Shipyard our minds made up // intro

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


me enseñaste la luz
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The waters surface broke and glimmering scales revealed themselves in the waning sunlight, followed by resounding sighs of defeat.

"Heh, don't be sore losers. C'mon, fishbones and scales, hand'em over." Haze motioned with a gentle sway of her paw at her unfortunate opponents. Haze did seem to have a lucky run this day, and after flushing a few cats of their precious goodies, she wouldn't push her luck any further.

Maybe in her winning pot she would find something special for Lichen to gift her when she returned from her fishing route. Then she could say they both spent their day working! "Oh, where'd you find this one Smoke? Were you saving it for someone special?" The molly teased as she held up a translucent purple shades scale. Her favorite color, so it was meant to be hers!
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  • ooc:@Russetfall @Smoke feel free to include ur cat in the game! they were gambling on fish breaches, dont ask me how it works
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    HAZE— SHE/HER ・ 28 MOONS ・ SHIPYARD CAT ・ PENNED BY @gonkpilled!
    description goes here. here too.
𓆝 . ° ✦
Bubble hears the chatter from the casual gambling match before she sees it, and as she always tends to do she makes her way towards the sounds of people. She pauses for a moment, looking over them and their wagers. Though she can't really make out what exactly they're doing or talking about. She recognizes Smoke- a very distant acquaintance at best- but she isn't sure who the hazy colored or red colored cats are. Curiosity gets the better of Bubble, and she finds her paws moving closer before she can think better of it.

She shuffles nearby, trying to make noise so she doesn't startle the group, though they look lax enough to not be too startled anyway. "Are you playing... Some sort of game...?" Bubble asks Haze, but she feels stupid as the question leaves her mouth. The answer is obvious, and she kicks herself for it. Shouldn't she be asking what the game is? Or perhaps how it works or if she can spectate? "Or- I mean-"" Bubble stutters stupidly, trying to make up for her self-ascribed blunder "What sort of game is it?" And then, as she remembers herself: "Oh and, I'm Bubble, by the way." The silver molly finishes her introduction with a slight bounce and a sweet smile.

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  • ooc:
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    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.
A groan leaves his maw as he covers his eyes with his paws. He was NOT happy with this outcome whatsoever, as he was extremely particular with his fishbones and scales. If anyone loved fish the most, then he would be the first cat those within the shipyard would think of. Or... At least he would be in the top ten list of cats who adored fish. Although, perhaps he came off as obsessed and a bit of a hoarder. The amount of fishbones and scales he kept was more than absurd.

Gluttony was his downfall. If he was not satisfied with his collection, then he wouldn't have joined in. However, the allure of winning fish breaches was too much for him to pass the chance. Oh, how foolish he was. To think that he would win so easily. Some would say it wasn't that serious as his collection still had an absurd amount left over, but it still stung to give up some of his prized bones and scales. At the sound of something nice, he can't help but lower his paws in curiosity. Envy pools in his gut as green looks upon a lovely purple scale. That would have been so nice to have...

With a heavy heart he hesitantly parts with his carefully maintained fishbone, with the head of the fish and tail in tact as well as a few shiny silver scales. Please... Take care of them. His attention is drawn away from his once prized possessions by a small voice. He can't say he knows this cat very well, but they seem friendly enough. Judging from her inquiry, it's safe to assume they are young. Those who gamble are usually on the older side.
"Well... Yes? It's a game? Where things are at stake. We're gambling."
I'm not really sure that answered her question. Does she know what that is? Has anyone told her about gambling?

As if remembering something the tom awkwardly raises his paws and waves to Bubble.
"Oh, uhm! My name's Pike! Nice to meet you."
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"Mouse dung!" Russet spat, fluffy tail thumping against the sand in annoyance. Despite her protests to the contrary, she was definitely a sore loser and it aggravated her more than the actual loss that it showed. With a huff she pushed her goodies toward the other before looking away.

Soft steps alerted her to a possible new player in their game and she looked up with a frown seeing one of the younger cats waltz up.

