded over towards the door where he overheard the conversation about hunting.

Hunting, Comet hadn't really had much of a chance to do that while he lived in a twoleg nest. He wasn't a stranger to it though because his father Astro had shown him the basics every now and then. Now that he was living out here, it made sense to learn how to hunt better, Comet thought. He was already pretty swift, he was good at running for his age so he felt like he could keep up with speedier prey, he just didn't think he had the best techniques to land a takedown on things that were much larger than mice.

"Hii! Excuse me," Comet mewed as he scuttled over closer to the grown up cats. "Would any of you mind if I came to watch, like, to learn better hunting skills?" he asked eagerly. Who knows, he might even already be better than he thought!

Yeah the world is still sleepin' when I keep on dreamin' for me,
And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe!
—————————— Dreaming along in a pace you'll understand. ✦

The tom stretched, ready to head out before a small voice rang out, Merry's ear flicking. Turning around, a fluffy thing stared up at the three of them, Comet. Ball of energy was an understatement when it came to the kid, bounding around with his beloved ball always looking to run and play and burn off the seemingly infinite energy caught under that fuzzy facade. While Merry was more looking for food, with the season of cold coming to an end, prey would be plentiful again soon. And man, how could he turn down an eager little face looking to learn to hunt for himself. Maybe if he got a handle of his energy and learned to focus well on the task at hand, he could truely become a strong hunter.

It was with that thought that Merry made the decision. "Tell ya' what lil' man, if you promise to listen to what I tell ya' so ya' don't get hurt, ya' can come with. Yer old enough to start to learn to hunt now." The tortie purred, motioning Comet to follow along. "If ya' get tired, I won't get upset- But tell ya' what, ya' get a mouse it'll be all yers." Merry smiled, better to give him a motivation to try his best and focus on the hunt, though even if he didn't get a mouse himself he'd make sure to give the kid something, it'd be exhausting on him for his first proper hunt with the older cats after all. No need to push or punish him for giving it a shot.

He stepped out the barn, Comet in tow as he looked back to Buck and Holly, "I'll keep an eye on 'em, won't stop me helpin' the pair of yers gettin' somethin' bigger if ya' need the extra claws." Merry smiled with a click of his tongue, padding out towards the far fields. "Ya' better keep up Comet!".

  • Merry
    ✦—Barncat | 24 Moons
    ✦—A skinny, tortoiseshell cat with bright green eyes and pelt speckled with hay.