Shipyard MEET ME AT OUR SPOT ༄ moping

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


angel landing
Bap. Bap-bap. Bap.

The timeless refrain of a bored kitten echoes across the docks. Cicada smacks a chipped shell back and forth between his white forepaws, hiding from the bright winter sun in the shade of a splintered crate. Everything but his forelegs—all the rest of his scrawny, fawn-limbed body—is tucked inside the open crate, heterochromatic eyes staring gloomily out at the world beyond.

His papa lingers somewhere nearby, doubtlessly ferreting out another skinny silver fish or sand-encrusted crab. Other cats drift across the claw-scored old boards, chasing this, that, and the other. Cicada's bug-eyed gaze follows them, the moody nature of his expression only indicated by a droop of the muzzle.

Maybe … Maybe he could go see if anyone wants to play. It's a slightly revolutionary concept, but he doesn't cease his aimless smacking of the shell. Indeed, he withdraws his forepaws like a crab into its shell, plunking his chin on one of them and frowning. No! he decides savagely. They won't wanna play with him.

He's sure they don't like him, even if they don't show it …

@Smoke dad tag but no need to wait!!
𓆝 . ° ✦
Bubble curses under her breath as another tiny fish slips away from between her paws. Fishing has become a frustrating task- not just for herself, but for many members of the shipyard colony. Bubble finds herself under the dock more often than not, seeking mollusks of some sort or perhaps some tiny morsel of a minnow or sardine to fish up. Admittedly her fishing skills are... Subpar, but she has managed a catch or two out of necessity or desperation. Long gone are the days of plentiful pates and free fish given by humans.

Bubble huffs, deciding to move locations, and pops from beneath the dock. But before she can take a step to leave, a drumming sound catches her attention. There, she spots a kitten and decides to say hello if not just to distract herself from the dread of fishing. "Hello," Bubble greets the gangly kit who is doing his best crab impression as she comes up from behind "What have you got there?" She cranes her neck to look over his shoulder at the shell he was previously batting to and fro. She can't help but notice his downtrodden expression, and in a moment of empathy finds that her lips are tugged downward as well.

"Oh, I'm Bubble, by the way. What's your name?" She introduces herself, and then casts a gaze over her shoulder across the sands and the docks that surround them. Isn't this one of Smoke's? He should be nearby, she thinks. Without waiting very long for an answer, the silver molly turns back to the kitten with a bright smile and asks: "Do you want to help me look for shells and scales? I mean, the one you've got is a great one, but I wonder if we might be able to find a really pretty one!"
° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 74401750_pjtK6IU1yaAaxNj.png
    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.
() sometimes the monotony of fishing every day really gets to willow. today is one such day, where her bones itch, her muscles aching to move, to just do anything else. as she crouches beside smoke, staring listlessly into the endless sea, she sniffs, tipping her head. "i'm going to take a break," she tells her brother, and raises herself up on slender paws. abandoning the white dappled man for the wood of the docks, the molly trots off, leaping up onto the boardwalk and moving back towards where her family call home. rounding a corner, she spots some familiar faces - bubble, a cat she has met many a time, and one she has come to enjoy the company of, and cicada, her brooding nephew. maw opening to offer each a smile, the smoke tabby pads close. "hello, you two," she purrs, tail twitching over her back. "bubble, darling, how have you been?"

bottle-glass eyes fix upon her nephew, noting the haphazard tangle of limbs tucked into the crate, the boredom in his eyes, his little maw skewed in a way which means he is thinking. "cada, love, you feel up for a beach wander?" having overheard bubble's offer, the willowy feline feels obligated to encourage the boy to participate. "i know a couple of little spots that some of the others don't know about. if you two promise not to tell," she lowers her voice conspiratorially, "i'll take you there. one time when i was there, i found a shell as big as smoke's paw." eyebrows raise, eyes widen, emphasizing the unique opportunity.

  • // " #979c88"
  • 70579328_L3NRwq4u1ulnUcn.png
    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.