
Almost despite herself, Lichen offers herself only as a crutch to those that need it with eyes firmly planted on the sway of charcoal shoulders. She wouldn't let him out of her sight on this miserable expedition to some promised land of Pike's... wouldn't let her gaze wander from the smoky curls of Haze beside her... the familiar toddling steps of children that have shared her nest. Sun-warm fur, shades of moonlight, stark sweeping shadows. They are a painting of low-lights and early dawn... and with the coming light so does the distant silhouette of their future come into focus. a gnarled willow, a roundabout of a trickling brook, a generous lake for the sun to rest itself within at dusk.

At her side, the sickening sweetness of her mate wailing her protests pulls her vision, lips set into a half-sympathetic frown. "We'll be there soon, we can't fall behind Haze." Tender of foot, frail of heart... maybe that is what compliments her brittle sort of love. Her rigid edges and sharp stare. And it seems she is not just catering to her with loose promises, their paws all come to a stop, at one edge of the river. She'd be content to call it a night except for the demand their self-empowered leader makes to Smoke.

Chips of ice cut towards him, a selfish fear gripping at her belly. He couldn't just leave her to go on some stupid adventure. He had... he kittens for crying out loud. The realization that Cicada, Bee, and Cricket may be left for her and Haze to attend makes her stomach twist with discomfort. She was not their mother... and the pressure of needing to fill a space while their father was gone was daunting enough without the promise they'd actually both make it back in one piece. Haze doesn't seem half so bothered by this prospect, wondering if he'll just drown Pike before they get very far at all. And he doesn't seem bothered either.. which only makes the point's fur bristle with anxious frustration.

"We're really just doing this? Look, you know how Bee gets when she can't find Smoke- please, we'll never get her to stop screaming."
⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain
Brook's tail twitched with suppressed frustration, her expression mirroring the simmering tension in the air. Adder's outburst caught her completely off guard. She blinked a few times, watching the usually composed tom lash out. It was rare to see him like this, so raw, so unfiltered. For a moment, she simply stared, unsure of what to say, before letting out a puff of breath. Pike was... well, Pike. He was a peculiar one, full of boundless energy, words tumbling out of him like an unstoppable tide. Rambles, stories, big ideas... He was a whirlwind of noise and motion. But beneath all that, Brook could see the truth: his heart was in the right place. He meant well, even if his ideas were... unconventional. Apparently, the sea lady believed in his tales. Brook? She wasn't so sure. Not yet.

" Okay. " she finally meowed, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. " There's... a lot to take in. " Her voice was calm, though the weight of everything pressed heavily against her. She thought about calling after Adder, to tell him that Peachy and Downy had already ensured there was plenty of fish, but she decided against it. Let him vent. He'd come back when he was ready. Brook turned her attention back to Pine as he began giving instructions. His voice carried urgency, directing Torrent and Squid to stay on land. Her tail flicked again, her hesitance bubbling to the surface. She couldn't just stand here. She needed to do something, to pull her weight.

Her gaze softened as she found Lilac, her paws guiding her toward her daughter. She nuzzled gently against her cheek, breathing in the familiar, comforting scent. " I'll go after Pine, okay, my darling? " she murmured, her voice warm and gentle despite the unease coiling in her chest. " I'll be back soon, with materials for shelters. We're going to make this place a proper home for you. "

Brook rasped her tongue over Lilac's ear, her heart aching with the weight of her next words. " Stay close to Torrent and Squid. Please don't leave the island. Promise me that. " Her gaze was steady, but a faint frown tugged at her features. She hated asking this of her daughter, hated leaving her side, but it had to be done. Reluctantly, she tore herself away, her paws feeling heavier with every step she took. She glanced back over her shoulder more than once, her heart warring with her mind. Every instinct screamed at her to turn around, to stay with Lilac, but she forced herself onward.

No. She had to help.

Snorting softly at her own indecision, Brook finally pushed forward, her focus narrowing on the path Pine had taken. She picked up her pace, slinking after him with quiet determination.

𓆝 . ° ✦
Lichen doesn't seem nearly as entertained by this as she found it to be, instead turning her focus onto what would be left in their paws. Not only Cicada, Bee and Cricket. They had Clay and Shimmer, too. "We won't be alone, Lichen." Warm greens switch to see Willow focused on her littermate. As if the pain she had loudly complained of disappeared, she hopped back onto all fours to close the distance between her and the taller black smoke. Her maw parted to make another light jest when Tugger piped up behind her.

A fiery spark of possession fell over her, and she side-eyed the tom. "That won't be necessary. Lichen and I are right here." Ugh, she should find the strength later to rattle Smoke into finally saying something to anyone. This odd in-the-dark about their very obvious courtship was getting old. "If it really is all phony nonsense, it doesn't change that we can't go back now..." Haze turned to see little @CICADA. first, and bumped her nose to his satellite-ear.

"Wanna get your friends and find a warm spot with me? I could probably get us a fish afterwards." There was nothing a little bribing couldn't help to win their favor, right?
° . . °
  • ooc:
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    HAZE— SHE/HER ・ 30 MOONS ・ SHIPYARD CAT ・ PENNED BY @gonkpilled!
    a smoky blue molly with warm green eyes. haze is a short and stout molly with a longhaired pelt that is beautifully kept. she is a highly skilled, agile swimmer and fisher with a surprising mischievous streak.
Amber's kitten-energy was all that was keeping her going. Her sore paws, supporting a wet, shivering body, still had a bounce in them when she came to a stop in the strangely soft earth. The trek had been long and hard, the swim... strangely easy, but made nerve-wracking when she saw how fearful Knot was. She raised her chin, happy to be still for a moment and just look around. Greenery, streams, reeds, no wooden platforms, no big ocean. It didn't smell like salt anymore. She dug her claws into the ground so seamlessly. Peachy's bright greeting fell on distracted ears, catching snatches of what she was saying- minnows, rocks, reeds, streams. When Pike's voice cut through, she startled and turned. He almost sounded like he didn't believe what he was saying, when he got into it. StarClan, RiverClan, ancestors, Pike being the leader, new names. She squinted and looked to Garnet and Knot, hoping for a cue on what to think of everything. Amber was a fine name on its own, she thought, but at least being an apprentice sounded cool. Not as cool as being a warrior, like her moms would be, but it was only a matter of time. "Amberpaw," She murmured, trying out her new name. "Scarabpaw," She snorted, bumped her shoulder into her sibling's.

While she was focusing on that, the adults started talking. Highstones, traveling, mostly, and then Pike told them more about RiverClan. Amber didn't understand why some dream-cats had decided the cats of the shipyard needed to inherit all their traditions, but "resourceful" sounded good. The food that Peachy had enthusiastically shown off looked good, too, so at least Pike had led them somewhere bountiful. After that, she tuned the conversation out, back to gawking at her surroundings.

JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons // Ex-Kittypet/Shipyard Cat // Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

On the journey over to their new home Jingle had insisted on carrying his niece across all bodies of water himself, despite her protests and insistence on that she could swim across on her own. He had promised his brother he would look after her with his life and he wasn't about to break that promise, especially not on the way to their new home no less! Whenever she really didn't want to be carried by the scruff of her neck though he instead let her climb up onto his back before paddling over. By the time they had arrived at what was their new home Jingle was still sopping wet but he had managed to get Twinkle here without so much as a drop on her, he'd smile proudly after setting her down for the final time now relieved knowing he had gotten her here safe!

Pike had pointed out how work on their new home had already begun with Peachy working hard on making them new dens which would assuredly would be done much quicker with more paws helping her out, Jingle knew he'd be joining in on assisting there so that the journeying cats could all rest quicker, but first Pike had much more to tell the group.

Jingle had begun washing his pelt as he listened, trying to rid his coat of some of the dampness though he made note of where the other tom had said the injured cats and kits should rest-- He wanted to check up on the injured again soon now that they had finished their long trek here and having a spot just for them to rest would make that a lot easier! What Pike said after though became quite... Curious. A little perplexing even. Jingle would tilt his head to the side slightly but enough to make his remaining three bells clink. Starclan? Riverclan? Warriors? Where had all of this come from? Had he appointed himself Leader or been chosen by something none of the cats really understood fully yet? They'd all apparently be getting new names as well, he'd look to his niece when it was mentioned that cats under the age of twelve moons would gain 'paw' as a suffix in their name, "That would make you Twinklepaw then, what do you think of that little one?" He wondered though what Pike would give him as a new name too, and what about Pike's own name? He mentioned it would be changing too after all.

