Hello and welcome to Purrgatory! We are an 18+ Warrior Cat Roleplay set in an AU where the clans were unable to leave the forest territories and perished!
It has been 100 or more years since then, the clans of the forest are but distant memories to any cats still alive, stories passed down to kits of strangely named wild warriors and leaders with nine lives but the time of the clans is upon us once more and the stars shine yet again.
Wolfpacks favorite thing about his newfound status as Deputy was that he no longer had to wait on the decisions of others to get things done his way. Sablestar had just given him the power to put things as they should be, and it was working at keeping the mottled tomcat busy.
"Shadowclan, listen up for work assignments!" he called as he and his clanmates slipped from their dens that morning to begin their day.
"Coalstrike, you're on battle training today; take a group out and teach them something useful." he instructed, mismatched eyes finding the dark furred figure briefly before moving on. "Geckoflame, take a few clanmates and apprentices and oversee camp maintenance. This place may be a mudhole but we still have to do upkeep on it." Since the way things looked mattered so much to her and her daughter, she could have a say in making camp closer to her 'standards' for today.
"Bonestalker, you're on hunting duty. I want you to take a patrol out and see if you can work together to bring down something a bit bigger than usual. With our numbers there's no reason why we should be confined only to smaller prey." Group hunting was something Wolfpack was eager to exploit, and the sooner they got to practicing it the better.
"And lastly.." he paused, gaze searching the crowd for a face worthy of the final task, only to pass over and then jump back to a small, lanky figure in the crowd.
"Mothbite," he called with a subtle smirk. "You're heading the patrol across the thunderpath to freshen up our marks on that forest border. Take cats that can enforce our claim in case you run into trouble, and make sure you hunt it on the way back."
They'd taken it for a reason after all, and he was sure his clanmates were eager to have more mammal and bird in their diets.
OOC- Patrol time!! A heads up that these aren't going to be hosted as regularly as on other WC sites in order to prevent spam- you guys are able to just make your own patrols and such, and it can be assumed the deputies are doing their jobs.
That being said, I'm still gonna be popping in from time to time with little prompts like this for you guys, they just won't be as regulated/strict. Wolfpack will not be choosing the entire patrol- he will pick the patrol leader, and then any cat interested in joining that activity may do so once the thread for it is made (within reason, kits can't go hunting, etc). That way you guys can pick and choose what activities you have your cats involved in/aren't limited to just a single thing.
As always, activity leaders are in charge of making their threads (all threads should be open for anyone to join) -- @Coalstrike - Battle Training @BONESTALKER - Group Hunting @GECKOFLAME - Camp Maintenance @Mothbite - Patrolling Shadowclans New Border (Thunderclan board)
(for transparency, these were not rolled for)
shadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
indentttMothbite gives Wolfpack a withering stare. Look at that stupid smirk on his face! He's probably expecting Mothbite to show up at Thunderclan's border and immediately get thrashed by one of their warriors, if he doesn't get flattened by a monster on the way over. What a jerk!
indentttWell, Mothbite will just have to show him otherwise. "Fine then. If you're headed to the border, get over here." He'll never understand why these cats care so much about a stupid patch of forest. Frogs and skinks taste fine! Mothbite has definitely eaten worse. Besides, if they want furry food so much, why can't they quit bellyaching about mice and go catch a squirrel or a muskrat or something. It wasn't anything worth fighting over. Still, if it was important to Sablestar, it was important to Mothbite too. He'd do his best to protect it.
indenttt"We leave as soon as everyone's gathered up."
Work assignments? The warrior's sightless eyes rake across the figure of Wolfpack. Their... deputy, in accordance to Sablestar's wishes. Nettlefrost doesn't mind the additional organization. At the very least, he was pleased to see that someone was taking charge of various clan tasks. An ear twitches. Acknowledgement, and nothing more. Nettlefrost is as stone-faced as ever as he makes his way toward the scent and sound of Mothbite. He wanted to explore this new stretch of land for himself, and he didn't mind the extra bit of hunting either. The warrior takes a seat at Mothbite's side, tail curling in silent greeting as he awaits others to gather for their patrol.
Coalstrike flicked his tail, his narrowed eyes fixed on Wolfpack for a moment before sweeping over the gathered cats. Battle training, hm? A smirk curled at the edges of his maw as he dipped his head slightly in agreement. " A sound suggestion, Wolfpack. " he said smoothly, his tone carrying a hint of approval. " With ThunderClan prowling our border, ready to snap and snarl at us, I think it's a fine idea to test just how capable our warriors truly are. "
His gaze lingered on the group, sharp and calculating, before settling on Jadethorn. " Jadethorn. " he drawled, his voice honeyed but edged with expectation. " I can count on your participation, can't I? I've heard you handled yourself quite well during that patrol. Please, my dear... do impress me. "
Standing up, he lashed his tail to the side, his smirk hardening into something colder. " Those who wish to prove their worth and hone their battle skills, follow. Let's see what you're made of. As for the rest of you... " his voice dipped with an icy edge. " Feel free to linger behind... So long as whatever you're doing benefits the Clan. No excuses. " With that, Coalstrike strode off, his steps deliberate as he sought out a good space to practice. This was new territory, after all. Perhaps it was time to devise new strategies, new ways to fight and to win.
