Wolfpacks favorite thing about his newfound status as Deputy was that he no longer had to wait on the decisions of others to get things done his way. Sablestar had just given him the power to put things as they should be, and it was working at keeping the mottled tomcat busy.
"Shadowclan, listen up for work assignments!" he called as he and his clanmates slipped from their dens that morning to begin their day.
"Coalstrike, you're on battle training today; take a group out and teach them something useful." he instructed, mismatched eyes finding the dark furred figure briefly before moving on. "Geckoflame, take a few clanmates and apprentices and oversee camp maintenance. This place may be a mudhole but we still have to do upkeep on it." Since the way things looked mattered so much to her and her daughter, she could have a say in making camp closer to her 'standards' for today.
"Bonestalker, you're on hunting duty. I want you to take a patrol out and see if you can work together to bring down something a bit bigger than usual. With our numbers there's no reason why we should be confined only to smaller prey." Group hunting was something Wolfpack was eager to exploit, and the sooner they got to practicing it the better.
"And lastly.." he paused, gaze searching the crowd for a face worthy of the final task, only to pass over and then jump back to a small, lanky figure in the crowd.
"Mothbite," he called with a subtle smirk. "You're heading the patrol across the thunderpath to freshen up our marks on that forest border. Take cats that can enforce our claim in case you run into trouble, and make sure you hunt it on the way back."
They'd taken it for a reason after all, and he was sure his clanmates were eager to have more mammal and bird in their diets.
OOC- Patrol time!! A heads up that these aren't going to be hosted as regularly as on other WC sites in order to prevent spam- you guys are able to just make your own patrols and such, and it can be assumed the deputies are doing their jobs.
That being said, I'm still gonna be popping in from time to time with little prompts like this for you guys, they just won't be as regulated/strict. Wolfpack will not be choosing the entire patrol- he will pick the patrol leader, and then any cat interested in joining that activity may do so once the thread for it is made (within reason, kits can't go hunting, etc). That way you guys can pick and choose what activities you have your cats involved in/aren't limited to just a single thing.
As always, activity leaders are in charge of making their threads (all threads should be open for anyone to join) --
@Coalstrike - Battle Training
@BONESTALKER - Group Hunting
@GECKOFLAME - Camp Maintenance
@Mothbite - Patrolling Shadowclans New Border (Thunderclan board)
(for transparency, these were not rolled for)

shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
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