Lastly it was said that Pike needed to go to a place called 'Highstones' and that he would pick a Deputy as well once he was back to help him lead this new clan. Jingle looked around to all the cats who were here currently and wondered who would be best for such a task, a few names came to mind but it wasn't his choice to make, he trusted though that Pike would choose wisely-- Hopefully! Understandably more then a few cats were confused about this news and had questions, what was a Riverclan? And what does it do? Some cats wanted proof before believing and others like Wave had heard stories, Pike did try and provide an answer as well but everything was still all so new and unfamiliar. Hopefully, once Pike returned from these Highstones he could explain in more detail! Smoke was picked to go alongside the tom and many agreed they ought to head off to Highstones as soon as possible so that they could return quicker and before it got too dark.

Jingle decided that until Pike and Smoke had returned there wasn't much use fussing over all the confusing news they had just been fed and so it was best he made himself useful while they waited. He'd gently bump his head against Twinkle's own in a playful manner to gain her attention. "Now might be a good time to get yourself some rest, or maybe you could meet some of the other uh... Apprentices!" Jingle would encourage as he ruffled the fur atop her head playfully with one paw, he knew he didn't need to tell her to remember to be nice like he would've needed to do for her brothers. "I'm going to go and help with the den building and check on anyone still hurting now that we're here, okay? If you need anything, you know how to find me" He'd chirp with a little shake of his head in order to make the bells jingle before he steadily raised to his paws and padded off in the direction he'd last seen Peachy.

OOC- Permission to carry @Twinkletuft given by her writer!
Finally! Just when it felt like Crescent's paws were going to fall off they had come to a stop. She had bumped against her littermate and his ma at least... well he lost count to be honest. But they were at this new home, the change of terrain was weird, the lack of deckyard boards underpaw was going to be an adjustment but he's pretty sure he could live with it pretty okay. Pike starts talking and while the initial shout of declaration, for attention, was alarming he soothes bristling fur. A fluffy tail twitches nervously as she tries her best to pay attention, he's talking a lot though... Which is okay but Crescent really wants to explore. He gestures to the hollow, kits will sleep there, which stirs a brief anxiety because does that mean that he would be separated from Wave and Adder? They always slept together at the ship yard... He frowns in dissapointment over the idea, thinking of how cold it would surely be. Overall his disappointment was solely on the hollow, Crescent held no thoughts over what the leader was saying. About StarClan, RiverClan, leaders, kits, apprentices, warriors... It all seem complicated but he was too busy staring at the hollow with contempt.

That is until Adder speaks up, what in the seashell he says, it's a funny phrase. One that the albino kit is determined to store into memory, while she lingers next to Wave he listens intently to his da's words. Less the words and more the tone, he was only so harsh when serious and whenever he's serious he must be right because that means someone's in trouble. He recalls a similar tone used for Rush as the shelter collapsed and clearly his littermate was in the wrong. So it's simple to someone so confused in such a new setting, Adder is right and Pike is wrong. Yeah! Who did put him in charge anyways. There's a flick of an ear and a subtle nod as she waits to see where the rest of his points go-

Only for him to cut himself off and leave. It further adds to the confusion in such stressful times, wavy fur feels irate from stress. "Why's da mad?" He asks in a hushed whisper to Wave, scrunching his face in confusion as to why everyone seems so tense when they don't have to sleep in the hollow. To his frustration it seems for once she doesn't have all the answers, as frustrating as it is he can't help but nod cautiously. Not wanting to upset her since it seems everyone seems to be getting upset "okay... come back soon?" It's spoken in a sigh, exhaling all the disappointment with him as he watches her leave.
Well I know you're afraid,
but if even just one of us has faith...

