PAFP Territory Searching for a Gourmet Prize | Shadow Hunting Patrol?!

Public after first post! This means you must wait until the designated posters tagged in the thread post before you may.
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


Prideful Sorceress
The Colony
{$title} A party of Shadowclanner appear to have crossed the thunderpath in search of fresh mammals! Will Thunderclan let this stand?
There's only two types of people in the world

The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe

When she had made the suggestion of crossing the thunderpath too catch something more normal, instead of the disgusting slime and scale covered prey they had in their marshes, Jadethorn was surprised to see just how many were willing to follow her lead. One after another seemed to stand up to follow her out of camp, starting with Gecko and seeming to pass like fire through the ranks, from Smogmaw, to even Wolfpack. It filled her with a feeling not to far from pride. The feeling of others following her pawsteps, her words. It almost felt invigorating... if it wasn't for the deep down anxiety that flickered underneath.

'Will Sable find out? He's bound to with so many of us. I better not get kicked out for this. Not like we agreed any kind of boundary, anyway.' Those thoughts swirled in her head before she came upon the strange, cold stone of the thunderpath. Her gaze stared forward as she paused, tail tip twitching. She could have them turn back. Forget about this all and go home to munch down on the scales and slime of their current fresh kill pile. But the treeline was right there, just across the black pavement. And she swore she could smell the prey on the wind...

The hesitation didn't last long.

After a quick check on both sides for any incoming monsters, Jadethorn made the first move, paws stepping onto the freezing black before they pushed off with force. The rosette tabby sprinted across the road with ease, and once her paws stepped onto solid, not soggy, earth, all those anxious thoughts disappeared. Now this was a hunting ground. Green eyes looked back, hoping that the others would follow without her actual word. Afterall, noises could the prey.

Giving a nod to whoever crossed after her, Jadethorn moved to dip into the foliage of bushes and undergrowth. Immediately she got into a low crouch, scenting the air and listening intently. She could smell the scent of mice and rabbits, the sound of birds chirping in the trees. "Mmmmm I can already taste them. I say we try and grab a bit of everything, if we can. Birds, squirrels, maybe even a rabbit if we're lucky." She swore it made her mouth water as she moved to start the hunt with whoever was brave enough to cross the threshold.
  • ooc
    —— Important! please wait for at least 2 of the shadowclanners tagged to post before jumping in! at the moment this thread is only open for thunderclanners that punk rng'd to attend! !tnatropmI
    Tagged Shadowclanners <3 @GECKO @Smogmaw. @fennelpaw @FleaKit @Pepperpaw @WOLFPACK @viperpaw @MIREPURR @Sealpaw @BONE @Blue
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Jade she/her
    An Average Sized Black Rosette Tabby with Low White and Green Eyes
    ❖ Future Warrior of Shadowclan
    ❖ 29 moons; ages on the 8th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❖ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
Last edited:



Wolf was among the few who held an actual indifference toward Shadowclans new prey. While he favored birds, which were a universal prey it seemed, given how he came across them just about everywhere he went, he didn't hate the slimy frogs or the tough, scaly lizards the marshes offered, either. They weren't great, but they weren't horrible either. Just average food.

But why settle for 'average' when you had the means to take 'the best'? Besides, he still owed Marble that bird for fixing his nest last night.

"I could go for some rabbit– haven't seen one of those in the marsh." Wolf answered as he crouched beside her. The forest felt strange beneath his paws after weeks in the mud, harder than the soft, slippery footing he'd been forced to adapt to. It was familiar though, not yet so foreign that it would hinder him, and he quickly stalked off to begin the hunt, eager to set their claim on the stretch of woodland opposite the thunderpath.


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
The forest's scent is a potent reminder of the tomcat's previous home. His whiskers quiver with a pang of not-quite-longing-or-nostalgia, more so an awareness that, had events played out differently, the treeline the Shadowclanners were straying into might've been his hunting grounds. 'And much better hunting grounds,' he muses on the inside, noting Wolfpack's easy stride in front of him. The firmer soil underfoot is not miserable to walk across, and the complete and utter lack of bog-stench is a definite step-up from their new homeland, but still...

This is not their territory. As such, it behooves Smogmaw to put his nose to the air, scent the land, and stay vigilant. There are hunters of greater prowess than him in his midst—Wolfpack and Jadethorn come to mind—as well as clanmates who may not be capable seeing to their defense on their own—like the wee ones plodding along behind them, enjoying the atmosphere to its fullest. Should a role be his to claim, he imagines, it will involve putting his hide up as a meat shield in the face of potential Thunderclanners. That'd just be wonderful, now, wouldn't it?

Smogmaw continues sniffing around, a flicker of agitation dusting his snout. "Just keep yer eyes open," he adds as the first two bound into the underbrush, offering the occasional glance back. "There may be more than prey lurking about in here."

And, at that, his attentions are redirected toward the terrain, sights, and smells. Breaking off from the others, the silver tabby decides to sweep the area for anything curious. In becoming one with the shrubbery, his dark-striped pelt shimmers to near-transparency amid the stippling of moonlight.


Her determination to be helpful, to not have anyone worry about her, led to Sealpaw tagging along, sprinting across the thunderpath with ears folded flat against her skull after Jadethorn. She was nowhere near a proficient hunter yet- had only just begun to learn the basics from Flame- but she could maybe flush prey out into the waiting jaws of the others. That would be helpful, wouldn't it? The feeling of grass instead of mud or the rough stone of the thunderpath beneath her paws was a welcome one. A faint feeling of homesickness washed over her and blue eyes drifted wistfully in the direction of their old camp. Her old home.

She shook her head before looking up at the others in the patrol. "I'm gonna catch ALL the birds..!" A bold statement for one who'd only caught the tail of a lizard so far.

Smogmaw's words didn't register, at first. They were all just...hunting, weren't they? Nobody could blame them for wanting to fill their bellies, right? "...Maybe if we find anyone else we can all have one big hunting party and catch something really big." It's naively hopeful and a small part of her knows it to be so. The other, more emotional part of her stubbornly refuses to believe that this still couldn't be reconciled.


  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.
(‎♝) padding along behind jadethorn, fennelpaw stretches his claws experimentally into the peat moss lining the rough trail. a sharp grin on his face, stretching his maw wide, the apprentice knocks his shoulder into his sibling's, excitement shimmering like electricity through his chocolate fur. "you ready, pep?" he questions his pitch and rust hued sibling, striped tail lashing eagerly behind him. "finally, some action. i was almost fallin' asleep on my paws every day!" childish exaggeration exhales from the boy's maw as he sighs.

he doesn't specifically hate shadowclan's new idea of prey. frogs and newts and scaly things intrigue him as much as the odd mouse or bird, but fennel misses the squeak of a critter in his claws, the satisfying crunch of bone and warm blood filling his mouth. when jadethorn had suggested her plan, the apprentice had jumped at the opportunity.

as the older woman crosses into the shaded forest, wolf and smoky… wolfpack and smogmaw follow her. sealpaw squeals something about birds, prompting a snort from fennel as he, too, crosses the border. "as long as we find anything i'll be happy," the boy announces, lowering his head to scent the earth.

  • // " #8f4a1e "
  • 93800440_pBymcR43iKTig5c.png
    a shorthaired chocolate smoke ghost tabby with hazel eyes. dark chocolate fur covers his body, sliced through with darker stripes, barely visible in direct sunlight. his eyes seem a deep pine hue, but within them, a cinnamon-red color peaks through, fading into hazel. he has an x shaped scar on his shoulder, and a scar through his lip from a spat with a rogue.

Pepperpaw had been indifferent to Jadethorn's suggestion of crossing the Thunderpath to hunt. Her sibling, however, had shown plenty of enthusiasm, and the last thing she wanted was for Fennelpaw to end up alone if anything went wrong. Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, the idea of catching some proper prey sounded far better than settling for the strange, marshy creatures they'd been gnawing on lately. Sure, the swamp prey was edible, but it couldn't compare to sinking her teeth into the warm, juicy flesh of a rabbit.

At Smogmaw's warning, her yellow eyes flicked toward him, her expression skeptical. " Maybe. But have you seen how many cats we've got? If we play it right, we could give anyone a run for their tails, even if they're nearby. " she retorted with a scoff.

Her rare smirk appeared as Fennelpaw's excited bump nudged her side. Sealpaw's brave voice chiming in only added to her confidence. She cast a glance at her siblings, feeling a spark of determination surge through her. " Ready as I'll ever be. " she meowed, head tipped high.

" Agreed, brother. " Pepperpaw replied firmly, her tail lashing once with anticipation. Without another word, she began stalking forward, her ears angled high and alert. Her paws were light on the ground, and her mind fixated on the hunt ahead. She didn't care what it was, a rabbit, a squirrel, anything. She just couldn't wait to sink her claws into something worthwhile.

