{$title} A party of Shadowclanner appear to have crossed the thunderpath in search of fresh mammals! Will Thunderclan let this stand?
There's only two types of people in the world
The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
When she had made the suggestion of crossing the thunderpath too catch something more normal, instead of the disgusting slime and scale covered prey they had in their marshes, Jadethorn was surprised to see just how many were willing to follow her lead. One after another seemed to stand up to follow her out of camp, starting with Gecko and seeming to pass like fire through the ranks, from Smogmaw, to even Wolfpack. It filled her with a feeling not to far from pride. The feeling of others following her pawsteps, her words. It almost felt invigorating... if it wasn't for the deep down anxiety that flickered underneath.
'Will Sable find out? He's bound to with so many of us. I better not get kicked out for this. Not like we agreed any kind of boundary, anyway.' Those thoughts swirled in her head before she came upon the strange, cold stone of the thunderpath. Her gaze stared forward as she paused, tail tip twitching. She could have them turn back. Forget about this all and go home to munch down on the scales and slime of their current fresh kill pile. But the treeline was right there, just across the black pavement. And she swore she could smell the prey on the wind...
The hesitation didn't last long.
After a quick check on both sides for any incoming monsters, Jadethorn made the first move, paws stepping onto the freezing black before they pushed off with force. The rosette tabby sprinted across the road with ease, and once her paws stepped onto solid, not soggy, earth, all those anxious thoughts disappeared. Now this was a hunting ground. Green eyes looked back, hoping that the others would follow without her actual word. Afterall, noises could spook the prey.
Giving a nod to whoever crossed after her, Jadethorn moved to dip into the foliage of bushes and undergrowth. Immediately she got into a low crouch, scenting the air and listening intently. She could smell the scent of mice and rabbits, the sound of birds chirping in the trees. "Mmmmm I can already taste them. I say we try and grab a bit of everything, if we can. Birds, squirrels, maybe even a rabbit if we're lucky." She swore it made her mouth water as she moved to start the hunt with whoever was brave enough to cross the threshold.
ooc—— Important! please wait for at least 2 of the shadowclanners tagged to post before jumping in! at the moment this thread is only open for thunderclanners that punk rng'd to attend! !tnatropmI
Tagged Shadowclanners <3 @GECKO @Smogmaw. @fennelpaw @FleaKit @Pepperpaw @WOLFPACK @viperpaw @MIREPURR @Sealpaw @BONE @Blue -
string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goeshere
Jade she/her
❖ An Average Sized Black Rosette Tabby with Low White and Green Eyes
❖ Future Warrior of Shadowclan
❖ 29 moons; ages on the 8th of every month
❖ speech thought attack
❖ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
penned by Taru
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