TWINKLE(TUFT), She/Her / 6 moons / Kittypet Riverclan Apprentice
Fluffy rosetted silver tabby molly with tweed white hairs and soft blue eyes
Daughter of ASTRO and NEBULA, Sibling to COMET(TAIL), & ECLIPSE(SHADE)
Whimsical and oddly wise beyond her years if not a bit silly, has dexterous paws that are good for making things, goofy and bluntly honest
Tagging [@]

While she would miss seeing her father, mother and brothers regularly, Twinkle understood the situation that her father had explained to her. While their own twolegs were nice and gentle beings, the same could not be said about the other ones that had been heckling them as of recent— Twinkle hoped that those downright nasty twolegs in particular stepped on those brick-y-buildy toys that their young liked to play with, like, heaps and heaps of times!! Hrrumph! That's what they get for messing with her family, those.. Those jerks! They were lucky she wouldn't need to be getting her paws on them!

Ultimately, her uncle Jingle and their journey to a new place, their new home would take precedence over mentally hissing insults and wishes of massive inconvenience on some twolegs. To be honest, the journey that her and Jingle took was fun! Twinkle waddled around whenever she got the chance to, and even complained about not being allowed to swim over some bodies of water. She liked water and swimming, unlike her brothers who had some silly 'reasons' or whatever for not liking water. It didn't matter in the end, more water for her!

Er... At least, when her uncle wasn't carrying her by the back of her neck or having her clinging to his back. One day soon she would be more than big enough to swim in these creeks and rivers! Maybe then she could find some nice trinkets for her uncle as a thank you!

The pair had arrived soon enough, and a whole bunch of cats were here! Was it like that big group of cats that they had been hearing whispers about? Some kind of colony? Twinkle wasn't sure, but she tried her best to listen to what was going on. Starclan? Twinkle really liked stars because they meant a lot to her parents. Riverclan? Well there were lots of rivers here. Warriors? Now that just sounded cool.

When asked about her name, Twinkle(paw) took a moment to think about it. "Doesn't bother me. It's kind of cool to think about your name getting bigger as you also do." Twinklepaw would be alright for now, so she didn't think about it any further, instead choosing to look up to her uncle. "But you can't not be Jingle, okay? That's the rules!! The second word can be anything, the first just has to be Jingle!" She pouted, not knowing that there was no point in worrying.

Twinklepaw had no idea what was so important about these stones that were high, how high up were they? Were they warm? Questions for later, she wasn't going there herself anyway. Jingle got her attention and made a solid suggestion. "Hummm. Maybe I'll make something? We didn't get to bring any any toys so what if I made some for everyone? Ooh, that would be nice~!" Twinklepaw bounced around on the spot for a bit thinking of some ideas until she checked around the area for stuff she could use to busy herself with her idea.

You can be certain that some day—
All of our dreams will come true!
Absurd is what all this is.

Bay had endured the weird state of things in an effort to get proper shelter and a place to hunt in; he had turned a blind eye to Pike's odd behavior, because if you squint, it is just the way he acts regularly. There is a sense of accomplishment and pride in knowing Bay had been part of the scouting patrol — this island is no news for him, and so his paws do not feel too grossed out by the otherwise unfamiliar terrain that they walk on.

There is always a breaking point, though. Now the group is not a bunch of strays who had wandered too far; no, they are a group with intent, and with the ability to claim a territory of their own. Clarity comes side-by-side with relief.

"I just don't get one thing,"
he announces, not particularly caring whether he cuts into anybody's conversation or claim. Bay once again fixes his gaze on Pike- seems like that's going to happen again and again from now on. Unassuming Pike... the most important cat in the crowd, apparently. He even manages to answer what RiverClan is supposed to be. He has it all figured out, doesn't he?

For once, he does not look at Pike with disdain on his face.
"You know, I can get used to following you around. It worked out just fine."
The Bay with no particular worry from a moon ago would scoff upon hearing those words. The point still stands though: the cat who nobody expected anything from has managed to scoop together the entire group and led them to somewhere safe, somewhere hopeful, somewhere with a future. That has to count for something.
"But why do we have to do what this StarClan says? It's not like we couldn't survive on our own... the shelter collapse wasn't our fault."