Closed The Colony roll the blooper reel [marble]

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


show no mercy
Colony Clan Founder ShadowClan Deputy



PRMOPT- (And maybe Wolf catches Marble trying to pull a stunt but failing miserably and missing out on some prey??)

It was getting steadily colder. On top of that, food was getting harder and harder to find– for the colony cats, at least. Wolf still looked as well fed as the day he'd arrived, and that's because he was. The mattoled tomcat wasn't going to starve himself just because the rest of the group was determined to starve themselves to death.

That stupidity aside, there were benefits to sticking around. Like being able to gang up on predators, or steal body heat from another on a cold night.

Or watching a cat faceplant after diving off a boulder in pursuit of a mouse.

Wolf couldn't help but laugh at the shecat. To be honest it would have been an impressive catch had she landed it, the kind of thing you'd brag about to others, and maybe that was enough to excuse the fact that it hadn't worked.

"Damn. A catch like that would have been worth a week of bragging rights, easy. Too bad." he offered as he made his way over, knowing the prey was long gone by now.


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
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Laying flat on the ground for a second longer, she shook her head a couple of times, giving a huff to herself. It was only when she heard the voice near her that she shot up to her paws, wide-eyed and perhaps a bit flustered to apparently have been caught in this predicament of hers. She had to admit, she hadn't the best of luck today... And perhaps she had asked a bit too much of herself with how she had tried to catch the mouse but... She thought surely this had been one of the only ways she could have gotten a fresh bite from some meat before sharing it with the others. Clearly however, that had not been the case.

A smile soon bloomed upon her face, eyes lighting up and a soft giggle escaping her. " I suppose we can't win them all, huh? " she opted finally with a warm look shot toward the other. " You however, must be super good at hunting! I never see you go hungry. " she purred, impressed. Even though she had momentarily seemed flustered at being caught in such a position, it seemed she just as quickly bounded back to her paws.

Aside that... Wolf seemed genuine with the words he had spoken to her! That was very nice of him! It caused her eyes to squint for a second with a happy little purr escaping her before she motioned to the forest with her fluffy tail. " Are you on the hunt too, Wolf? " she chimed, tilting her head a bit. " Would you like to hunt together? "





Wolf didn't hate the social aspect of things here. While he acknowledged that he was probably a bit rough around the edges compared to what the colony was used to, he didn't typically consider himself an unpleasant cat. Despite what could be seen as an intimidating appearance and a bluntness about things that was borderline controversial, he was an easy cat to approach; sociable, willing to joke around, a generally calm, level headed presence. . He didn't trust or necessarily understand everything about the colony cats, but he didn't dislike them or the idea they had here with their group.

It just needed some refinement.

Marble was not a cat that Wolf had gotten the chance to speak with much since his arrival, though he'd definitely seen her around. She had never been around to join him when he took patrols of Sables supporters out to hunt in the lands beyond Hawthornes, but he knew she wasn't a lazy fae. Hell, he'd just watched her put in more effort than half the cats here would give– though she still failed in the end. He didn't blame her for that, though. She wasn't wrong– no cat, regardless of how they perfected their technique– was perfect enough to land every hit or catch every piece of prey. There would always be a jump they couldn't make or a bigger cat they couldn't knock down– a time to cut your losses and get the hell out.

"You're not wrong– about any of that, actually." Wolf replied with a chuckle, tail giving a lazy swish behind him. He was a good hunter, but that wasn't why he was in a better physical condition. "But you'd probably do just as good if the pickings here were a bit better." he offered.

If there'd been more power in her jump, if her paws had found their grip better on the snow-slick ground, she would have had that mouse. But he could see the same hunger-lean figure in her that most of the colony cats had, knew that her muscles weren't quite as defined or her reflexes as quick as they would be if she were well fed like he was.

Another perfectly good cat going to waste.

He had been on his way to hunt, but not here, and her offer suddenly left him with an opportunity to do more than share a laugh over a harmless fall. "Sure. I don't usually hunt around here, though. Hawthornes got too many cats working this place already. Do you want to head a little farther out? I could show you a good spot to use."

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

The she-cat listened with a certain intrigue, her whiskers gently twitching as she took in every word that was spoken to her, head bobbing up and down every now and then to show she was listening to him. Her gentle blue eyes inspected him for a moment, admiring the way his tone was... Easy to listen to. Blunt honesty with perhaps a smidge of warmth, she believed. There was a... There was a kindness to him, she thought. He was new, yes... But he was strong and honest. She liked that! It could make for a very capable warrior.

Giving a soft chirp of excitement, she swept her tail over the ground once, paw pads kneading the ground for a second as she peered to the side, looking out toward the snow-covered scenery before them. She was so used to hunting on these grounds. They were the grounds her siblings told her to hunt at, hunting further could spell danger and they tended to avoid that. But Wolf was a capable warrior and they could keep each other safe, surely! Ear flicking to the side for a second, she considered his offer. Leafbare was upon them, and it would take its toll... She wanted to come home with a good freshkill to give those who needed it... Or perhaps even eat a tiny bit herself.

Wolf offered her a new opportunity to be able to provide just that. Freshkill... New and exciting as it might become, she decided to trust him. Perhaps this jump into new territory was exactly what the colony needed. Maybe she could urge others to do the same if they were successful! " Okay. " she meowed softly, her voice carrying a gentle determination as she turned to face him. " I think I'd like that, Wolf! Maybe this change is exactly what many of the cats need! " she meowed excitedly, stepping toward him with a smile to her face. " And I would love the company! Uhm... And perhaps a bit of guidance. " she added with an awkward smile, squinting her eyes for a second. " I'll be in unfamiliar territory, I don't want to scare away all the prey. " Her words came with no challenge, just a kindhearted trust in the tom that was with her.

Brushing their flanks together for a moment, she couldn't deny the small hopeful flutter in her chest. Perhaps this would turn out to be more than just a hunt, perhaps it would be a step toward friendship too.





This was… refreshing. As intrigued as Wolf had been by the political discord and civil restlessness, eyeing every opportunity like the beast he was named for, there was something nice about shutting all that off and just doing whatever the hell he wanted. Which– granted– was essentially what he'd been doing this entire time, but it took a certain level of effort to cause the kind of controlled chaos he had in these last few weeks. In comparison, this was much easier, calling for less focus and offering more freedom with what he could do. Not as strictly business as it'd felt with the other groups he'd taken out.

It's her attitude, he decided quickly, ears tipping forward at the sound of a chirp. Happy to accept change, but not bitter about it..

He couldn't name a single one of Sables cats that had met him with such a genuine eagerness or kind-hearted smile, and it disarmed him a little, unused to the balance. Normally it was one extreme or the other- a super soft cat that was stuck in their ways, or someone who was willing to do the hard work but was forever changed for it. And Wolf was a bit lost as to whether this shecat was just not far enough along to have lost that naivety yet, or if she truly was the anomaly she appeared to be.

He raised an amused brow as she shifted closer to brush their flanks together for just a moment, a gesture too innocent for him to be familiar with. He guessed it was fine– it's not like he had a problem being touched or anything, it just wasn't a common practice for him. Usually just fights, or casual nights spent with whatever cute shecat or tom caught his eyes.

"Can't say I'm a very experienced mentor, but I'm sure I can teach you a few tricks." he replied to the blue-point, mismatched eyes sharp and confident."I've already taken a few of the other colony cats out that way and they all seemed to do well enough. Put as much enthusiasm into hunting as you do with making friends, and I'm sure you'll do just fine."

The words were not unkind. In fact, there was encouragement buried there, happy to be found beneath the playfulness of his challenge.

Wolf was many things; a hardass, prone to violence, a little too detached emotionally. He didn't let others close and was likely to turn on you the moment you lost your usefulness to him. Boredom, quite literally a killer.

Untrustworthy, some would say. Dangerous, most would agree. But not your usual monster of brooding isolation. No, his beast was a far more social breed, able to thrive among the masses just as easily as he could alone, but beckoning neither and thriving in both. Adaptation at its finest.

And he was prone to admiring that trait in others as well, the mark of a fellow survivor.

"Come on. I bet Hawthornes never show you the treeline down by the river. There's always something sniffing around there." He flicked his tail to beckon her after him, setting a southward pace away from the trees the colony favored.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Marble's fur fluffed out slightly, the compliment Wolf had given her still rooted in her mind, warming her from the inside out. Her deep blue eyes were bright and kind as she walked alongside him. She always tried her hardest, she had to! Providing for the colony was important, and with kits on the way, there was even more reason to push herself. She was still so young with so much to learn, but she had an eager mind and a willing heart.

She had often seen Wolf organizing patrols, but each time she'd been too caught up in other duties to dash over and join. This time, however, it seemed she'd been lucky enough to get a private patrol with him. And, truthfully, it felt nice to have her effort noticed by someone as experienced as him. Her feathered tail brushed the ground lightly as she let out a soft laugh, smiling up at him. " Perhaps not experienced. " she meowed gently. " But you know a lot. " Her voice was sincere, her eyes warm. " And through mentoring, you'll become even more experienced. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? "

When he commented that if her enthusiasm for hunting was as high for making friends, she would do well with hunting, she couldn't help but laugh again, a cheerful sound that matched the playful bounce in her step as she padded forward. " Then I'll make sure to bring lots of enthusiasm! " she replied, her voice bright with determination.

Her excitement only grew when he mentioned the treeline by the river. Her eyes widened with curiosity. " Oh! I've never been there before. " she admitted, her steps quickening as she made sure to stay close. Her curiosity got the better of her, though, and she tilted her head to ask a question that had been on her mind for a while.

" Where do you come from, Wolf? " she asked softly, her tone inviting but respectful.





OOC- he's gonna take her down by sunning rocks to do some hunting :)

"I suppose so. And mentoring, huh? Is that common in the colony; to teach cats that aren't kin?" he asked, tone one of genuine curiosity.

He'd never seen a group quite as large or as interwoven as the one here– even Sables followers, as keen to dissent into chaos as they were– seemed to genuinely enjoy one another's company. They chose to work together, sharing prey, grooming one another– he didn't find it all that far fetched that these cats might be teaching each other things as well.

He wasn't entirely surprised to hear she wasn't familiar with the river and it's surrounding areas, though a part of him scoffed at the idea that any cat could not know the world around it. It wasn't that far, after all, maybe two hours at most. If he'd cared enough to be suspicion, he might have wondered if the shecat were simply lying to him, but since he didn't, he chalked it up to personal experience. Not every cat liked wandering around like him.

"It's pretty decent. The forest there is all new growth so a good stalking technique is important, but there's also a cool rock pile right near the water that's usually good for a mouse or two if you're light enough on your feet." he explained, recalling his last several visits to the place. It'd been a few days since he'd been out there, not liking to hunt the same grounds too often less the prey start wising up, but he figured it was due for another go.

"Where did you come from, Wolf?"

"Not really sure. Nowhere around here, that's for sure." he mused as he led her onward and away from the colony grounds. "I'm sort of a nomad I guess. Never really bothered hanging out in any one place for too long. Usually I leave once I lose interest in a place." he explained with an air of casualness.

"But if you want specifics then 'some twoleg place' is as close as it gets. My mom had me in the back of an abandoned monster and then sent me on my way once I was old enough to look after myself. Nothing too out of the ordinary."

As exciting or interesting as moments in his life had been, Wolf didn't really consider it anything overly special. He was just a drop in the ocean, a blade of grass in a field. He'd live and die like the rest of them, without much fanfare. It was a good life though, interesting and with few regrets.

Wolf didn't really believe in those.

"Never seen a colony as big as this one, though. I can definitely see the potential. Were you born here?"

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Marble tilted her head slightly, considering the question. " Well… not really, but I've seen others do it. " she admitted with a small shrug. " Flame tends to mentor a bit, you could say. He likes making sure the younger ones know what to do in any situation. " Her mind drifted toward the flame-colored tom, and her tail gave a soft sweep. " I get it, though. He doesn't really have a family of his own, so he kind of sees the whole colony as one big family. " Her smile faltered slightly as her thoughts wandered to Possum, her own brother. So much had happened lately...

She caught herself rambling and glanced down at the ground, her ears flicking in slight embarrassment. " I, uh… I haven't really wandered much. " she confessed with a soft laugh, lifting her gaze toward Wolf again. " Other cats go far, but I'm always so busy checking on everyone here that I... well… " She trailed off, shaking her head lightly. Then, with a more determined look, she continued. " But I'm learning to wander more! And hopefully, we can do this again! I want to help provide for everyone! "

Her ambition was earnest, even if the idea of providing for the entire colony was daunting. Still, her intent was clear, she wanted to contribute, to make a difference.

As Wolf spoke about stalking techniques, she listened intently, nodding at his advice and mentally taking note. She had trained a few times with Flame, he was a great hunter. And though she wouldn't admit it, she'd picked up a few tricks by watching Charcoal. Mean as he was, his hunting skills were sharp.

When Wolf mentioned being a nomad, her curiosity piqued. The word felt foreign on her tongue as she repeated it softly. A wanderer. Someone who didn't belong to one place. " I hope you never tire of us. " she spoke softly, her ears twitching at his story about monsters, and her nose wrinkled in surprise. Born in a monster? How terrifying!

" You mean… she just let you go? " she asked, her head tilting with genuine curiosity. It was hard to imagine such a thing.

When the question turned to her origins, her purr rumbled loudly. " I have! " she answered proudly, dipping her head. " I grew up in the colony. It's always been my home. " Her gaze softened as she padded alongside him, her tail flicking with quiet contentment.