His belly has grown more than a little acquainted to the sting of emptiness. But it's the stink of hunger on other cats which really gets his back up. It's a sharp odour, an acidic, tangy one, which sinks deep into the sinuses. Certainly doesn't help it has sharpened the teeth and claws of the colony's worst-tempered, most impatient residents. All that defiant jibber-jabber does a cat's head in. Revolution this, mutiny that! Pff, whatever. It bothers him territories'-worth more than those hunger pangs he's had to put up with.
Still... each and every time a cat comes a'trotting into the clearing bearing fresh-kill, it is no less than impossible to not lick at his chops. Salivation, a natural reflex that cannot be helped, yet what can be helped are the far-flung fantasies of stuffing his face in their catch. Halfy'd sooner tear his whiskers out than give him the time of day. But he watches all the same, the glint in his eye and the arch to his brows all indicative of a hopeful expectation.
She drops it in the pile, much to Straw's surprise. Maybe this place's communal bonds aren't nearly as broken as he'd thought. On cue, he rises, and in short order is he plodding his way on over. His tail-tip flicks behind him in an easy wag, his approach laced with intent but not without friendliness. The same can be said to his greeting. "Heeeey, pretty kitties, how we all doing?"
Shasta's little attempt at courting hadn't gone unheard, and if anything, the effort made it all the more difficult to scrub his smile from his face. What an audacious thing to say. To a hitched cat, no less. He's grinning, now, the tip of his tongue caught between the curl of his teeth. It's a game now. "Oh, let me take him on, Halfy!" He mimicks the act of slicing through another cat's larynx with his stump leg. "I'd do that to his neck. Bleed him dry!" His tail sweeps up behind him, a flash of flaxen furs that arches over his back.
It's only a heartbeat before the nearby mahogany molly slips from his periphery into his focus, and he cocks his head to one side with a little bounce to his brows. "Unless I'm fighting you," he murmurs with a sly grin. "In which case, I might just die happy." Brows down, brows up.
(penned by willie)