He was running as far away he possible could until he was out of breath and was forced to stop. On shaking legs that could give in at any moment Leech breathed out heavily, his lungs feeling like they could explode any moment. Tears burned in this burning orange orbs, hateful tears of shame and regret. How could he have run away like that leaving Rose to....drown. She is dead because of you. Mother hissed in his ear, standing like a ghost behind while having her claws wrapped around him. That was the truth, his truth. He had just killed his one and only friend in the entier world who had always stood by him and now she was gone because of him.
I'm sorry, i'm so sorry Rose!.
Leech dug his claws into the dirt knowing he couldn't return back there now, not after what he had done. With hot tears running down his cheeks the black kit continued to move across to leave the tall grass behind to head into what looked to be the start of a forest. Leech stopped when he came across what looked to be black dried up dirt laying across the road with no life growing on top of it. After drying his tears with a paw Leech stept on the unfamilliar material and only then did he noticed it felt more like walking on stone than actually dirt. Strange.
Unbothered the kit contunied to march forward to not look back and soon crossed the other side and entered a strange forest. It all looked dead, like a wasteland almost. Even then he kept on walking, and walking not caring where the paws took them as long it was as far away from the lake as possible. He didn't care where this path lead as long it didn't took them back. All that was waiting for him back there was death and he wanted to run away from it all although the memories would haunt him forever. They would never let him forget.
I'm sorry, i'm so sorry Rose!.
Leech dug his claws into the dirt knowing he couldn't return back there now, not after what he had done. With hot tears running down his cheeks the black kit continued to move across to leave the tall grass behind to head into what looked to be the start of a forest. Leech stopped when he came across what looked to be black dried up dirt laying across the road with no life growing on top of it. After drying his tears with a paw Leech stept on the unfamilliar material and only then did he noticed it felt more like walking on stone than actually dirt. Strange.
Unbothered the kit contunied to march forward to not look back and soon crossed the other side and entered a strange forest. It all looked dead, like a wasteland almost. Even then he kept on walking, and walking not caring where the paws took them as long it was as far away from the lake as possible. He didn't care where this path lead as long it didn't took them back. All that was waiting for him back there was death and he wanted to run away from it all although the memories would haunt him forever. They would never let him forget.