That night had left him oddly on the defense, still without answers or even the slightest clue for a direction in which he could lead for one. Troublesome phantom stampedes in the middle of the night were not what he signed up for in taking on the title of Fleecefur's champion, but it appeared that would be exactly what arrived to his den.
There was action to be made, eyes to set in every corner and noses to keep to the ground and yet he couldn't be everywhere he felt needed him. Each direction pulling him into another- fill the Clan's bellies quickly pivoted to deal with this skirmish and reared back to settle this argument only to whirl towards confronting this trespasser.
This is going to kill me. Maybe Juniper had the right idea picking up a whole team after all. Even without having kits to wean he felt impossibly exhausted from trying to have his paws on every inch of the pocosin. It was time to get help, and maybe fit these apprentices with a warrior to keep them from chasing after trouble with cats like Jadethorn.
"ShadowClan, gather to me. It's time for some changes." The tuxedo's tail twitched with impatience, quick to get things into motion. "I realize there's been a lack of direction that I can only blame myself for allowing to occur. Unfortunate that of the gifts given to me, being everywhere I'm needed isn't one of them." He would need representatives of sort, but none too close to the likes of Brightpetal. Someone solid on their paws and had a spine of stone.
"It's time I choose a deputy, someone who will act with the will of my own paw that you all can look to with the same authority as myself in my absence. I already have the cat in mind, who's reassured me he will always have ShadowClan's strength and longevity in his best interest." Sablestar paused to find mottled fur in the crowd, unsurprised to see mismatched eyes fixated on him. Always trained ahead like his namesake- and always making him feel hunted, too.
"Wolfpack- you will honor this Clan as it's deputy." A grab for power that Sablestar knew he wouldn't deny, and perhaps it is this that may satiate him from the possible thirst for more, even if it were foolish to put his immortality to the test. "I will need more than a deputy, though. This Clan grows bigger and stronger day by day, it needs a proper team to tend to the weeds and sow greatness. A trusted council made of Night Guards. I would like to extend this trust now, starting with Smogmaw, Mothbite, and Possumgrin." The older of the trio had always been in reach where Sablestar needed him. Mothbite, he saw much like the potential of his Clan. A sapling he could tend to and grow into a strong asset to himself, and he could see the same in Possumgrin. They would just have to do well not to wither in either's shadow. "None of you are shy from speaking plainly and honest to me, and I find your efforts placed in the Clan worthy to lift those voices higher, if you will accept the invitation."
//wahoo first round of promotions! make sure to stay on the lookout for the second half of the meeting :D @WOLFPACK @smogmaw @Mothbite @possumgrin
"mew" -
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled