Spring was fast approaching.
The day was mild, pleasant by Shadowclans standards. While it had rained all night and left the world soggy and scattered with puddles and patches of mud, by midday the sky was blue and the sun was out. There was still a chill in the wind that ruffled his fur, and it was too cold out for the puddles of rainwater to not leave him wishing for warmer weather, but after the leafbare they'd just gone through he was happy for any signs of the newleaf to come.
Wolfpack– along with several of his clanmates– had just finished up their midday meals. Now, they lounged in camp together, taking a few moment to relax in the sunlight while it lasted. Stars knew they'd have a sky filled with stormclouds come late afternoon, and so the mottled tom was content to enjoy it while that lizard digested.
"Think this place will be any dryer come greenleaf?" he asked, tone more conversational than complaintive, more focused on lazily rolling the mossball he had trapped beneath his paw. After a moment of messing with it he rolled it off toward one of the other cats sitting in the group, intending to start the worlds laziest game of 'catch'.
OOC-- A nice casual thread of the grownups hanging out and messing with a mossball???

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars