It was the near silent, cold nights like this that Leopard could almost swear she felt his pelt brushing against hers. A cold comfort when reality once more came crashing down to remind her that her mate had been dead for moons now. A tightness in her chest that never seemed to fade, only intensify with every moon. A quick glance was given to check that Seal was asleep before she rose to her feet to silently pad out of the den she had carved out from the roots of a tree on the edge of the colony's camp.
Thin fur fluffed up against the autumn chill as golden eyes took in the camp, even with most cats sleeping or out hunting the tension was palpable. One might be able to take a claw and slice through it like a leaf. For a blessing, she mused, none of the kits seemed very aware of how unstable they all were. Teetering on the edge with no bottom in sight.
"Petrichor," It was a faint murmur meant for no one's ears but her own. "Would we be struggling this much if you were here…?"
Had this been the right thing to do at all?
There would be no answer from the tom, of course. There never was anymore. With a sigh she shook herself once more against the cold before turning away from the camp. She needed to hunt, her daughter needed to be fed. Her own hunger gnawing at her empty belly no longer mattered. But she was so tired… Hunting became harder with each night that passed. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd find something larger than a mouse tonight.
Thin fur fluffed up against the autumn chill as golden eyes took in the camp, even with most cats sleeping or out hunting the tension was palpable. One might be able to take a claw and slice through it like a leaf. For a blessing, she mused, none of the kits seemed very aware of how unstable they all were. Teetering on the edge with no bottom in sight.
"Petrichor," It was a faint murmur meant for no one's ears but her own. "Would we be struggling this much if you were here…?"
Had this been the right thing to do at all?
There would be no answer from the tom, of course. There never was anymore. With a sigh she shook herself once more against the cold before turning away from the camp. She needed to hunt, her daughter needed to be fed. Her own hunger gnawing at her empty belly no longer mattered. But she was so tired… Hunting became harder with each night that passed. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd find something larger than a mouse tonight.
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