Almost despite herself, Lichen offers herself only as a crutch to those that need it with eyes firmly planted on the sway of charcoal shoulders. She wouldn't let him out of her sight on this miserable expedition to some promised land of Pike's... wouldn't let her gaze wander from the smoky curls of Haze beside her... the familiar toddling steps of children that have shared her nest. Sun-warm fur, shades of moonlight, stark sweeping shadows. They are a painting of low-lights and early dawn... and with the coming light so does the distant silhouette of their future come into focus. a gnarled willow, a roundabout of a trickling brook, a generous lake for the sun to rest itself within at dusk.
At her side, the sickening sweetness of her mate wailing her protests pulls her vision, lips set into a half-sympathetic frown. "We'll be there soon, we can't fall behind Haze." Tender of foot, frail of heart... maybe that is what compliments her brittle sort of love. Her rigid edges and sharp stare. And it seems she is not just catering to her with loose promises, their paws all come to a stop, at one edge of the river. She'd be content to call it a night except for the demand their self-empowered leader makes to Smoke.
Chips of ice cut towards him, a selfish fear gripping at her belly. He couldn't just leave her to go on some stupid adventure. He had... he kittens for crying out loud. The realization that Cicada, Bee, and Cricket may be left for her and Haze to attend makes her stomach twist with discomfort. She was not their mother... and the pressure of needing to fill a space while their father was gone was daunting enough without the promise they'd actually both make it back in one piece. Haze doesn't seem half so bothered by this prospect, wondering if he'll just drown Pike before they get very far at all. And he doesn't seem bothered either.. which only makes the point's fur bristle with anxious frustration.
"We're really just doing this? Look, you know how Bee gets when she can't find Smoke- please, we'll never get her to stop screaming."
At her side, the sickening sweetness of her mate wailing her protests pulls her vision, lips set into a half-sympathetic frown. "We'll be there soon, we can't fall behind Haze." Tender of foot, frail of heart... maybe that is what compliments her brittle sort of love. Her rigid edges and sharp stare. And it seems she is not just catering to her with loose promises, their paws all come to a stop, at one edge of the river. She'd be content to call it a night except for the demand their self-empowered leader makes to Smoke.
Chips of ice cut towards him, a selfish fear gripping at her belly. He couldn't just leave her to go on some stupid adventure. He had... he kittens for crying out loud. The realization that Cicada, Bee, and Cricket may be left for her and Haze to attend makes her stomach twist with discomfort. She was not their mother... and the pressure of needing to fill a space while their father was gone was daunting enough without the promise they'd actually both make it back in one piece. Haze doesn't seem half so bothered by this prospect, wondering if he'll just drown Pike before they get very far at all. And he doesn't seem bothered either.. which only makes the point's fur bristle with anxious frustration.
"We're really just doing this? Look, you know how Bee gets when she can't find Smoke- please, we'll never get her to stop screaming."