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    replying to @Smogmaw. and @fennelpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Fleakit had no damn clue where they were going. All she knew was that they were going hunting, and hell if she was gonna stay behind while half the camp trotted off on some grand adventure. She hadn't asked permission to leave camp—didn't need to. What, like she was gonna let these braindead cats tell her what to do? No way!

It'd been forever since she got to go anywhere fun. If Jade was taking practically half the clan, then what was one more? So, she tailed them out of camp, slinking behind at a distance.

Fleakit thought she was getting pretty good at this whole sneaking-out-without-getting-caught thing. They hadn't noticed her yet. Or at least, no one cared enough to say anything.

She hovered a few tail-lengths behind the patrol, walking with the confidence of a full-grown warrior—or at least, trying to. Her tail swished high, her waddle bold, but she still had to scurry every few steps to keep up.

Fleakit fought with tooth and claw to stay on their heels, short but fast. She wasn't about to let them leave her behind. A reddish-brown blur, darting through the marsh.

Then, they reached a monsterpath.

Fleakit slowed to gawk at the impressive strip of black smeared across the territory. There were plenty of them back in the twoleg place, but this one stretched out forever, seemingly endless. She'd never seen one this long before. "Whoa..." She whispered.

From experience, she knew to be careful. Pa always told her never to cross without looking first. Plus, she'd seen plenty of cats bite it on monsterpaths, squashed flat or left to rot in a ditch. There was a cat back in the twoleg place that survived a monster accident with half his skull. Fleakit didn't wanna end up like him.

Her ears twitched, eyes flicking both ways—just like he'd taught her. Then, satisfied, she skittered after the patrol, determination burning in her eyes.

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
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This is a bad idea.

Mirepurr is certain in their way of thinking, and yet, here they are.

Thoughts, opinions, reasoning- they all bounce off the sides of their skull in a whirlwirl, attempting to overpower one another. They are not amongst the thrill-seekers — some of their peers long for some action despite the battle still being so fresh in Mirepurr's memories and even fresher on some of the cats' bodies. Still... they see reason in wishing to branch out for more prey; the dreary marsh is not what they are used to. Cold only adds to the shortage, and with the knowledge of who they have all lost, the amount of hungry mouths to feed is apparent. Mirepurr cannot sit idle in these circumstances... but stars, do they wish they could curl up at home instead right about now.

At least they can keep an eye out on everyone. That has to account for something, right?

they echo Fennelpaw's declaration.
"I don't want to find anything dangerous..."
Images of a vicious fox or a stray dog come into mind. The ShadowClan party is numerous, but not all of them possess adequate battle prowess — Mirepurr included. The patrol's size may as well just be for show. If it's enough to act as intimidation, they'll take it.


Coming across the thunderpath she doesn't particularly mind it. The peaty ground gives way to sturdy earth and more availability when it comes to prey. Her eyes scan the lay of the area and her eyes glance to Mirepurr for a moment. They question if anyone has found anything and she sighs softly. Turning her burning gaze away to continue pushing forward. Their patrol is large in number but to her it doesn't seem well seasoned. One is very young and she supposes that she needs to keep an eye on Fleakit. Least something happens. But for the moment she parts her jaws and takes in the scent of the area. Her ears pull forward as she attempts to listen and then a wisp catches her attention. "There is a squirrel nearby. Someone come with me." She will need someone's help. If they can corral the squirrel then they can catch it and surely bring it back home. Having food is all that matters in this moment and so she crouches low, taking her time to approach the area. The prey in question is nibbling on a nut not too far away and she shifts her tail. If someone goes around and spooks it toward her then she can very well have a catch her on paws. Hopefully someone will take her up on the strategy.

If not then she will improvise. She will not return emptypawed. That is the last thing she will allow to happen.
𓆝 . ° ✦
Patrols had been an odd phenomenon that Murkyfang was unfortunate enough to be a part of. The responsibility of her patrolmates were in her paws, each time she left with them. The responsibility of the hungry bellies at home, too, fell on all of them. It left her nervous and on edge with each prowl through the territory. At best, she moved silently without a word. At worst, her pelt bristled at every twig snap, and her paws tread as light as a mouse as if she could jump at any moment.

