SkyClan Journey the devil wears prada / meeting ; 11.15

She / They
SkyClan Leader
Played by

Nine lives she had been given.... nine lives laid at her feet to take on the burden given to a hundred leaders before, and a hundred leaders, after her. So momentous was the occasion that she had hardly slept an ounce between now and her ceremony: there had just been far too much to do... the first of which would be to get their affairs in order. They had all known it, or at least suspected it (or so she hoped) and now, it was here. With Coffeestar dead, Hawkeye was free to claim all of SkyClan as her regime; and with that mantle, came the ability to call the shots officially as she pleased.

"SkyClan, to me," perched aloft a stray jut in the stone wall, Hawkstar watched neutrally as the clan assembled to her, all of them already used to her way of command and punctuality. It was she who had held them to her as Coffeestar rounded the end of their lives; and it was she who had stood here every morning to announce patrols. They were no stranger to this - it was, truly, only the formality of it that disturbed the quiet illusion of normalcy.

"It is with no pleasure that I announce to you that StarClan has blessed me with nine lives, which means that with my ascension, we must truly accept the loss of Coffeestar. Warriors, please be prepared to hold a silent vigil from sunset to moon-high to honor our fallen clanmate." she flicked her tail lazily, doling out the honorary service of a dear leader as if it were no more than a dawn patrol. One electric-blue eye flitted from cat to cat, measuring the engagement of the room in a half-second glance. Hm.

"Additionally, with my ascension comes a shift in leadership. All sun-guards as of right... now - are relieved of their duties. Congratulations, thank you for your service, yada- on to the next thing.... mm .. yes!" She blinked with sudden amusement, she was killing it so far, "I will also need a deputy to help temper me a little, keep me for getting carried away. Flowercloud, please come forward,"

A small smile graced the she-cat's lips as she surveyed the golden warrior, "You've got a good mind and an excellent rapport. Consider yourself promoted."

"Secondarily: we will be continuing our plans to move out tomorrow morning. Daylight warriors, say goodbye to your Twolegs because we will not be returning once we leave. If you do not return before sunrise, we will be leaving with or without you. I do not wait for anybody, especially those who would prefer to sleep in. Please do not attempt to approach me at sunrise - if you are in, you are in; if you are out then you better find yourselves a Twoleg to feed you."

// part 1 ; assignments are next <3

A meeting. It is a sore spot, to know Hawkstar approaches the pentagon office space, where Coffeestar had just finished their run of term. A breath left him as he heard Hawkstar call, and he pushes to his paws, ever the dutiful warrior. Green eyes scan that of clanmates alike, finding those with collars and those without. His head turned towards Coffeestar and settled, tucking his tail about his paws as he listened.

His ears perked at the vigil, and his head nodded once. That wouldn't be rough- then Hawkstar is continuing. Shock curls him to his toes, eyes briefly widening. All Sun Guards? A breath leaves him- perhaps a fresh start would be good, though he wasn't sure about taking everycat off of the council. His tail twitched, anxious suddenly at the thought, as Flowercloud gets promoted to Deputy. His eyes are watchful, studying, before they shift back towards Hawkstar.

That would be tough. A vigil from sundown to moonhigh, and then waking at dawn to being their journey? His ear briefly twitched, and while critical of timing, he did not voice his concerns, a show that the blue coated tom was placing his faith in Hawkstar. Don't make me regret it.

  • "speech"
  • 90628422_C6QNqL22jlBkvXJ.png
  • BATWING AFAB he/him, WARRIOR of SKYCLAN, twenty-seven moons.
    A tall, agile, blue and black pelted tom with bright green eyes. Extremely talented at climbing and cracking jokes when most needed.
    mentored by npc / mentoring no one (currently)
    npc x npc / no mate currently
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Curlbark was sat near the middle of the throng of cats below the outcropping, xer curly furred tail wrapped over xer paws in what was Curlbark's closest approximation of a 'serious' posture. Xer fur itched in anticipation as xe watched xer new leader up above them all. It was a shame what happened to Coffeestar, yes, xe'd liked her plenty, but change was also exciting. Change meant a new routine, new opportunities. Especially with the plan to strike out on their journey, things were about to be very different in SkyClan. Xe couldn't help the pang of jealousy xe felt when Flowercloud was named deputy, but it wasn't anything xe let xemself linger on in the moment as Hawkstar carried on. Flowercloud would do a fine job, anyway.

What did catch xer attention was the demotion of the current sun-guards. Xer ears tilted forward, eyes darting briefly to the (now ex-) sun-guards. Not unheard of, certainly, but an interesting choice that said a lot about how Hawkstar was going to be running things, in xer opinion.

Fujimoto stood amongst the crowd of his peers with twitching discomfort flickering beneath the skin of his pelt. An antsy crawl lingered between the hairs of his fur, sliding his tongue over his teeth in fidgeting habit while Hawkeye addressed them as she had so many countless times before. She is Hawkstar now, sadly as Coffeestar's aging form was not saved by the blessings of StarClan. The swipe over his teeth retreated between them as he bit down to ground his anxiety from pouring over.

Pay attention! A voice intruded the spiral he was about to descend, jerking his head up to hear some of Hawkstar's prattle. Sun Guards... gone. Gone with Coffeestar's legacy, void of her kind touch that once warmed the valley. And off away from his twolegs- away from his twolegs??

"We're still leaving?" The hiss from his maw is low, hardly an utter with a voice, in disbelief. Would this new leadership truly strengthen SkyClan- could he even part of that?

I don't know... He was a warrior under the sunlight, but still a kittypet by moonrise. How would be able to part from his home, his other family?

Cygnetkit finds Hawkstar's one eyed gaze with meager confusion but... curiosity. Coffeestar stood there latest in her memory (fallible, she knows, but she doesn't think this is one she'd trouble with.) It's the cycle of leadership, her father had said to her when she asked. The tom isn't there right then, headed to his twoleg home after a terse discussion with Flowercloud. The kitten tries to dwell on the better; but the better never comes.

Sun Guards, dismissed. Her mother is made deputy but in conjunction with the shrunk council, Cygnetkit doesn't know how to feel. And then next, a journey. They are to leave their home, and with the way Hawkstar speaks, it's for forever. Crowsight isn't here to hear this! Will he make it in time? Little blue eyes search for her mother's knowing gaze, her own lips parting with the question before she quiets herself.

She trusts Flowercloud. She listens dutifully to the adults and doesn't inquire anything of them.

The child waits in silence, her tail flicking by her paws.
  • Sad
Reactions: deidre
⋆˚✿˖° "I'll Be Fine On My Own" She Said
Mismatched eyes scanned the camp as Hawkstar spoke, an ear flicking in acknowledgement of the words. The indifferent attitude from their newly ascended leader unnerved Sagesong, was this really necessary? Removing all of the sun-guard in one fell swoop? And leaving so soon? Sharp claws sheathed and unsheathed in the dirt beneath her paws, a nervous tic they'd never quite been able to get over.

"...Do we really need to head out so soon after Coffeestar's vigil?" They mewed, unsure if their voice would carry to their leader above. She paused, wanting to choose her next words carefully. "Don't get me wrong, I know we need to leave sooner or later, but it might be better to prepare more for such a journey?"

She was an optimist at heart, but that didn't mean they could ignore how abrupt this all felt. And the daylight warriors...if they truly left with or without them then the clan would be even smaller than they were already on this journey.

  • Sagesong
    — Skyclan Warrior
    — They/She
    — Small, Curly-furred, Mottled Black And Brown She Cat With Heterochromia.

With the most depressing news out the way, Hawkstar waited for lukewarm pleasantries to trickle before she began to speak again: "Now for the fun stuff! Rosekit, Cygnetkit, Lavenderpaw, Magpiepaw: please step forward. You all are old enough now,"Hawkstar swallowed back the coppery tang she had bitten from her tongue (who didn't like a little blaspheme in the mornings?) "to start learning how to become proper warriors, and so you will be assigned mentors who will escort you personally through our coming journey. Magpiepaw, your mentor will be Sagesong - may they pass their wisdom onto you." One blue pupil landed deftly on the mottled warrior, dissention most unwanted but notably unaccounted; disbarred... for the moment.

"Cygnetpaw, your mentor will be Lionfire. It will do you good to learn from his tenacity and strength... secondarily, Rosepaw," she turned her hawk's eye to the boy, a smirk detailing her eggshell muzzle, "you will be training by my side. And Sorrelpaw," she flicked her gaze away again, as free and as unmoored as a bird, "you are now assigned to Flowercloud. A good, honest cat is learn good, honest values from." Another ghost of a smile graced her scarred lips, just quick enough to be seen before it melted away again, her expression cautious as she took in the temperature of the room.
  • Love
Reactions: deidre
[glowstrong=black]A rake of claws against a mirror - grazing pelts we all once wore[/glowstrong]​
Brown jaw tightens, he can hear his heartbeat in his ears louder than even Hawkstar's grating voice is, it almost drowns out her words entirely as she moves on quickly from her ascension to the mundane of assigning mentors but he is caught in the past and tangled in it tightly. His mother's body is still fresh in her grave, the scent of lavender of her vigil still lingers on his pelt, and now he has been outwardly shamed before his clan with a dismissal as if his efforts had meant nothing.
Coffeestar had made him one of her Sun Guards to temper him, heat forged a blade that cut through SkyClan's enemies and kept its warriors in line and he had reveled in his place of knighthood within the clan; his wild and unruly apprentice behavior all but a fleeting memory, a fun story the older warriors would still sometimes share but it was all simply to compare him to what he'd become. He was a damn fine warrior, one of the best even not to stroke his own ego but he had worked hard for where he'd gotten and to be so callously tossed aside...

Mousefang was not named so for being meek, his mint green eyes widen and then narrow before he closes them with a deep inhale to steady himself. It was only decorum that spared Hawkstar his fury then and there, he was not so brash as to pick a fight openly with the leader nor was it something that mattered more than their upcoming journey. So he clenched his teeth and bit his tongue, its what his mother would have wanted. He could, at the very least, honor her by not immediately starting a feud with the cat she had chosen as her deputy, her successor.
But it didn't make it any less bitter, especially given he had been promised one of those kits to mentor himself and now they were passed around to other warriors, her new deputy, cats he knew he outshone in performance.
Another insult but he wasn't going to stoop so low. Mousefang rose stiffly, his gaze drifted briefly to Sagesong who had tried to speak up only to be blatantly ignored, "There is no point in waiting." He said, voice low and rough as he pivoted on a paw and started to make his way out of the area to find something productive to do despite the meeting not formally closing yet. If he had to sit there for another second he was going to test the virtue of those lives, see if the stars really did sing her praises.

[glowstrong=black]A kindling of a swordless bloodshed - the creaking of a voiceless door ⚔ [/glowstrong]​
  • 91532432_z3puO7dw5LvSD5x.png

    — SkyClan Warrior
    — He/Him
    — A black rosette tabby with high white & mint green eyes.

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Magpiepaw felt panic pulse through their body. So much had just happened at once. First Coffeestar's death, then the announcement of Hawkstar becoming leader and sun-guards being relieved of their duties, them and the other apprentices being assigned mentors, and of course the big journey ahead. It all felt too much to for them to process at once.

"Breathe Magpiepaw.. breathe..." They mumbled aloud to themself, trying to keep their head from spinning. They took in a deep breath and exhaled several moments later, finding their paws again. Then realizing their mom, who was a daylight warrior wouldn't be joining them on them on the journey. Everything started to spin again as panic hit them. Not waiting for the meeting to end Magpiepaw scurried off to the apprentices den to lie down. They curled up tightly wrapping their tail around their forepaws. "It'll.. all be... okay...." They said failing to convince themself while curling up even tighter.​

celandinepaw & 06 moons & female & she/her
skyclan apprentice

Its a strange thing - the knowledge that soon, her home will cease to be her home. Two-toned eyes stare nervously up at the newly star-blessed leader as she speaks, ears twitching against her skull. No matter how many times her parents assure her that this journey will be for the best, Celandinepaw can't quite shake the fear that sends heart pounding rabbit-swift.

Forelimb shifts, balance wobbling for a moment, head craning as kits are called forwards to join her as apprentices. " Cygnetpaw! Magpiepaw! Lavenderpaw! " despite her trepidation just moments before, Celandinepaw is one of the first to join the cheers - bright smile on her face. Its a momentous day ater all - she shouldn't let her worries get the best of her, and ruin it for everyone else.!

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I N - L O V E - W I T H - T H E - I D E A - O F - D Y I N '
W I T H - Y O U - I N - M Y - A R M S
They had anticipated this moment, their curly coat itchy with nerves. Fuzzypaw wasn't worried much about the change in leadership – in fact, they embraced it. Death wasn't something they were familiar with, oblivious to its debilitating touch with his family being blessed by StarClan above to have not been touched by illness after illness. It made him soft, privileged due to the fact they haven't had to experience loss like others had been enduring all of these moons.

Instead, the idea of a journey through foreign lands kept the boy on edge for more than he would like to be. He always broke out into hives from high stress situations, his skin dry in an already suffocating cool air. These were more of the worries that they held deep within their heart as they sat looking up at Hawkstar, twiddling paws to keep themself busy. The announcement of Flowercloud being promoted so soon surprised the tom slightly, but he paid it no mind as his mind drifted off slowly, wondering what it would be like to be in her place. Deputy... Perhaps in time. Tuning back in to hearing kits made apprentices and new reassignments, Fuzzypaw cheered with the rest of their clan. "Cygnetpaw! Magpiepaw! Lavenderpaw!" Fear gnawed at their stomach as they called out into the sky, concern littering their features. Hopefully this journey would be successful.

Mismatched hues watched the new leader with wide eyes, her ear twitching once as she listened to the other speak. Coffeestar's death had been a painful one... She had grown fond of their leader in the time she had been here to hunt and share tongues with her pack... And though she nightly returned to her two-leg family, it didn't mean she was less of a part of the clan. She felt for each cat she had met within this border... Atleast the old leader had come to find an old age, not many did... Hawkstar now stood as their leader, and she trusted the other to lead well. That she had once been a kittypet, should make no difference to how one leads, right? No, she believed in her!!

But... The fact that she heard they were STILL leaving did bring her down a bit. It meant leaving behind all that she loved... Her two-legs did not understand her, but they had been kind to her... And her sister who was still with the two-legs... Could she leave her behind? Her eyes fell to the ground momentarily, paws kneading the ground in a somewhat nervous manner as she thought. She had been coming here for... For a long time now. Since before she was old enough to be an actual warrior. This clan had become her family too, even the ones who rolled her eyes at her...

Her eyes flitted back momentarily to where she knew her two-leg house was... Would she go, or would she stay....? She glanced up every now and then, halfly listening to the other things that were being told. Flowercloud was now a deputy, that was good.. The other was a fine warrior... She would do good being deputy, surely... And , oh goodness, yes... That's true. Apprentices! She wiggled a bit, eyes widening as she looked back. And as she watched the excitement of the newly-made paws, saw the closeness of the pack she knew...

She knew she could not leave them. So instead, she would bid her sister farewell... Would share warmth one more time with her two-legs... It would be fine, they would have her sister, still... But Skyclan? She could not leave. This had became her home.

She would be a daylight warrior no more, instead she would be a full part of the clan.

・゚✦ —— I'm reaching light through the struggle

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i cannot seem to contort myself back into the shape of a dutiful child. i am coming unraveled. i am coming undone.
Well, pray tell, the fuck just happened? Wolfstorm blinked, barely able to contain the rumbled snort from escaping, scarred maw peeling back in a rogue-ish grin beneath raven fur. Well, foxdung, wasn't that an introduction to Hawk's grand beginning?

Kick everyone off the team. A simple plan, Wolfstorm figured. Getting rid of the old and beginning the new, but foxdung was that brutal, if not a little amusing.

He glanced at Lionfire's tri-colored pelt some lengths away, practically vibrating with the need to do something other than listen to pointless speeches when Flowercloud's name broke through the muted haze, brow raised. Pop's younger sister? Deputy? Huh. Didn't see that coming.

However, what really sparked his interest was Hawkstar's plans to move, and that was … something else entirely. It was a breath of fresh air entering his decaying lungs for the first time, hope fluttering beneath a barely beating heart. Was it really happening? His gaze drifted to Lostmoon, now four weeks into his pregnancy.

Would they really survive? He breathed an uncertain sigh, glancing away from his adoptive brother to watch his clanmates, some silently accepting while others voiced their concerns. Better than dying. He thought darkly, fiery hues narrowed, glancing up at Pops who seemed to share his concerns by the way his expression shifted just a hair.

When Flowercloud's kits were called, Wolfstorm raised an eyebrow, hearing Hawkstar call out Lionfire's name. Best of luck, kid. Wolfstorm thought, glancing at the tri-colored tom's new apprentice.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 870608ec31f944c269f477285a4bc986b31547f1.gifv
    hold him gently in your hands

    he has been cracked enough as it is, and his
    is more
    than he lets on​
  • wolfstorm he/him
    a massive scarred solid black maine coon with one white forepaw and bright firey azure eyes
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
he is a wild child with a wanderer soul that dances with the stars. he has a free spirit, a reckless mind, and a rebel heart that isn't meant to be tamed. love his wild and you will never lose him.
Lostmoon had been preparing himself for the next grueling weeks of being cramped inside a nursery that smelt of decaying plants when Hawkstar reappeared—new and improved, or just … the same old Hawkstar the clan knew with a heap of responsibilities that made the petite tom want to puke.

Nope. Nu-uh. He'd jump off the highest tree branch before anyone even thought about making him a leader. He was quite happy with being the one everyone thought of when bending the rules just slightly. In his defense! He was left unsupervised, and that never boded well for anyone. He snickered quietly, head dipped over his shoulder to shield everyone from the upturn of his lips, owlish pink hues wide with amusement.

Oh, such sillies. It was never a dull moment with the petite feline, and Lostmoon was proud of it. Jaggedstorm—Ah. He winced, curling inward, expression falling limp, irises glancing down at the unkept ground. Should it hurt this much? A soft, rueful sigh escaped a delicate maw, glancing down at his belly, trying to picture a life with his kits and mate, alive.

It was a sweet dream, but an awful awful one that left Lostmoon in tears most nights, begging for his mate's touch, and yet denied so cruelly in the way he shivered, staring at the empty spot where his lover once resided. Some days, Wolfstorm or Lionfire joined him when they weren't on night watch and other days, his papa came to offer quiet company, letting the small feline fret over his father's wooly, unkempt coat.

The male barely paid much attention to the disbandment of their current sun guards, but what did catch his wavering attention was the preparation to move. They were moving? Oh. Oh. He shot a weird glance at his stomach, still not quite visible beneath the chimera's long fur.

This will be fun.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
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    still, there is this terrible
    to be

    still, there is this
    at being
    left behind
  • lostmoon he/him
    a petite black smoke albino mackerel tabby chimera with pretty owlish pink eyes and vitiligo
    ♡ caregiver of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
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you are a warrior. warriors don't give up and don't back down. pick up your sword and fight.
About damn time. He sat nearest to the entrance when Hawkeye arrived, perched on a stray jut in the stone wall, gazing upon her subjects with a level of neutrality Lionfire had to applaud her for. His dark lips quirked in a half-sneer, hidden beneath a wool of tri-colored fur.

His rugged plumage swept the ground in lazy strokes, black pupils narrowed, slits against the backdrop of sharp yellow irises, barely acknowledging the speech about Coffeestar, though his gaze slid to Duskpool at the abolishment of the old sun guard. A frown tugged at scarred lips, biting back an annoyed huff. Whatever. It wasn't like he cared.

Seriously? Flowercloud? Lionfire raised an eyebrow, hidden beneath wools of fur at the deputy's announcement. Is she even worthy of such a rank? He admitted she wasn't all bad, and he sure as hell knew better than to voice his complaints when Duskpool was within the vicinity wondering if this was all for nothing when the clan blew up in flames, raining ash down on their matted, emaciated forms.

Damn rats.

When Hawkstar called for a journey, Lionfire perked up in sudden interest, sharp yellow irises zeroing in on the leader, unable to stop his bulky frame from sliding forward in interest. "About damn time we moved from this dump." He muttered, scowling. This wasn't a place to raise future generations of Lostmoon's kits and despite his obvious distaste, was the godfather to the idiot's little gremlins.

Lionfire had no attachments to their current situation—the gorge was a walking death trap if they didn't leave now though complaints were heard about leaving so soon after Coffeestar's vigil. If it'd been him, Lionfire wouldn't have even held a vigil, too preoccupied in making sure everyone worth his time was accounted for when Hawkstar's voice filtered through the grumbling haze, mangled ears perked at the call of his name. "Foxdung." So he was getting stuck with one of Flowercloud's kids. Fun.

He rolled his eyes, clambering on white paws to stride forward, standing beside the newly named Cygentpaw with a raised brow, eyeballing her form, noting any noticeable weaknesses. "Don't think I'll go easy on you now that we're moving." He rumbled.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • d1b272f6bf2bf1124a70637df5a807afa1cdb37c.gifv
    better than

    better than

    better than
  • lionfire he/him
    a massive scarred tortoiseshell maine coon mix with sharp yellow eyes and low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ forty-two moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea
  • Love
Reactions: lionharted
the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
The obsidian-smoked male gave pause, wooly plumage sweepin' the cold, tremblin' ground when a molten copper iris landed on Hawkeye—an exceptional deputy, though hardened, unlike the soft hues Coffeeststar once possessed. About time, ain't it? He thought mildly, sharp gaze sweepin' across his clanmates, old and new as he padded into camp, muscles coilin' like a rattlesnake.

His head clouded with seethin' anger, burnin' like molten lava tubes, body pricklin' with disgust. Damn, foxhearted coward. He made good time, chasin' the ugly bastard and knockin' him off his paws before hurryin' to watch his grandkids become apprentices under a new leader—Hawkstar he reckon' he should be callin' her now as he settled on a rock juttin' out from the rocky gorge.

His bones ached, rubbin' skin raw and irritated as he settled close to his adoptive son, sweepin' an old agin' gaze to each of his children and grandchildren, sighin' softly. His heart was whole, though bitter and jagged around the edges, muscles unwindin' to rest silently against Wolfstorm's thick hide, mangled ears forward when he heard Hawkstar's casual tone dismantlin' Coffeestar's council, drawing a rumble from the senior warrior. That quick, eh? A molten copper iris met Lionfire's before peelin' them away with a low dip of his helm.

He can't say he was surprised, though when Flowercloud's name echoed, Duskpool cracked a gentle, well-hidden smile beneath obsidian fur—atta girl. She deserved the role, though soft, Flowercloud was fierce and like Duskpool, protective of her family. He'll have to check on her after the meetin' when more news skimmed passed mangled ears, head liftin' upward, brow raised. Leavin' camp? He echoed, gaze driftin' to Lostmoon, expression haunted.
  • ooc
    —— xxx
  • 79e7ea600f49a325f113a03a1d56a56b1c609e9a.gifv
    release me
    from my promise to

    don't make me do this anymore. don't make me go on
  • duskpool he/him
    a massive scarred obsidian-smoked ghost mackerel tabby maine coon / norwegian forest mix w/ molten copper eyes and low-white
    ♡ senior warrior ( ex- sunguard ) of skyclan
    ♡ seventy-five moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

SNOWVEIL, 88 moons / SkyClan + Perm Queen
A lean silver black lynx point with milky blue eyes and many scars
Delights in listening to all that goes around, can be a bit gruff, will put you on your place
Tagging person here

The white she-cat listened intently to each word that was being spoken, her ears swiveling toward every voice, tail flicking ever so slightly with anticipation. She could feel the unease, could feel the mixed emotions almost. But she knew also that Hawkstar was doing what she deemed best for the clan. The announcement that they would leave their dying territory fell harshly on some, and were taken with relief by others. She wasn't blind so to say, to the hesitation rippling through some of them... Their doubts were as clear to her as if she could see the unease in their eyes. Still, she stood firm in her belief. She trusted Hawkstar, the cat who had once been her own apprentice and now would lead them with courage and strength.

When she heard the kits being named apprentices, she found her muzzle tipping upward in approval and her cheers ringing clear amidst the others. She wouldn't deny the pride she felt for the young'uns, having watched them grow from kits to the future warriors that now stood before the clan. There was a certain warmth that radiated from her as she reflected on their growth, her whiskers twitching. These kits were on their way to become the future warriors of SkyClan.

Her body stretched once before she squinted her eyes for a moment. "About time we took some steps to secure the legacy of SkyClan!" she declared, her voice carrying a spark of determination. She punctuated her words with a firm thud of her paw against the ground, her head held high and proud.

Her sightless gaze seemed to pierce through any lingering uncertainty, her tone carrying both reassurance and unshakable confidence. "It'll do my bones good to explore some new places." she added with a smirk, her fiery spirit shining through her words. