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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


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Mirepurr has been thinking — probably a bad thing, considering their tendencies.

they ask softly, approaching him when he appears to have a moment to spare. He's been granted a title, and with that, honor. Sablestar had seen something in him; something Mirepurr assumes they are missing. It's not like they have great ambitions or anything, but they remember their leader's face when they had stumbled through camp entrance, yowling about danger due to a quarrel. Surely he expects more... Mirepurr cannot flee from every instance of a conflict. They would all call them a coward for it.

When Coalstrike turns to meet their gaze, Mirepurr swallows.
"I just wanted to ask you for some... advice."
He gives off the impression that he has many wise things to share. It's worth a try; the worst he can say is to make themself busy instead of asking silly questions.
"I want to do... I want to be better, for ShadowClan. How can I best achieve that, do you think?"

your character goes to one of their new night guards for advice, how well does this go for them?

The large tom turned his head slightly, copper eyes settling on Mirepurr as they spoke. He remembered this one. They had been the one to warn them about the ThunderClan squabble, hadn't they? No one had gotten hurt because of it… but they hadn't exactly been the proud warrior delivering a crucial warning. they had looked shaken. Less like a warrior standing firm for her Clan-- more like a panicked mess.

Soft. Kind, but not too kind. That was at least something. He could work with that.

And now, they were asking him how to be better for ShadowClan. " Strength is always a pro. " he finally meowed, flicking a clump of mud away before turning to face them fully. " You have to be able to defend what's yours. Say ThunderClan had decided to push further, had gone for a full-blown fight. You need to know how to stand your ground. How to drive them out. " His copper eyes narrowed. " Don't forget, this place, this Clan, it's yours. You choose this. They have no right to take that from you. "

His tail flicked once before he continued. " Sometimes, confrontation is necessary. And when it happens, you need to know how to talk. What to say. " His gaze stayed sharp, steady. " You can't just blubber incoherently. No one will take you seriously. "

A pause. Then, a question.

" Have you been working on your fighting skills? "

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.

CICADABUZZ, 27 moons / shc + med. cat
a SH cinnamon tabby/chocolate tortie chimera w/ black eyes
parent to deathberrykit, hemlockkit, mistletoekit
a reserved, pragmatic healer driven by duty rather than sentiment
Cicadabuzz listens, their expression unreadable as they observe the exchange. Mirepurr's uncertainty hums in the air like the wings of a trapped insect, restless, uneasy. They do not interrupt. They simply listen, gaze flicking from one cat to the other, weighing words like herbs on their tongue. Coalstrike speaks of strength, of standing ground, of choosing one's place and defending it. His words hold truth—practical, direct, and perhaps even necessary. But strength alone does not make a cat better. Cicadabuzz has seen strong cats fall, their pride crushed beneath the weight of their own recklessness. They have seen warriors with sharp claws but dull minds, good for battle and little else. Strength is a tool, but like any tool, it must be wielded with care.

When Coalstrike asks about Mirepurr's training, Cicadabuzz finally speaks, voice calm and steady. "Strength without clarity is wasted effort." Their gaze settles on Mirepurr, unreadable, but not unkind. "You wish to be better for ShadowClan. Why?" A simple question, yet one that matters more than any battle skill. Purpose is a foundation, and without it, all the training in the world is as fleeting as mist.

Miraculously, Coalstrike does not turn them away. Mirepurr's eyes glisten with the opportunity to learn something new, or perhaps discover another faucet of themself... are they putting their expectations too high? Surely not. The Night Guards have been named as such for a reason. He must have wisdom that they would not soon find in the corner of their own mind or heart.

They all but deflate at Coalstrike's first word. Strength. The one thing that they specifically mourn the lack of — there are many different aspects to a cat that come in handy across various scenarios, but pure force is not nearly as situational. You can always get by with that simple thing... but if it's that simple, why cannot Mirepurr make themself get it? No amount of watching others or attempting to train themself so far had earned them any plus points. If anything, those only serve to bring their spirits down.

But Coalstrike continues on, and Mirepurr remains at attention. It'd be impossibly rude to do anything but that after specifically asking for his time.

"I understand,"
they say with full conviction. What Coalstrike says resonates with Mirepurr; they had chosen ShadowClan, and nothing can take that choice from them... nothing but perhaps their own self.
"I have... sometimes. Not nearly as much as I should, evidently."
Mirepurr's eyes slide to the side with an embarrassed huff.
"I'll just have to try harder."

Then, Cicadabuzz asks the million dollar question; they have a knack for that. Mirepurr gazes at them, pupils the size of moons.
The echo is unnecessary, but it gives them time to think.
"ShadowClan is like family. I suppose the bond we have feels stronger than before the battle... we are more connected than before. It's important to protect that."
It is silly, Mirepurr knows, but they almost wish for some recognition. Their words come for the heart, but they wonder if they live up to par with what Cicadabuzz has been looking for with that question- if anything at all.

Sharp eyes flickered to where Cicadabuzz sat, lingering on the medicine cat in silence. His expression remained unreadable, but after a moment, he gave a slow nod of agreement. Strength without clarity was a wasted effort. So then, the real question-- why? Why did Mirepurr want to be stronger for the sake of ShadowClan?

His copper gaze returned to her, studying her quietly as she considered both their words. The mention of her near-nonexistent battle training made him bite back a scoff, though the sharp lash of his tail-tip betrayed his irritation. But she wanted to learn. She was willing to try harder. Family. He sat with that answer, blinking slowly before dipping his head. Her conviction was her own. It didn't matter what they thought, it only mattered what she believed.

Finally, he spoke.

" With battle training, I can help. "

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.