Her apprehension and caution is in Murkyfang's favor today. They find themselves towards the edge of the place they called their territory, where a black path breaks the woodland and swamp, tainting the sky and air with its putrid fumes. Murkyfang's nose wrinkles the moment they're in proximity. If there's one scent she would never get used to, it was the giants that ran across the tar.

But there's more. A new scent, vaguely familiar, tickles her nose - and Murkyfang drops into a crouch as soon as she does, with little regard or care for if her patrolmates do the same. A low growl rumbles deep within, and she is reminded of the ways of the wild; fox-hearts roamed among them, and those very thieves had made an appearance right here, right now.
Murkyfang drawls quietly to nobody in particular, though her ears swivel towards the nearest patrol-mate to hear if they've caught the scent as well.

Please, no fights..

° . . °
  • ooc:
  • haunt.png
    a ghastly loner - blink, and you might miss her.

His ears are pinned flat against his skull, a snarl on his lips, but silent in the face of the large patrol.

Not only was those traitors across the Thunderpath, they had brought young cats with them too. Thunderflash's eyes steal towards his patrol-mates, not far from behind him, and made a short, quiet, clicking noise. His head gestured towards the thicket he was previously peering through with his head, signaling them to come near him. He didn't think that he would be set with strife so early in this life- his side still burned from time to time- but he couldn't, could not, let them continue to trespass.

As baby blues slid back forward, one of them- Haunt, he thinks they were called- catches their scent. Now or never, he supposes. Adrenaline surges through his body, paws tingling with anticipation as he steps through the thicket, voice loud and booming. "And loo' wha' we've found- a lot of traitors, weaseling about like rats for our food." He snaps, grimace on his features. Eyes snap to the group, searching them for any faces he was friendly or familiar with in another life, and no. Not really, he didn't. They had already begun to spread out- Sable's followers, he knows it's them, knows the murderous looks some of them wore during the ambush- but hopefully, his snappish words would draw them back together.

"Worthless lo', followin' that piss-for-brains Sable." He snarls out. "Get off of our land. Back to your dark and dirty swamp." Thunderflash stands tall, despite the glimmer of new scars over his eye and side, despite the way there was only a pawful of Thunderclanners with him. He'd defend this territory until his last breath, if he must.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

indent"Pipe down, Thunderflash. There's no need to get our tails in a twist." Gravelpath steps around the others, exiting the shadows that they had been cloaked in. They flick Thunderpath on the shoulder with their tail as they pass him.

indent Gravelpath doesn't spit and snarl, but they do sneer as they eye up the opposing party. 'Of course, believing we were done with that lot is nothing but wishful thinking. Nobody in this dammed forest would let things settle without spilling some blood - that was a truth Gravelpath had become increasingly privy to. It was unpleasant, to have to dirty their claws so often, but it was the only way to get anything done around here, evidently. These barbarians wouldn't back down otherwise.

indentThey size up their competition with icy blue eyes. There are some fine looking battlers, sure, but there is a strange amount of youths with them. 'Is this a hunting party, or a kitsitting trip? Ridiculous.' At the very least, it would be easy to knock them aside and out of the way - though Gravelpath imagines doing any real harm would get them a terrible scolding. Must be careful, then.

There's only two types of people in the world

The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe

The hunting group seemed to follow across the thunderpath with both quickness and ease, without any sort of incident that could befall some of the more...dumber felines. She had a good group at her back, even if they did happen to drag along a pawfull of younger cats that she wasnt exactly confident with their hunting ability. However, the adults of the patrol would most definitely make up for any shortcomings the youths may have. And that showed in how they spoke and began the arduous movements of silent hunting.

Jadethorn nodded to Wolfpack at the mention of a rabbit and her tongue came out to swipe along her whiskers, brushing along the minute scar left on her cheek with a touch of annoyance. Part of her still wished the molly that had given her it was still alive, so she could cover her pretty face in scars so ugly, that even her mother would fear looking at her. But, alas, the femme was with the spirits now and Jade only hoped she'd never set her green eyes on her again. Instead of dwelling on the thoughts of her pretty pelt being maimed, Jade responded to Wolfpack in turn. "Even if the marsh did have rabbit, the muck would probably give it a weird taste. I prefer my prey to be munching on green instead of whatever...plants we have over there."

A few more pawsteps were taken, catching the words of the excited younger cats behind her as they talked about action and danger. Smogmaw had voiced caution before disappearing into the brush and Seal, the annoying little bug, was daring to suggest they hunt together if they happen to run across any other felines. The rosette adult wanted to snap back at her for such words, to drill into her puny mind that any cats who interrupt their hunt are likely to want to steal their prizes then share. But she quelled the fire in her chest in order to not raise her voice and have the prey they were trying to find skitter away at the noise.

