Cicada remains still as Serpent's words strike, a calculated silence that refuses to rise to the venom in her voice. Their gaze drifts briefly to the soft sprig of thyme nestled in their tail, their paw brushing over it in a rhythmic motion, as if drawing strength from its texture. They are unmoved, their steady demeanor a stark contrast to the heated frustration rolling off Serpent like waves against an unyielding shore. "You mistake me," they say, their tone unruffled, an even keel that neither confirms nor denies the barbs embedded in Serpent's questions. Their gaze lifts to meet her sharp eyes, holding them with the weight of someone accustomed to looking beyond what is plainly seen. "I speak not from experience, but observation." They do deign to answer her question after a moment of pause, however; "Consume burnet and ragweed. They will provide you with the strength you will require."
Cicada lets the stillness stretch between them, unbothered by the tension it creates. The faintest tilt of their head suggests consideration, not for Serpent's challenge, but for what must be said next. "You ask if I speak of someone else," they murmur, their voice quiet but deliberate, a stone skipping across the surface of a still pond. "Cherry will bear kittens in the coming weeks." No further explanation follows. Cicada lets the words rest where they fall, uninterested in elaboration or appeasing Serpent's unspoken demands. They do not indulge her honeyed accusations, choosing instead to redirect the conversation's current with a simple, unadorned truth. Their gaze shifts again, not past her this time, but to the horizon beyond, as though searching for the place where earth meets sky.
"Leafbare brings challenges," they continue after a moment, their tone thoughtful, a quiet reflection that barely brushes the edge of warmth. "Yet, life persists. It is the way of things." Their words are pragmatic, stripped of sentiment, but there is a faint undercurrent of something deeper—a reminder, perhaps, of resilience, of the quiet strength that endures even in the harshest seasons.