Open ShadowClan REHOMING RAT - Moth+Murky sibling


daaaaamn aniimal
This user plays a HP.


In a place far past the moonstone once known by the clans lived a traveling group of loners - not a true colony in any sense, but instead a nomadic group of cas who all had their own beliefs, values, and idea of 'rules', but worked together to survive in a land far harsher then the forest territories. Unfortunately for one such family, as a she-cat found herself pregnant with kits from an unknown tom, misfortune seemed to dog every paw step they took. Storms, predators, famine, illness - by the time the litter was born, the idea seemed near unanimous amongst the travelers - surely, the litter must be cursed, for so many tragedies to have occurred after their conception. With misfortune only continuing as moons passed, it isn't long until they are left behind in the dead of night - the fact they are fully weaned and able to eat prey the only kindness their mother spares them before their abandonment. Left to fend for themselves, they eventually make their way to the birthplace of the clans, settling amidst strangers right before the impending conflict.

I'm finally getting around to it! It's time to find a new home for RAT!!

Rat is a character originally penned by @Kitty-Kat- , with a bio you can find here and a sibling adopt thread that you can find here. Since she decided to abandon the character, and gave me permission to rehome her if I wanted. So that's what I'm doing! Rat has two established siblings- Mothbite, penned by myself, and Murkyfang, penned by @ixora

feel free to change what you want to about her, but please state those changes in the adoption application, or let me/Ixora know later, if it effects our characters in any way.

  • As written, Rat is a grey oriental mix with heavy scarring and missing fur, and having been born with fever coat.
  • As written, Rat and her siblings leave their home colony to escape the abuse the experience - none of them have names at this point, since their family didn't give them any. After a few moons, Murkyfang (who wasn't named Murkyfang yet) goes missing, leaving Rat and Moth behind. Around 6-8 months before the site story starts, Moth and Rat show up at the colony to seek shelter and treatment, while Moth is in critical condition. You can change this, if ya want, but PLEASE let me or Ixora know if it's gonna be something that involves our characters.
  • Moth and Rat have a very distant relationship, despite being the 'closest' of the trio. They've stayed together in the past mostly out of forced proximity, and tend to avoid eachother whenever they have the chance, seeing eachother as reminders of their unpleasant past. Moth is a little sad he's not closer with his sister, but accepts that it's 'just the way things are' between them.
  • Im waiting for Ixora 2 get back to me. :manstandingemoji:

  • Hehe
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