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When was the last time Haunt had ever felt fresh blood in her teeth, or soft fur under her paws?She had given up the hunt moons ago. She was much too small, much too weak - she'd spend more energy than she'd gain by chasing after whatever critters she could find past Highstones. Moons spent trailing after rogues, picking up their pieces, garnering a bit of pity - it had taught her to be resourceful, to be on her guard. The feeling of catching prey for the first time in forever is.. exhilarating. But she remembers, as her eyes shift around, that she must not let down her guard. If these cats were anything like the hungry things she'd encountered all her life, they would stop at nothing to ensure her little mouse becomes theirs.
Pawsteps sound behind her, and the molly's muscles tense as she tightens her grasp around the mouse, bringing her paws forward to sort of shield it from the prying eyes of whoever approached from her side. Her hackles raise, and an instinctual growl escapes through cold fur. When she finally brings her gaze up to the cat who approached her, no doubtedly confused by her defensiveness, she lets go of the critter and - she hisses at them, baring her teeth in a ruthless snarl as she closes her arms in around the mouse and lashes her tail, as if to say: mine, and back off.
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- ooc: — open for anyone to be the approaching cat!