Private StarClan now you have to go ──✩°。⋆⸜ nine lives

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This thread takes place in StarClan.


don't tell me you're not the same person
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every fleet-footed step is a bid for safety, a hope for comfort bidden on a prayer for a better future. a future that does not wear berry-red blood across its face and scream her name like a wounded hound. the apparitions that dance like sentinels at the gates of this holy hall go unnoticed, cascades of crystalline failure blurring the encroaching darkness. her breath catches in her throat in echoed hiccups, fearfully stifled sobs while tufted ears listen for her would-be subdoers. would she die here too? searching for a ghost that had promised them something greater than this suffering?

"See you soon..."

the chocolate spotted she-cat hadn't realized the double entendre of her meaning- a reunion of star-dusted breaths either way. there is a glow of brilliant light in the distance soon, a gleam not unalike the edge of an ivory smile; a last simple act to steel her resolve and say goodbye. he must've known. the urge to look back is crushed by the fear of what she may find. the gouges that brand her love a murderer... the hungry stare of two who lumber after him like razor-sharp extensions of his will. stopping now would make this all meaningless.

the cavern widens and gracelessly she tumbles through the mouth to behold a stone formed of constellation glitter and the cold chill of antiquity. an impossible vision of heaven's kiss left on the earth, hidden just for them to find. the strength of her will flickers out the moment it's close, crumbling beside it with shaky paws and fluttering breath- the cold billows a greeting in wispy clouds and with only the memory of his intent, a roseate nose reaches to touch the stone-


an electric shock of cold trickles down her spine, unwelcome and startling. seafoam rushes to greet the new scene as it unfolds in the form of shifting grasses, a warm breeze... the distinct lack of hunger or pain. the expanse is so large she thinks it impossible... and as the sparkling forms of those that haunt this place click with recognition she finds one answer to one of a hundred questions.

it must be StarClan...

a safe refuge for all the souls of their lost... nothing to fight over now but how best to enjoy their eternal rest. a breathless whisper, "It's real..." all of it had seemed to extraordinary, bordering on fantasy... and with new confirmation Juniper didn't have the strength to remain a pessimist. so starved for gratification, for good news, she swallows it down like it is the first drink of water to be had in moons. it wasn't for nothing...

"You are here to do good things."

but doing them alone?


there is hardly a sound as a figure approaches, followed with purpose by many others. not alone... never alone again.

  • juniper
    deputy of thunderclan
    nine lives left to receive
  • if you can't post just put a placeholder and edit in after so people can do theirs as soon as they're able :)
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Like a shadow, the next cat stepped forward in one fluid motion. Leopard. She would forgive the other for possibly not recognizing her; the molly was no longer the skittish near skin-and-bones the colony had known during her time with them. The rosetted tabby stood with confidence, yellow eyes warm as she looked to Juniper with a- ironically- life in her eyes that had not been present in the moons they knew each other.

"...Thank you for taking myself and Seal in," She began with a purr, touching noses before pressing her nose to their forehead. "With this life, I give you compassion. Don't let what's happened tonight close your heart off to others, there is strength in it just as much as your claws and fangs..." There is more she wants to say. Thank yous, regrets, comforts, and requests- but this was not the time for it as much as she wished it so. There would be a time for it in the future, perhaps.

Her tongue rasps over the deputy's ear before Leopard takes a step back to regard Juniper, a soft smile of encouragement dancing on her lips before finally giving a small nod and stepping back to give space for the next cat to step forward and bestow their gift upon her.



  • Leopard
    — Colony Cat
    — She/Her
    — A dark grey rosetted tabby with yellow eyes
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Large paws make very little sound against the soft grass, though stir the stems with gentle rustling as Bracken emerges. He had been younger, when he was happiest; it shows in the weight that has lifted from sturdy shoulders, in the long-lost glimmer of mirth in his eyes as he regards his sister. The itch to continue exploring StarClan's territory makes his fur prickle, but a familiar solemnity stills him in place facing Juniper. Regret has not found him yet. It may, in time, but Bracken rests contentedly with the knowledge that he had told his loved ones a final goodbye.

"It's real." He affirms to her, as if the murmurs of his star-blessed Clanmates had gone unheard by him. In this moment it is only the two of them, a new understanding piercing Bracken's gaze, pupils slit for a heartbeat before he refocuses on Juniper. He has known her all of his life, and he would not leave her side in his entirety ...

"With this life, I give you diligence." The words surprise him, as if he had not been aware of the virtue he would bestow upon her. He presses his nose to the space between her ears, breathing in the scent of his kin and comforted by the fact that Juniper would be able to feel the contact. "You will know endless toil in this role, Juniper. Fray was devoted to the Colony day after day, and you must do the same for ThunderClan ... use this gift to embrace it."

