Pep Talks// Magpiepaw

Sagesong's iconSagesong

Learn To Play Our Part
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⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Sagesong wanted nothing more than to take a walk to clear their head after that whirlwind of a meeting, but that could wait. Their new (and first! Oh Starclan, don't let her mess this up…) apprentice leaving in the middle of the meeting had not gone unnoticed by her. Near silent pawsteps traced their way to the apprentice's den, mismatched eyes scanning the nests to find their target practically curled in on themself in a nest in the farthest corner. Another few steps was all it took for the warrior to stand beside her apprentice before slowly tucking her limbs underneath her to sit beside them.

"Magpiepaw, look at me," Sagesong's tone was even as they waited for the apprentice to do as asked, expression soft. "Everything will be ok, you'll see."

Sagesong suspected a large part of this reaction boiled down to Magpiepaw's mother being a daylight warrior. She could very well choose not to go on the journey Skyclan was about to take, leaving their kit essentially on their own, in a way. A step all children had to take eventually, but it was not normally to this kind of extreme. They couldn't keep the brief frown from crossing their lips.

"All of Skyclan is here for you, it's not like you'll be going alone. If you're ever uncertain, just ask me and I'll do what I can to help you, ok?"

They hoped they were coming across as encouraging to the young cat, it seemed they needed all the encouragement Sagesong could give...

  • Sagesong
    — Skyclan Warrior
    — They/She
    — Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

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Magpiepaw curled up tightly in their nest in the apprentices den. They wanted to forget everything they had just heard at the meeting. They already knew without asking that Birdwing would choose their twolegs over the journey, as her twolegs always meant a lot to her. The idea hurt more and more as it sunk into Magpiepaw's head deeper and deeper. They had just become an apprentice, their clan was about to set out on a perilous journey to a new territory, and their own mother wouldn't join them on this adventure. Their own mother wouldn't get to see them become a warrior eventually. Pain struck at Magpiepaw's heart as they started crying.

Warm tears bunched up around their eyes as they heard soft paw steps outside the den drawing ever closer. Their ears twitched as they heard the voice of Sagesong, their mentor, asking them to look at her. Trying their best to wipe away tears with their paws then then looks up struggling to hold back more tears. They listened to Sagesong as the older warrior told them that everything would be okay and that they wouldn't be alone. "Are you sure..?" Magpiepaw responded weakly. "What if things don't turn out fine. What if everyone leaves me like Birdwing. What if.
. what if..."
They trailed off as they started crying even more this time.
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⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Mismatched eyes watched carefully as Magpiepaw finally looked up at them, a faint huff of concern leaving their maw before dragging her tongue over the apprentice's ear. They had never considered that this journey might be scary for some of the younger cats in the clan, and possible even some of the older ones as well; truthfully Sagesong was more used to wandering wherever their paws took them instead of staying in one place.

"I'm absolutely positive," They finally murmured after a moment, letting the statement sink in. "No one is going to leave you behind."

A glance was cast outside the den, staring at the ravine wall though her thoughts were on the twolegplace beyond it where Skyclan's daylight warriors slept. How many would join them at dawn? And how many more would stay behind? Birdwing was obviously staying, and Maiseyleg had not returned since the last battle with the rats where she'd been injured... Fujimoto had been surprised with the decision to leave and so it seemed unlikely that the anxious daylighter would be here come dawn... They shook the thought from their head. Now was not the time to be thinking about it. "...Even if things don't go as smoothly as we hope, Hawkstar will lead us all through it. Have a little faith, hm? And if you're still unsure, stay close to me and I'll protect you on the way."

Even so, they couldn't help but wonder how hard this journey they were about to go on would be for the majority of Skyclan.

  • Sagesong
    ✿— Skyclan Warrior
    ✿— They/She
    ✿— Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.