☆ He hadn't considered that the sight of his dead friends would freak Ghost out- funny, how his namesake plagued him so. That was a short lived thought, the larger stepping over him and interrupting everything he had to think about. The
snarling alone from Ghost caused Thunder pause, wide blues shooting up to look at his- his friend? His companion? This was quickly approaching a
what are we conversation, wasn't it?
Get out of your own head, Thunder! Now isn't the time. The little voice in the back of his head snapped, blue eyes widening just a hint more as he realized he was staring at his... his savior. Yeah, he was going to go with that for right now.
After pushing to his paws, his eyes went hazy, sight blurring slightly from the effort of standing. And when he knew that Ghost was going to demand him to sit, a bit of relief broke free from that cage in his chest.
Relying on somecat. He hadn't done that. Hadn't needed to do that for so long, and yet- it was.. nice to be able to do that again. To freely trust somecat, even if it was a cat like Ghost, to watch his back, to care for his wounds. Eyes shifted back to the cats in the distance, but he was swaying on his paws. He decided to listen for once, allowing himself to be pushed back to sitting.
Sitting quickly turned into laying, a grunt leaving him in the action. Slightly guilty eyes moved up towards Ghost once more.
"Aye, a'right." He rasped out, licking at his lips. He felt bruised all over, and the wounds were only barely slowing the blood flow. A paw lifted, touching to the wound near his eyes with a whisper of a huff.
"This 's gonna ruin m' good looks." A bare hint of a joke, lain between them, just feet away from a once-active battlefield.
You've got time. ".. Yeah, yeah, tha' makes sense." His head shifted forward and nodded.
Brown eyes met blue again, and they widened slightly- then relaxed.
His head 's on straight. Straighter. Thunder thought to himself, studying the other's eyes. That was the only indication of emotion he got most often, he thinks to himself, the way his eyes shifted or moved. Very rarely did the other display emotion in his tail or ears. Slowly his head tilted.
"Rest sounds good. Yeah." Briefly, Thunder was aware of the fact he was repeating himself, using basic phrases again. He cleared his throat at Ghost's demand.
"It's in tha' direction." His head nodded towards where he knew Cicada's den lay.
Thunder looked up towards Ghost once more.
"You... you're gonna come back, aye?" Thunder asked, his left eye starting to swell shut, licking his own blood from his lips once or twice.
Don't leave me here to die. I'm trusting you.
THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, twenty moons.
☆ a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
☆ mentored by who / mentoring no one
☆ whichever relations / want listed
☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
☆ penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.