"Yeah, we're gambling." The molly answered with a sigh. "It's a bad habit, don't get into it or you might end up like Pike here who just lost like half his scales."

Green eyes drifted to Pike beside her as the tom introduced himself and she realized she hadn't yet done the same to the newcomer to their little game.

"Russet. That's Smoke and Haze." She gestured to the other two with a lazy wave of her tail.


  • Russet
    — Future Riverclanner
    — She/Her
    — A Green-eyed Chocolate Mackerel Tabby With Low White


The wait for the company of shore-splashed legs is not longed for in terribly drawn out hours... though the sea feels angry and over-tired from how many mouths it struggles to feed, Lichen had found enough success to ensure that her little clutch of family members would not starve. The flounder she'd dragged up from the docks was impressive... but that lucky catch had resulted in the soaked, dripping coat that marks her approach. The water was freezing and she looks two steps from being a large, drowned rat. Haze relishing in her great success while the lynx point stews in how hard fought hers was, abandoning the large piscine gift somewhere between two-toned fur that relinquishing his prizes and the smoking molly that steals them into her grasp.

The moment her teeth are free, they clatter against each other with a shivering, "If y-y-y-you were half as g-g-g-good at fishing I wouldn't be f-f-f-freezing right now," she chides the silver molly, ignorant to the conversation of introduction and gambling that is being offered to a young blue cat.

She sits with a sharp huff, setting about the busy task of grooming her fur to try and better dry it before it could turn to ice.
() "you're all fools," the sing-song voice echoes from a few fox lengths away, where willow lays curled in the meager sun, passing a paw over her tall ears. "a smart cat knows to never gamble against haze." whiskers twitch, a soft yawn escaping the feline's jaws. green eyes find the familiar form of bubble, a recognizable cat from a few days ago. "bubble, darling, don't get sucked in. sweet haze over there is a trickster at heart." a wink is sent the fog hued molly's way.

with a yawn, willow turns onto her back, stretching out as her dark fur gleams in the rare sunlight. emerald eyes flick about, making contact with each small body of her little charges. duck and goose wrestle together, and smoke's buglings are finally napping, curled in a fish net and moss nest beside her. she hopes they'll stay that way, but with lichen's arrival back to the docks, willow's positive the kittens will be up and batting at their father's friend in no time. "lichen, dear, you're dripping everywhere," the smoke tabby calls out to her friend, brow furrowing. "almost as if the fish tried to catch you!" whiskers twitch, and the molly flips back onto her stomach, curling her tail around herself.

  • // looking after @duck @GOOSE @BEE @CICADA. and @CRICKET " #979c88"
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    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.
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Her tail thudded excitedly as the goods rolled in after Smoke's. Pike had a far more reputable brand for his selection, given his meticulous scouring, and she was so kind as to have shoved back to him whatever didn't interest her. She had no need for a million bone fragments anyhow, she had much nicer bedding to rest on. "I'm a humble winner, . I just want this one." She slid a perfectly intact spine and ribcage, spindly fragments prodding at her pad as she carefully collected it.

A new face of the shipyard appeared and she greeted Bubble's curiosity with a flashy smile. "Yeah, we just call it fish breaches! But you bet on how many you'll see, and the winner take the betting pool." She looked to Russet as the molly introduced them to the newcomer, nodding her head. "What brings you by the shipyard, Bubble? Trying to win something you like?" Haze's eyes dart to Willow's warning, an innocent laugh joined with a dismissive wave of her paw. No matter, she wasn't a greedy gambler. Between Smoke's flashy scale, Pike's fish skeleton and Russet's modest pile of assorted clam shells, she was satisfied to walk away.

A soft gasp burst from her maw as a flounder was unceremoniously dropped beside her, and her gaze lifted from the fish to see her mate's sour expression. "You're back!" Haze squealed and shoved her muzzle against the pointed molly's chest, unbothered by her cold exterior. "I've been busy working too, you know! Look, we're gonna warm you up with these goodies I just got. Smoke should lick all that water off your poor little pelt while I show you everything." A pointed look is made towards the tom with another devious smile. "Willow's not too far off, I think. You look like you wrestled with a shark."
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