Private meet me halfway [torrentpaw]

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It was a nice morning, all things considered- crisp and cool, but the sky was clear and the sun was shining bright. It was much more in line with the vision of 'spring' the older Thunderclanners had told him about, though he did hope to find it warming up sooner rather than later.

He'd broken off from the hunting party after his thirst got the better of him, sturdy white legs carrying him down toward the rivers edge. There, he perched along it's bank to lap at the cold, refreshing water passing by.

He had to admit– while he'd been reluctant about leaving the old camp where he'd been born, he did really like this new forest they'd settled down in. Even in the dead of winter there'd been more for them to eat, and besides..

It was easier to lay the memory of what'd happened there to rest if he didn't have to look at it every day.

Easier to pretend it was all just some bad dream he could move on from.

OOC- @Torrentpaw

thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: Torrentpaw


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrentpaw had been perched along the edge of the riverbank that separated his territory from Thunderclan's, watching the water as he awaited a fish to swim by. He wanted to practice the techniques Pine had showed him, in more areas than just the stream that surrounded the camp.

Though before he had the chance to truly focus on practicing his skill, movement from across the river caught his attention. Torrentpaw watched with curious eyes as orange and white fur flashed between the trees, before a young tom padded out into the open towards the water's edge. He assumed it must be a Thunderclan cat, as he was on the border, but he didn't recognize the stranger from the run in with the other warriors on the Sunningrocks.

Rising to his paws, Torrentpaw padded briskly down the mossy shore of the river, his gaze bright as they fixed on the tom. He didn't stop to think about a possible hostile reaction from the other--his eagerness to introduce himself almost overwhelming.

"Hey!" He called from across the water, his tone friendly as his tail swayed in the air. "Are you a Thunderclan apprentice?" The tom chirped, tilting his head slightly in curiosity as his eyes shone with wonder. The ginger tabby sure looked like he could be--and Torrentpaw had yet to meet an apprentice from another clan, causing excitement to fizz in his paws.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice



A voice calling out to him from across the river was just as surprising as it was confusing, and for the briefest moment he thought a clanmate had gotten themselves stuck on the other side. But as sunny eyes lifted to find the dark, unfamiliar pelt of a young stranger, he was reminded quickly of the new neighbors he had yet to meet.

This must be a Riverclanner.

Sunpaw had been told the other group had been friendly enough when one of their patrols had been found lounging on the sunningrocks, not as quick to trade insults or clawmarks as Sables group across the thunderpath was. Which was something to look forward to, in his opinion. How much worse would the situation have been if they had two Shadowclans to deal with? Besides, it was kind of exciting- Sunpaw had been born in the colony and when it split it took half the kids with it. And while his friends in Thunderclan were great, they were few and often busy. It would be nice to have neighbors he could talk to or play with. Maybe they could even go hunting together?

"Yeah! And your a Riverclan apprentice, right? " he called back, tail giving a friendly wave behind him as he stood at the waters edge. "Is it true you guys swam across the river to get to sunningrocks?"' he asked, sounding far more impressed than he did upset by the notion of other cats crossing into their territory. My name's Sunpaw by the way, what's yours?"

thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrentpaw's heart soared, this tom was just as eager to talk to him as he was! He nodded quickly as Sunpaw's question, parting his jaws swiftly in response. "That's right! You can call me Torrentpaw!" He meowed, taking a few excited paces up and down the river as he gazed brightly at the ginger and white tom.

"It's true!" He exclaimed further, taking a step into the shallow water to demonstrate. Though he quickly stopped himself, remembering Juniperstar's words at the sunningrocks. She didn't exactly want any cats that didn't resign in Thunderclan to be on their territory. But that didn't mean Sunpaw couldn't come over on his side, right? Besides, too many questions were flying through Torrentpaw's head to be this far away from the Thunderclan tom.

Eyes brightening at the idea, He took a step back, flicking the water from his large paw before setting it down on the shore once more.

"Do you know how to swim?" He asked, beckoning with his tail towards Riverclan's side of the water.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice




Sunpaw immediately liked them. Was taken by and charmed by the smiling, excitable presence standing on the opposite riverbank. They and their clan were the most exciting thing to happen in the young toms life in pretty much ever, the only other competing event being the splitting of the colony. And quite frankly? That memory sucked. The tension leading up to it, the chaos of the actual battle, the grief and confusion that had come after it.

