⌋honeymoon is a thunderclan warrior, staying behind with name's colony with her family. she identifies as female and use she and her pronouns. she is currently single with no prospects.
honeymoon is a red tabby with white and yellow eyes.
honeymoon was born to her kittypet dam ladybird, and an unknown sire. she is maternal [cousin/niece. undecided] to roosterstrut and was (mostly) raised by him. honeymoon is 18 moons old and ages every 8th.
honeymoon has a reputation in thunderclan for her loud mouth and lack of filter, known to stir trouble with her tongue. honeymoon handles herself well in a fight, enough to protect herself from her own runaway comments - granted, she will need to be pulled away from a scuffle as she's too stubborn to de-escalate. honeymoon's greatest weakness is her inexperienced climbing, often ending up stuck in trees chasing after squirrels.
honeymoon is written by @izanami. please dm me on discord (@nullmoons) or message my channel (nami's noodles) for plots and threads :)
honeymoon is a red tabby with white and yellow eyes.
honeymoon was born to her kittypet dam ladybird, and an unknown sire. she is maternal [cousin/niece. undecided] to roosterstrut and was (mostly) raised by him. honeymoon is 18 moons old and ages every 8th.
honeymoon has a reputation in thunderclan for her loud mouth and lack of filter, known to stir trouble with her tongue. honeymoon handles herself well in a fight, enough to protect herself from her own runaway comments - granted, she will need to be pulled away from a scuffle as she's too stubborn to de-escalate. honeymoon's greatest weakness is her inexperienced climbing, often ending up stuck in trees chasing after squirrels.
honeymoon is written by @izanami. please dm me on discord (@nullmoons) or message my channel (nami's noodles) for plots and threads :)

honeymoon is a petite copper-red tabby with sundrop eyes and a crescent of white across her muzzle. her toyhouse can be found here.
honeymoon is the sunset glow incarnate. she is radiant in the right light, undertones of sunset yellow blanketed by thick bands of fossilized amber that spiral down her backside and limbs. the mane of fur around her neck is a softer shade of wheat. white splotches, often a dusty color due to her lack of regular grooming, tip her tail and form an asymmetric crescent moon across her muzzle and down her chin. dark red tops the tips of her ears in thin tufts like little flames. her eyes match her firetone hair, bright amber eyes that flash a darker copper in the shadows. her fur is thick and unkempt - while honeymoon is mindful to avoid mats and anything large stuck in her fur, seeing her with tussled hair and assorted small sticks and leaves stuck in her draping fur is common.
honeymoon is the sunset glow incarnate. she is radiant in the right light, undertones of sunset yellow blanketed by thick bands of fossilized amber that spiral down her backside and limbs. the mane of fur around her neck is a softer shade of wheat. white splotches, often a dusty color due to her lack of regular grooming, tip her tail and form an asymmetric crescent moon across her muzzle and down her chin. dark red tops the tips of her ears in thin tufts like little flames. her eyes match her firetone hair, bright amber eyes that flash a darker copper in the shadows. her fur is thick and unkempt - while honeymoon is mindful to avoid mats and anything large stuck in her fur, seeing her with tussled hair and assorted small sticks and leaves stuck in her draping fur is common.
+ straightforward, curious, boisterous
/ bold, unusual, talkative, confident
- bratty, jealous, impulsive, rude
honeymoon is an odd girl who sticks her nose in business it really doesn't belong in with a beaming smile. honeymoon has dubious morals at best, often making decisions she thinks are the best without any kind of input with little regard for rules. honeymoon doesn't have much a mind for avoiding trouble, and struggles to apologize for her own blatant wrongdoings. her ego can sometimes blind her, and while honeymoon isn't one to seek out an excuse to brag, she will always try to take the opportunity to show off her eccentricities as an infallible skill. she is dramatic at the best of times, but honeymoon has a heart as gold as her pelt beneath all her childlike behavior. she forms deep friendships with other "oddballs" and "outcasts" and is fiercely protective of her inner circle./ bold, unusual, talkative, confident
- bratty, jealous, impulsive, rude
generation one. no known siblings.
single. no known children.
bisexual polyamorous.
single. no known children.
bisexual polyamorous.
if you're capable of looking through her eccentricities, honeymoon is rather easy to befriend. she can come off as very self-entitled (she is) and airheaded (she is), but with enough patience honeymoon will gravitate toward whoever decides to stick around. she can get a little snarky at times, and is slow to apologize, but she understands wrongdoings and if she cares for you, goes greatly out of her way to avoid a repeat mistake. she is a friend that is loyal to a fault, following her heart into deep trouble regardless the cost if it means maintaining her friendships.currently mentoring/mentored by: CHARACTER
admires – tbafriends with – tba
likes – tba
dislikes – tba
fearful of – tba
visual calculus
visual calculus
inland empire
esprit de corps
pain threshold
physical instrument
half light
pain threshold
physical instrument
half light
hand/eye coordination
reaction speed
savoir faire
thread title — development⬤
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — interaction
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — etc
a description or impact of this thread here
thread title — desc.
a description or impact of this thread here
full history here later!!! honeymoon was born to a kittypet, cloudtail arc where honey was handed off to rooster at a young age to be raised in the wild, honey was really entitled and bratty and evil about it and is (still) learning to be better but she loves roo and doesn't want to disappoint him above anything
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