still hanging on [Flower]


the underdog



Bright had hoped that straying a little farther from twolegplace would help him out a bit. He knew he wasn't doing himself any favors by straying out into unfamiliar territory, but he could feel his luck slowly running out. The early frost had sent many of the birds south for the winter and just as many critters running for their burrows, and while the green-eyed tom had gotten used to tipping trashcans to look for a meal, every other desperate loner and rogue in the areas was doing the same thing. It'd gotten to the point where you more almost guaranteed to illicit a fight with someone as soon as the sound of the can lid rolling across the ground filled the air, and unfortunately, Bright wasn't built as a brawler.

He wasn't even really a streetcat.

Granted, it'd been a long time since his twolegs had thrown him out, and he'd learned a lot about having to take care of himself in this new environment, but it was clear he wasn't properly trained for this. His hunting skills often fell short and his fighting was laughable, and the only thing he really had going for him was his speed and climbing.

That, and the fact that he was a quick learner in theory.

That was probably the most frustrating part of all of it. Bright was a quick study, able to file away information and recall it with relative ease. He could stand there and give you a complete and accurate rundown on the proper form needed to hunt a squirrel, or the best way to launch yourself at an enemy– but the second he tried to physically do those things himself? It was like opening pandoras box. The small scars and more recent scrapes and bruises weren't just a result of having to compete with cats in twoleg place, but because he was so darn clumsy when trying to do even the most basic things.

Case in point.


The small, dark tabby went tumbling as he completely missed his mark on the pounce, rolling right across the ground and landing in an ungraceful heap among the roots of a nearby tree on the edge of the gorge.

"I-I guess I zigged when I should have zagged…" he groaned as he rolled onto his paws, though to be fair he'd never tried to hunt a rabbit before. Pausing to rub at a tender spot on his head as he realized how close to the edge he'd gotten. "N-Note to self; no hunting this close to the edge."

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes


She swore all she could smell anymore was the rats that had infested their home, the smell clinging to her nose, causing her muzzle to curl in disgust. But it was simply her imagination, causing her to pause in her gentle gait to pull a large paw over her nose, before rubbing at her eyes and opening them. Green eyes glanced through the underbrush, and her jaws gently opened to inhale the scents, smelling.. something strange, but prey nonetheless. Just not normal for the Skyclanner.

But her examination of scent was interrupted as a bolt of grey sped past her and her fur pooped up and ears shot up in alarm. The Cliff Face! She turned to howl and alarm, when she realized just through the bushes the other had managed to tumble to a stop. Her heart thudding, the amber point found herself pulling through the bushes and holding herself high as she looked up the... Stranger.

Her fluffy tail swung slightly behind her, but not in anger. Flowerclouds head tilted in curiousity, watching the other as he rubbed his head. "Hello there," she finally greeted. "Is, your head alright?" The large point asked, moving to lower her haunches as not to alarm the other. "It's dangerous to hunt in Skyclan as is, and some may not be as welcoming," she rumbled softly. "But I am Flowercloud, the deputy- do you have business here, or just passing through?"
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre



Bright yelped as a sudden voice called out asking if he was alright, completely catching the tom off guard. Ears flushing red in embarrassment, he quickly scrabbled to his paws and offered the stranger a sheepish chuckle. "O-oh! No, it's t-toally fine! I'm just really clumsy is all. Sorry for worrying you. he rushed out, before finding himself at a loss.

"S-Skyclan?" he echoed, expressing one of bafflement. "I'm not really sure what that is, to be honest." he admitted, teeth worrying his lower lip as he wondered if he was in some kind of trouble or something. "I just came out here looking for something to eat. The cats in twolegplace, well, they aren't really all the keen on sharing." Another nervous chuckle, accompanied by an uncertain twitch of his tail. "M-my name's Bright, though! It's nice to meet you, Flowercloud."

loner/future skyclanner - male - a lean, dark tabby with asymmetrical white and bright green eyes