It was a nice morning, all things considered- crisp and cool, but the sky was clear and the sun was shining bright. It was much more in line with the vision of 'spring' the older Thunderclanners had told him about, though he did hope to find it warming up sooner rather than later.
He'd broken off from the hunting party after his thirst got the better of him, sturdy white legs carrying him down toward the rivers edge. There, he perched along it's bank to lap at the cold, refreshing water passing by.
He had to admit– while he'd been reluctant about leaving the old camp where he'd been born, he did really like this new forest they'd settled down in. Even in the dead of winter there'd been more for them to eat, and besides..
It was easier to lay the memory of what'd happened there to rest if he didn't have to look at it every day.
Easier to pretend it was all just some bad dream he could move on from.
OOC- @Torrentpaw
thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.