He wants to tell her to look for me in the stars at night, to have Juniper pass on his reassurance to their kin, but she would have her own to worry about soon enough. The weight of a Clan, too, would soon rest atop her shoulders. Only a small sigh escapes him. His ears relax finally, drooping from the attentive prick he'd held them in for the entire conversation. With a nod that is much more reminiscent of his awkwardness later in life, Bracken steps back and allows the next cat to move forward.

  • 49389086_xwdUKmzuvc5OnTL.png

    BRACKEN ☼ penned by wren
    — he/they, colony cat starclan warrior
    — a broad, tufted blue-and-red tabby tom with white patches and amber eyes. often serious-looking, but kindly in demeanour.
    — mate to hazel ; father to magnolia, honeysuckle, hyacinth

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Phantom strides forward after Bracken, his steps just as silent as they had been in life. He offers Juniper a nod - an apology with no words, if she will take it. "Is it not beautiful? No suffering, no hunger." The tom speaks solemnly, his tail whisking behind him. In life, he had allied himself with Sable, and would have followed him to ShadowClan. But there were no territory and food disputes in StarClan.

"With this life," Phantom steps forward, his blue eyes meeting Juniper's before he dips his head to touch his nose to her forehead. "I give you fairness. Deal with your clanmates as you would your kin. Do not let favoritism cloud your judgement to others — your enemies included." With that, he steps away, ready to let the next cat approach. "Best of luck, Juniper." Comes in a murmur, barely audible to the she-cat as he joins Bracken and the others.
° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 75446796_46h4i3z56BeH8Xy.png

    A stygian pelted tom with ghost-like offwhite markings and striking blue eyes. Phantom is a smart and agile tom who uses his surroundings to his advantage.
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indent "Juuuniieee~" Milky calls out in her signature loose, sing-song tone. She wastes no time wrestling her way into Juniper's personal space. Despite appearing to be quite weak, she's able to put quite a lot of force behind her as she knocks her shoulder and hips into the other molly's. The air is filled with the cloying scent of catmint and silvervine, filling the lungs and clouding the senses.

indent "Don't feel so bummed out, Junie. It's over now, But it was all really nice while it lasted! It really was such a wonderful place." She turns to stand in front of Juniper, rubbing their cheeks together as she passes. "There's not much you coulda done, anyways. The gentle current of life is always going to keep flowing, and this is the place where it ended up. It's not the end, though." Milky leans forward, touching her nose against Juniper's, eyes fluttering shut. "I grant you a life of tranquility. Wherever the current brings you next, trust that it's leading you onto a soft, sandy shore at the end. Whatever happens, it's all part of the plan, okay?"

indent As she steps back, facing her former colonymate for what may be the last time, she smiles. "Take it easy! Enjoy the good life while you have it, okay? Don't go bringing the vibe down~"
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He is seventh to give another gift of a thorn to her crown, and he steps up as soon as Milky disappears. He observes the leader for a second, green eyes narrowed and watchful. There is a moment of silence shared, perhaps in understanding, perhaps in trying to recognize the other, but he launches in to his starry spiel with a heavy sigh.

"We weren't on the same side. I do not regret dying on the side that I did, and i'm sure you don't regret your side, either. However, something we have in common is undying loyalty, and that is the life that I give to you." loyalty to the colony, even if it divided them with claws; Peppermint moves to press his nose against hers. The life is a burning desire to protect what is hers, to protect her fellow cats, a kinship between cat and Clan. "Continue being loyal to what you believe in, your Clan." is it a warning? Peppermint himself does not know.

He died with zero regrets, and is revived with zero as well, a dead man now walking, standing in front of a star-touched leader. A man of zero words in life, and that only carries on in death. He does not waste his breath with words of advice or words of wisdom or even wishes of luck, and instead Peppermint only huffs, spiky neck fur bristling as he stretches his head to the right, and then to the left. Finally, he steps backwards to leave room for the next gift giver to appear, disappearing within the Stars to observe.
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If anything has brought comfort since Straw's last moments, it was to find Hawthorne in his new form, beautiful and luminous and intangible. Crowning the fact, as he walks this other-world, are more figures; past companions, also stardust-specked, bound together and in unspoken, omnipotent unity. Here, there are no earthly quarrels to divide them. No words harsh-spitten over famine, over mismanagement, nor promises of spilled blood in exchange for better odds—just togetherness. This, for what he felt before passing, does suffice for absolution.

It is a peace of the purest sort, and his purpose is to let that peace ripple outwards onto Juniper. In a pre-ordained sequence, his companions' voices spill out into the vacuum. Each takes their turn to lend to her their gifts: a virtue which best exemplifies the leader she must be, and a life to empower her. When Peppermint leans to touch noses with the earth-toned leader-to-be, the tom knows that he's soon to follow.