And it seemed it was good she did not, as Bonestalker, true to the name Sablestar had picked out for her, piped up on hushed words about finding a squirrel. Excitement fluttered back alive through the flames of annoyance, and swivelling ears picked up on the location of the black and white molly. Her tail pointed high in the air, to denote her location to the crouched molly, Jadethorn moved with silent pawsteps as she worked her way around the fat rodent enjoying its wintery nut. She was about to launch out to scare the rat straight into waiting paws when a foreign voice joined the chorus.

Round pupils turned to slits as the call sent the squirrel scurrying away, hopefully still towards the bicolor in waiting, before she rose from her crouch with a deep growl rumbling in her throat. The audacity in the tom's words had her glaring daggers in the direction they were coming from, the brown paws of a tabby stepping into view. Oh...she recognized him. She was quite good at noting who had been apart of the Colony before the break. And this one... This was one that always seemed to follow that white faced bicolor like a puppy following a twoleg on a leash. 'What was his name again? Storm? Lightning? Tch... Doesn't matter. Could be Rain, for all I care.'

She wasn't one for conflict, always staying in the shadows and watching from afar, but this one's words. Ooooooh, did it dig into her fur and under her skin in an uncomfortable way. Their land, their food. Oh, how she wanted to claw those pretty blue eyes out. She whirled around to face the talkative tom, barely acknowledging the arrival of one of his companions. Although Jadethorn didn't dare step against the small group, she did plant herself as leader of this group, tall and prideful, with her lips pulled back and ears pinned to her head.

"And who said this was your land and food, huh, Barkface? I dont remember agreeing to any kind of boundaries, and Im sure neither does any of my clanmates." The word came naturally, even if it felt strange after-the-fact, to be calling this group of ragtag cats her clanmates. However, she didn't falter in her lines that she voiced. "Plus, this strip of land is so close to the thunderpath, I assume it should belong to us." A Small step forward. A challenge as she snarled in the Tom's direction. "Why dont you go crawling back to whatever hole you came out of, before I make you." Toxic green eyes stared into baby blue, waiting for a response. Waiting for a chance to claw his fur out for even suggesting that they owned this hunting ground.
  • ooc
    —— Talking with @WOLFPACK then attempting to help @BONESTALKER before interacting/goading @THUNDERFLASH ! >=3
    Planned fight with Thunderflash!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Jade she/her
    An Average Sized Black Rosette Tabby with Low White and Green Eyes
    ❖ Warrior of Shadowclan
    ❖ 29 moons; ages on the 8th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❖ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Scarlet

Pepperpaw scoffed, tilting her head as she fixed Mirepurr with a sharp look. "What kind of dangerous thing are you hoping to find? If you mean the other group, don't make me laugh. " She huffed, shaking her head dismissively. Still… a sliver of her thoughts strayed to Eaglepaw. She wondered how he was doing, not that it mattered. Not that they could still be friends, could they? Then again, if they didn't get into each other's fur too much, she didn't see why not. He wasn't dumb like--

Her light green eyes flickered toward Thunder and Murky, and immediately, her tail lashed from side to side, fur bristling as she saw the cats that belonged to the other group advancing toward them, spitting nonsense about this being their land. What did Thunder mean, THEIR land?!

" Your land? " she spat, sniffing at the air before sweeping her gaze around. " Doesn't really feel like marked territory to me, ragdoll. " She tilted her head, eyes narrowing with challenge. " Besides that, do you really have the manpower to spit out such threats? " A pointed glance at Gravel followed as they told Thunder to take it easy.

Jadethorn, ever quick with her quips, fired back just as Pepperpaw knew she would. She liked that about the molly, sharp-tongued and ready for a fight. And maybe, just maybe, she had a point. Maybe this strip of land should be theirs. It wasn't like the others were doing anything worthwhile with it.
  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Though not the rabbit that Ghoststrike'd been campaigning for, the squirrel's rangy mass in-between his teeth promises a sated belly nonetheless. Familiarity breeds confidence in woods such as these. They're not so distant a cry from his homeland prior, not as cumbersome to negotiate as the pocosin; and so Smogmaw proceeds from the shrubbery's shadowy cover in assured stride, chest out and shoulders square.

