Territory ThunderClan paws on the edge / ashmoon

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


straighten up, little soldier
Played by

Ravensmoke moved out of camp with purpose, his eyes scanning for a cat to join him on the task ahead. It wasn't long before he spotted Ashmoon, the newly named warrior. A shadow of a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth, though it felt somewhat foreign. This version of Ravensmoke, the one with a sharper edge, the one who could laugh at a challenge... He wasn't sure if he was still that cat. But he was trying, and maybe that would be enough.

His voice cut through the still air, filled with a drawl. " You know what they say: leave your mark, and leave it loud. " He let the words hang in the air, eyes gleaming with mischief as he cast a glance at her. " Let 'em know they better not mess with this part of the territory. "

His tail flicked playfully as he stepped closer, eyes narrowing slightly. " You wanna come with? I've got a good spot in the west to set up a border. Think it's time we made our claim. " He motioned toward the horizon with a flick of his tail, one brow raised, challenging, inviting.

" It'll be a good ways out, but we can scout for fresh kill too. Maybe get a little something for the pile. A long walk, but nothing we can't handle. " He offered with a hint of excitement, ready to set out. Even if the snow had fallen, Ravensmoke felt a thrill at the thought of marking new territory, staking their claim as one unit, one whole.

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."


C'mon and leave your mark - Vandalize my heart!


indent Ashmoon's gaze slides to meet Ravensmoke's, from underneath their long fur. The tomcat seemed to be in an unusually good mood. Most cats these days seemed all doom and gloom, but Ravensmoke had a spark about him, today. That was just fine, in Ashmoon's mind. At least someone was happy.

indent Ashmoon couldn't say she felt the same herself. Her mind was constantly drawn back to the fight with Vampire. They had always argued and disagreed with one another. Vampy treated it like a game, a form of verbal sparring. Ashmoon, on their own part, did little to dissuade him, and let themself get riled up by her mates cheap jabs and annoying comments more often than not. The little spars would more often than not turn into a full on shouting match - but the disagreement had never lasted long. In the past, no matter how twisted up they got, they would always return to sleep in their shared nest come nightfall. 'But that nest is probably long destroyed by now. There's nowhere for me to return to.' Blood had been spilled in that camp, and her and Vampires tumultuous relationship had finally come to an end. 'It really is over, isn't it. It feels strange.

indent Maybe some time around Ravensmoke would do her some good. If she was lucky, his good mood would rub off in her. They weren't Werewolf anymore, but Ashmoon, warrior of the old forest. Her new name could also spell out a new life for her, as it had for Ravensmoke. The thought bolsters her, just a little bit.
"Alright." They grunt, stone faced, with a curt nod of their head. Ashmoon wasn't very familiar with this new territory, but Ravensmoke clearly had an idea of where he was going. Following him around would be easier than wandering aimlessly.

Ashmoon | 30 moons | Warrior of Thunderclanysdfgjuoiuyufgduuhgjyfg


Ravensmoke tilted his head slightly, his amber eyes narrowing as he regarded Ashmoon's grunted "alright." It was funny... Or perhaps not funny at all... How many of their clanmates carried heavy heads these days. Ashmoon wasn't an exception, nor was he.

Ravensmoke's thoughts swirled, tangled and knotted as he fought to climb out of the darkness that had ensnared him since... the murder. A chill crawled along his spine at the thought, and he gave himself a quick, sharp shake, fluffing up his fur against the invisible weight. He couldn't afford to linger on the past, no matter how much it clawed at his mind.

Focus on the now. That was better. That was necessary.

He stole another glance at Ashmoon, his eyes catching the other cat's figure before he dropped his gaze and padded forward, his head low and his tail flicking absently. " Good. " he said, his voice steady despite the storm inside him. " We can check for prey along the way. " His ear twitched as he paused for a heartbeat, then he continued. " Far west, there's a river with some rocks. I think it's the perfect spot to put a claim on. "

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."