With the space before Juniper now cleared, Straw hobbles into place. "Heeeeyyyyyy Juniper," a friendly, familiar drawl breezes from him. "Look at you, eh? Big up-and-comer, and there's so much more ahead of you. But we're all behind you. We're all rooting for you." Honey pools glint with the essence of the stars that shimmer on him, an amiable look as warm as the hug of sunlight.

Flashing her a smile, he lessens the space between them, and until his forehead is brought level to hers. "I give you..." he meows softly, withdrawing to look at her face to face, "...a life of camaraderie. Let your community gather around you, listen to their worries, share their hopes, and rejoice in their triumphs." The air grows still, his tail swishing quietly behind him, the only sign of motion. "Your bond with them will be stronger than any fighting force. Lean on them and let them lean on you, and you will not break."

At last, Straw touches noses with her. And, as a silvery stream of light trails from his muzzle to hers, a tangible feeling of friendship comes with it. She will understand what he means at an intrinsic level, feel the pull of togetherness. Turning to trot away, the fluffy tom casts her a final, fond gaze over the shoulder. "And, hey, I reckon you'll do a fantastic job. Good luck out there."

(penned by willie)
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He had been gone from her side only a fleeting second but it felt like countless moons had waned and waxed inbetween then and now. It takes every ounce of will in his body not to rush forward and curl around his friend, bury his face in her neck and apologize for leaving her as he had, for putting this weight upon her shoulders, but he had waited patiently as instructed, watching his fellow colony mates who had not made it to their new home step forward to greet her in turn as though compelled; they all knew what to do through some ethereal instinct. When finally he is allowed to approach his paws are heavy suddenly, yet he forces the smile back upon his maw to reach her, a mere pawstep away.
"I greet you now with the name I would have been given had fate allowed it, Thornstar..." For his tenacity, the briars of his claws that would stick and claw defiantly to the end; hanging tightly to his beliefs without faltering. He rather liked it actually.

"Juniper, Junebug, my Juney you..." His throat tightens, there is fear in his gaze even as he struggles to fight it down; he had faced Sable's claws with naive bravery but this was another matter entirely, "You're pregnant...they will be born in a world divided, they will be split in two with a bolt of thunder and swept away in shadows. You must not falter, heavy of the heart and belly as they may make you, you must be strong." His brown spotted nose brushes her forehead, he can not help the tears now, worry for his clanmates, for his clan, for his mate giving birth as they stand here in starry fields, the prickling of new life attuned to his now otherworldly sense of awareness, but he worries most for Juniper for the burden she now carried upon her in a most literal sense; there is no doubt in his mind that Sable will not allow his kits to be raised without him and he can not begin to guess what the wretch might do. At worst he will take them all, at best and yet still worse he will be allowed to see them; plaguing ThunderClan with his presence still. Thornstar takes a deep breath, "With this life I give you decisiveness, you must make the decisions that are best for the clan, for those under your protection, you maybe have to rip your own heart out to do so, you may have to make choices you can not live with but must. I am sorry, I'm so sorry..." Thornstar's maw parts as if to speak more but a warm brush of fur across his flank stops him and he glances back to Coffeestar suddenly present at his side.

As much as he wants, he must stop from saying more - the stars had meddled once heavily and caused destruction so he too must bite his tongue and do what is best even if it is letting them flounder alone. "The stars greet you with your new name, Juniperstar! You carry us with you until you return to us, the stars follow your every pawstep and so too shall I. You will return to the clan and gather them, you will need to name a deputy, you will need to grant them each a name similar to yours-a second piece to impart on them a meaning in your heart. A title befitting the warriors they now are. The young under twelve moons will be known as apprentices, their path uncertain and so they will carry a 'paw' in their name until they find their place. The young under six" His kits, he blinks back tears, recalling how he wondered if the stars might impart a unique way of naming them to him - his wish was granted in a way, they will be the first..."Kittens will carry 'kit' within their name, until they are old enough to stand on their own paws and train beneath a warrior for guidance. Pair them together, in unity our children will grow and learn from those older and wiser. The oldest and wisest of us will be Elders, cared for in their old age, given the grace to die quietly and at peace in their sleep..." Like his father should have been granted. Thornstar closes his eyes, imagines a world where he was able to stand as the leader he was destined to be, to perhaps mentor one of his own kittens and see them become a warrior. A world where he could grow old and die without burdening the clan and causing tension by his slow passing.
"The stars will deliver you a medicine cat, a cat to speak to us and keep the clan healthy with their knowledge of herbs and need only wait." A thousand farewells lay on his tongue, sharp and bitter but he finds he can not bring himself to speak much more with his throat tightly overwhelmed in emotion so instead he smiles as he did seconds before teeth sunk into his neck.

"See you soon."