Fleapaw twitched, her ears flicking as Wolfpack called them for an announcement, not even pretending to be interested.
What was even the point? When she tried to join patrols, most of her clanmates acted like she was nothing more than a thorn in their nest. That was if they even let her come along at all. Which—okay, fine—she hadn't exactly given them much reason to like her. But should that matter? Frankly, she didn't care if they liked her—boo hoo—but she could help. And Fleapaw didn't want to be patching up nests or chasing mice and frogs like some kit. She wanted to protect their turf. She wanted to fight.
Like at the Thunderpath but this time she wanted to be in the thick of it. She wanted to be the reason they won. Not some rat to be crushed under paw or passed around.
So when she caught wind that Coalstrike was leading battle training, her ears perked. She sat up—chased quickly by a bitter taste in the back of her throat. There were few faces she'd rather see pecked apart by crows than Coalstrike's. And she knew for a fact the feeling was mutual.
But… Whenever Fleapaw did ask Possumgrin about battle training, she got the same bullshit answer—'You're not ready yet.' And when she asked when she would be he said some shit like 'When I say you are.' Like fucking seriously?! Every time he pulled that shit, she had to fight the urge to shove his freaky face under water until the only thing coming out of his mouth were bubbles.
But she bit her tongue. Swallowed it all down. Because what if she lost it on him and he decided he wasn't gonna teach her anymore? Fleapaw wasn't gonna torch her dream like that.
Even if he was majorly pissing her off.
So, if Coalstrike would just—let her watch, at least, she'd be good. And if he didn't, well, she had a plan for that too.
Fleapaw hopped to her paws, immediately tailing after the dark warrior—because hell if she was gonna sit around camp looking for sticks to patch up this dump.
prompt: —— your character takes the time to investigate one of the landmarks in shadowclans territory. what do they discover?
I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!
a dainty paw freezes mid-swipe just above her ear, irritation quick to flicker behind a sharp gaze as the once soothing rhythm of grooming is shattered by wolfpack's bellowing voice. geckoflame considers outright ignoring the brute and resume preening but the call of her name makes it clear there was no chance of that happening.
"—take a few clanmates and apprentices and oversee camp maintenance."
the bridge of her snout wrinkles. it'll take a damn miracle to turn this mudhole into something even remotely decent even if she were in charge of the upkeep. with a slight sniff, geckoflame rises from her spot and sweeps over the crowd as they began to branch off into groups. she can't imagine many would want to partake in repairs but still, the molly waits around for anyone who wants to join her and in the meantime she mulls over what the first step should be in cleaning up this hovel.
Too early to be calling like that. Webkit decided that if she was awake enough to hear the announcements, she might as well make her journey to the freshkill pile. She'd been hauling things almost her size into the nursery, appetite larger than the camp itself.
Slinking behind the group of workers, she set her sight on a big toad in the pile. Licking her lips, she bounded forwards, stepping over Nettlefrost's tail with extreme care. Yet her attention couldn't keep on her prize for long, especially when she saw her sister was making her way towards one of these assigned groups. Those things did sound pretty interesting...
"What about me?" she piped up in her usual quiet growl. "Let me lead a patrol," Webkit insisted, moving towards Wolfpack so he had no choice but to give her her own team. She avoided eye contact with Geckoflame, whose duties were anything but enticing to her.
⊹ ࣪ ˖͙͘͡
she/her; afab / any gendered terms / 5 months shadowclan kit / former kittypet seal sepia with vitiligo / orange eyes
peaceful powerplay allowed, no perms needed ask before hostile powerplay unless preplanned always open to interaction in battle unless stated otherwise ask before injuring !
Hearing Wolfpack barely stirs her from where she lays. The molly feeling lethargic these past few days. Why? She doesn't know and does not dig too deep into it. Instead when he talks of wanting patrols gathered she finds this as a reason to put her thoughts into work. Question little and only move. React. So she does just that, finally getting to her paws and stepping forth to see what these assignments are worth. It does surprise her that she is named among the ones to gather up cats for a patrol. It makes her gaze narrow slightly in thought before she nods her head. Hunting is her strong suit. She enjoys the feeling of flesh giving to her claws when hunting and fighting alike. "Very well." The white stained woman voices as she shifts her long form from where she is sitting. Glancing about she motions with her tail before stepping in that direction. Her spine is sharp, fur carrying that natural spikey look as she waits near the camp entrance. "Those that are not busy with anything and wish to at least feed their clanmates please gather here with me."
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