Were he of greater mind to divert his attentions away from the critter crammed in his jaws, the tomcat may have had a second or two to appreciate the unique mess he's marched headlong into. Thunder. Gravel. Haunt. Three long known to him from colonial days of old. There's not a touch of welcome in their demeanors, instead bearing down on his ilk with bared fangs and burning gazes. Threat, all but smouldering on their tongue-tips.

Smogmaw pads on past the careless causticities without so much as a twitch. He makes sure to show off his catch to Jadethorn and the wee ones as he trudges onwards. Whatever is afoot, and whatever unseen paw has prodded those old faces from out of hiding, need not apply to himself. If there is business to attend to, he shall attend to it on a fuller stomach.

// Smogmaw is still in range to be interacted with! He's near the other ShadowClan cats, but he is heading back towards ShadowClan's territory.


A mouse, Sealpaw decides, is much easier hunting than lizards or birds. They don't separate their tails from themselves to run away, and unlike birds they can't fly out of reach if you pounce too soon. It's not a fantastic prize like the kestrel Flamerunner had caught the other day or even the squirrel Bonestalker had scented, but she'd caught it herself.

'I can't wait to show Flame when we get back.' She's so engrossed in her catch that the small apprentice almost completely misses new voices on the wind- voices she hadn't heard since before they all moved to their new territory. She sat up in the snow with her mouse firmly in her maw to spy Thunder, Gravel, and...a she cat Seal wasn't sure she'd ever seen before. Ears pinned back as the older cats spat threats and accusations she didn't understand at each other. And at her. Why was everyone so upset? They'd all been friends once, right?

Why couldn't everyone just talk it out? Why did they have to fight again? There was more than enough prey to go around now that they'd all moved, right? Smogmaw pointedly walking past everyone while carrying a squirrel (was it the one Bonestalker smelled..?) gave her an idea on what she could do.

"'Gunder!! 'Gunder!!" Mouse still in her maw, Sealpaw bounded forward, placing her hard-earned prize in front of the tom. "Look! I caught my first ever prey! You can have it..!" A purr began in her throat, a solution given to the problem in the way only a child could.


  • Trying to offer Thunder a mouse as a peace offering
  • Seal
    — Future Shadowclan Apprentice
    — She/They
    — Grey, Rosetted Tabby With Blue Eyes And A Bobbed Tail.

tw - language

Fleakit rolled her eyes. She didn't want to blow her camouflage, but a few cats Jadethorn had invited were total mouse guts!

Oh no! I hope we don't find anything… dAnGeRoUS.

Fleakit slunk behind the others, snickering to herself. To think that half of them were actual warriors—she was already twice as brave as they were, twice the warrior! Heck, Sable should just promote her right now. She deserved a killer name and the chance to lead all the patrols. Cause if Sablestar could be in charge, so could she.

All the talk about squirrels and rabbits made her mouth water. Sure, she didn't mind their usual prey, but Flea never passed up a chance to try something new. Maybe if she pestered Jadethorn or Mirepurr enough, they'd share whatever they caught. Of course, she was gonna try to catch something too—but right now, all she could snag were mice and frogs. Pa had taught her plenty about huntin', but she still couldn't figure out how the fuck a squirrel ever got caught once it climbed a tree—and rabbits? She couldn't catch those in her dreams.

Fleakit shot a sideways glance at Bonestalker when she asked for help cornering a squirrel. Was that how you caught 'em? Needed to get help, or just a way to corner 'em? Something to remember to ask later, when she wasn't trying to be quiet.

She thought about slipping away to do some hunting herself. Maybe catch a nice fat mouse to show off. But before she had the chance to, some tom and his lackeys came storming over like they owned the place. Somethin' she would've been willing to just watch... til he started spewing garbage. He had some guts comin' at them like that.

The ball of filthy brown fur immediately padded ahead of the others, trying to get a better look. Nose wrinkled, looking him up and down. She burned his ugly maw into her memory—so she'd remember what his face used to look like before she messed it up.

Fleakit's feelings about her clanmates were mixed. They were irritating with their stupid rules. They treated her like dirt and barely acted like she existed unless they wanted her out of their fur. But hell, if that entitled asshole had the nerve to say anything about them. They could've kicked her out by now, but they didn't. She wasn't gonna let him keep runnin' his mouth.

"Shove it, shitbreath! Go eat some fucking flowers before you open your ugly mouth again!" She snarled, flinging spit with every syllable.

When Jadethorn snapped back, Fleakit was quick to back her up. She held her head high, amber eyes blazing with barely contained violence. "Yeah! It don't smell like shit so it can't be yours!" Her stubby legs gave a little bounce with every other word. Tail flicking wildly behind her. Ooh! She was gonna rip them to shreds!

There was a tension in the air, a spark that Fleakit did her best to fan into a flame—and then, of course, there was Sealpaw. Fleakit's head did a slow turn, face scrunching up in annoyance. "Can't you read the mood, you freakin' airhead?!" Fleakit remembered hearing about some other cats—names that far as she knew, weren't from Shadowclan. But from what she could tell, those cats weren't on good terms anymore. Which meant they might as well be dead. Dead and gone, at least as far as Sealpaw should've been concerned.

And if Sealpaw dared try to suck up to these cats—to betray them… Fleakit would never forgive her.

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
———— I awaken with the thunder, a bold statement to end my slumber. ✦

It'd been so long since Froststorm bore witness to the living. He stood under a clouded sky, leafbare misted his first chance to be beholden by the sun, not as if that would soothe that aching chill in his bones. Nothing could. Fleecefur's news that the clans had returned had brought a vigour to the cat; for many more moons than he had been alive had his soul been rotting in that starless place while the clans were dead and gone and forgotten. Just as sure as the rise of the sun in the morn and the fall in the eve did the clans become something glorious only to crumble under the weight of their own foolish actions. It was something Froststorm revelled in.

He'd crept from the thorny undergrowth of the dark forest, spindly body passing through to the land of the living as he'd never left in the first place - though his weeping wounds betrayed that. He sniffed the air, sure as he thought, the smell of clan cats, he knew the smell of his pocosin weaved deep into cats fur anywhere. Though it intertwined with that of... Froststorm's nose wrinkled. "Thunderclan." He spat, like a venom on his tongue, bitter and foul. While there certainly other clans he was far more violent towards, the hatred of Thunderclan was as natural as breathing to any true and loyal Shadowclan cat. Surely, his kin, the new generations of his clan, were following proudly in the footsteps of the cats that preceded them.

Froststorm stalked towards the scent - the thunderpath, great and acrid as ever, still holding the smell of death from the souls the monsters had claimed - stood between him and the patrol ahead. He squinted, surely his eyes did not betray him, to see such a puny patrol from his kin, children lined the ranks. He didn't look nor flinch as he crossed the thunderpath; nothing like that could hurt him in this state; not a soul could perceive his form as he stalked the land of the living for the short time his body permitted without a worldly anchor. He hissed, rage bubbling in his chest with a crackle of his voice. "CHILDREN. Froststorm growled, furious. "What a pathetic excuse of a patrol. Shadowclan should be ashamed of such a sight." His tail flicked, circling the patrol, looking the living cats in the eyes, sneering at the grey tabby walking away from the fight so it seemed, the other warriors stood growling with mere threats at the Thunderclan cats.

He was horrified to watch an apprentice, small and shakey, seemingly hand over perfectly good prey to the rival clan. It only served to enrage him further. "This?" He spat, claws dug into the ground below. "This is the future of Shadowclan? Softie little apprentices that try and win a fight by handing over fairly caught prey? This clan is already doomed." Froststorm began to pace, enraged. Fleecefur telling them all the clans had returned, and Shadowclan was already beginning to be under their watchful lead, and this is the sorry excuse they have to work with? They may as well give up now; their whole territory could be taken over in a night.

That was until a determined little voice, rash and harsh, caught his attention. There was one tiny little thing, clearly too young to be an apprentice, spitting vitriol at the Thunderclan cats and rage at her own clan for their pathetic behaviour. His eyes glinted curiously, he stalked over, she was nothing more than a runt in reality. Tiny, stumpy legs and folded ears from whatever lineage plagued her body with poor bones. But despite that, despite her sorry excuse for clanmates, she stood up to the other clan. The smallest of them all, and yet a determination, a strength far exceeding her tiny form. He watched on, curious. Maybe there was hope after all with whoever this little spitfire may be.

  • ooc - oh yeah baby df time, literally just here to kick off a plot line so don't mind meeeee :3 literally None of the cats can see him (right now), so froststorms just here to watch and be judgmental so no worries about him causing issues DFGHJ
  • Froststorm
    ✦— Dark forest warrior
    ✦— He/Him
    ✦— A skinny, grey speckled cat with amber eyes and various frostbitten wounds.
  • Evil
Reactions: F l e a p a w
𓆝 . ° ✦
"As cowardly as the day we last saw them," Magnoliapeak scoffs lowly as she slips between Gravelpath and Thunderflash. While she aligns herself more with the former of the two- these are the cats who killed her father, after all- Magnoliapeak isn't interested in fleeing without a fight either. She presses forward in part due to her pride and another part due to her anger, the memory of Bracken's last words and breaths lingering at the front of her mind. Surely they aren't serious about claiming the other side of the thunderpath as theirs. It's dangerous enough to reside in a group led by a warmongerer like Sable; there is no point in claiming territory that is so dangerous to get to. Leave it to them, she supposes.

When Flea pipes up, all bristles and insults, Magnoliapeak all but laughs in the cinnamon-furred kit's face. "You expect us to fight a bunch of your kits?" she doesn't point the question at anyone in particular "Wow, you all really are a bunch of cowardly fools." She nearly pities them. Magnoliapeak thinks Sable's followers must be desperate if they're filling their hunting groups with kits and inexperienced cats. She almost thinks to offer Seal refuge in ThunderClan at her gesture to give a mouse to Thunderflash. Almost.

"I guess if you want to play in the thunderpath that's your own prerogative," she says coolly, leering now at Jade and Pepper "You'd be more useful as roadkill than thieves and dissenters who live in a swamp."

° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 85716815_FimDOWBWr9oxbq1.png
    dilute tortoiseshell with amber eyes. here too.

Gravelstep worms beneath his skin in a matter of seconds. A 'tch' leaves his mouth, quick and irritated, blue eyes briefly snapping to him, before his head tilted towards Magnoliapeak. They didn't get along most days, but on this, they were definitely agreeing. He looked back to the collection of cats that slunk from the shadows, greedy mouths full of prey that they had been hunting. Where Gravelstep's tail touches him burns like ice and fire together, but he does his best to ignore it. His skin crawls with the contact regardless- he doesn't think it's Gravelstep's fault, just how on edge he is. He leaves the thoughts to the dogs, ignoring it in favor of the cats screaming at him. Cats that, if he isn't mistaken, threw their lot in with Sable to murder the rest of their 'colony-mates'. He swallows thickly, focusing on that anger, honing it into an edge.

Thunderflash's response to Jade is immediate, words sharp-edged and lips curling. "We did. You know, the cats you lot tried to murder in an ambush. Cowards." He snarled. Tried. No, they had taken their fair share. His own claws had taken a life, but only to defend another, his own. He barely feels guilt as he steps forward, past where Gravelstep stopped. Magnoliapeak defends him with words as barbed as his own, and it feels good, for a brief moment. Satisfaction coats his insides, eyes glittering towards the supposed 'leader' of the other group. "Make me? You guys couldn't kill us, even with that pitiful attempt of an ambush. You think you can take me head on?" Then, as an aside to Gravelpath, muttered and quiet- "Go back to camp and grab somecat. This could get ugly... Please." He really does hope that final urge makes a different. Probably wont.

Fire waned briefly at the sight of Seal rushing in between them, mouth clutching that of their prey. He keeps the anger from his features, attempting to carefully curate the visage that Ghoststrike seemed to wear so easily onto his own. Baby blues, stormed over, dropped from Jade briefly to look at Seal. "Seal..." He breathes out, ears flattening against his skull. "... Keep it." He decides quietly, tone full of bitter emotion. That her, of all cats, had chosen to follow the very cat that had murdered Thornstar. Blues glittered gently, nudging her back towards the other group. "I'm.. proud of you. But watch your back." He utters the last part to her, perhaps only audible to those closest to him- Magnoliapeak, for sure- before he urges Seal back to her group.

A tiny, mangey thing is screaming at him next, and it takes every mature bone in his body to not roll his eyes and spit them back. Vision shifted towards Smog, then towards Jade again. "Last chance. Leave, or I'm putting you in the ground. The young cats you brought with you had more sense then you did." He said, head gesturing towards Seal, purposefully ignoring Flea. "Tell Sable we said hi, on your way back through that wet mess." He says, ears shoving forward and body standing taller.

  • "speech"
    // speaking to @Jadethorn and @Sealpaw most importantly, also urging @GravelPath to go back and grab someone like @BRIGHTPETAL
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty one moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Sad
Reactions: shinyotachi