He would be more than happy to bury the memories of that change beneath the more positive memories of a different one. And Riverclans arrival across the river was the perfect opportunity for that. The perfect chance to replace tension with anticipation, chaos with excitement, and loss with a new friendship.

"That's so cool!" he exclaimed, eyes shining bright with nothing short of admiration.

There was a brief moment when it seemed like they might demonstrate, and Sunpaw watched with open fascination as the other apprentice easily stepped into the water without so much as a flinch to insinuate they were uncomfortable there. Sunpaw couldn't help but lean forward just a bit, ears pricked forward in curiosity, but at the last minute they seemed to think better of it, calling out to Sunpaw instead.

"Do you know how to swim?"

"Not sure. I've never actually tried before." he admitted as his paws stepped forward into the shallows of the water. It's cold, was his first thought, and it feels weird, was his second as the chilly water slipped farther up his forlegs. "Is it hard?' he asked, sounding inclined to try as his eyes shifted to look at the gently flowing water that was separating them.

It didn't look very far. And if a whole patrol had gotten across-- including a cat his own age– then maybe Sunpaw could do it too?

thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrentpaw's whiskers twitched in admiration as Sunpaw stepped into the water without a hint of hesitation. He would without a doubt be a great swimmer.

Shaking his head quickly in response to his question, Torrentpaw parted his jaws to reply. "It isn't hard, as long as you don't freak out and trust your paws." He explained, though he didn't think the bicolor tabby would have any trouble.

Stepping hastily back into the water with a few splashes, Torrentpaw waded out into the river until he felt his paws leave the floor, relishing the cold that washed over him. As he paddled gently in place he shot Sunpaw a huge smile, lifting his chin and whiskers so they didn't dip into the water.

"C'mon!" He laughed, his body rising with emphasis as he bobbed along the river.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice



Emboldened by Torrentpaws encouragement and seeing the tom slip into the water fully, Sunpaw decided to take the leap– the dive? Whatever, he was going for it!

White paws carried him deeper into the water, amber eyes trained on the bobbing head of the other apprentice as they smiled back at him, making it look as easy as walking.

And… it kind of was.

As the cold water washed over his short, thick coat and his paws lifted from the pebble-lined bottom, Sunpaw began kicking a strong and steady beat with his paws in the water, and much to his surprise, didn't sink like a stone and immediately drown. Most of it was pure instinct, but it didn't help that he had proper incentive either.

"This feels so weird! Do you guys do this all the time?" he laughed as he paddled toward them, using his tail as a rudder to help him steer. Just the other day he'd been complaining about the rain soaking him to the bone and washing out their hunting patrol, but somehow this didn't bother him half as much.

"Hi." he chirped happily as he came to float in front of them with a grin, no longer separated by a river or boundary line.

thunderclan apprentice- male - 7 months - a sturdy ginger and white tabby with amber eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: ARSYNNE


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrentpaw watched with excited eyes as Sunpaw jumped into the water with confidence, a splash casting across the water. He quickly swam closer a few tail lengths, just in case the tom were to falter. Though Sunpaw seemed to have a knack for it, as he paddled with ease towards Torrentpaw, meeting him in the middle of the stream.

Torrentpaw let out friendly laugh as Sunpaw floated closer to him, their noses only inches apart. "You're a great swimmer!" He exclaimed, lifting a paw to splash the water lightly into his new friend.

After a few more laughs and splashes, Torrentpaw turned to paddle closer the the shore, just to where his paws could touch the floor. "Watch this," He meowed with a turn back towards Sunpaw, voice booming with excitement across the water. Taking in a huge breath of air, Torrentpaw dove back into the river, his tail disappearing from the surface as he completely submerged underneath the water.

Blinking open his eyes as he floated in place underwater, he looked up towards the surface, his friend's sillohete surrounded by the sun as it shown into the water. Kicking his hind legs, Torrentpaw propelled himself upward, coming up behind Sunpaw before bursting from the water, sending droplets of water spraying in all directions.

"Gotcha!" He exclaimed, roaring with laugher as he placed his paws onto Sunpaw's shoulders.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid

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