Open Territory rainbow road [hunting problems/turtle]

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.



For all the places he'd been in his young life, Wolf was not experienced with marshlands such as these. Shadowclans new territory was just as much a learning experience for the mottled tomcat as it was for anyone else who'd settled there, and he was finding there was plenty to learn.

He'd been out hunting that afternoon when he'd taken pause at the edge of a small pond. The new territory didn't really get snow or ice, dropping to a cold but tolerable temperature each night before kicking back up something almost borderline warm during the days. While the air maintained a near chilly breeze, the sun had managed to find its way out today, which Wolf was hoping translated to the prey as well. Which was how he found it– the not-rock with legs. Almost embarrassingly he'd walked right by it to stand near the murky water only for a large, smooth stone to suddenly sprout a set of legs, beelining for the edge.

It was instinct more than skill or preparation that ultimately had him pouncing on top of it. As soon as his body crashed down on top of it the legs and head retracted, leaving a baffled Wolf standing atop it. The creature– because he was certain it was a living thing– seemed to be inside the oddly patterned rock, and when he gave it a careful sniff he noted it had the same odd smells as the other prey that'd been fished from the waters here.

"How the hell do I get you out?" he growled to himself as he leaned down to try gnawing on the edge of the shell. "Grounds not even hard enough to drop it from a tree." he huffed, trying to flip the thing over so he could see if the stomach was any weaker. The shell was definitely bite-throughable, but it was going to take a lot of work and he wasn't sure what kind of payout he'd get.

And then, to make matters worse, the fucking thing stuck it's head out and tried to take a piece of his ear, which only his reflexes managed to save.

OOC- Mans found a huge turtle while out hunting. Not a snapper, probably around a 12 inch painted turtle (I searched pocasin turtles and that's one of the bigger ones it gave me).

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars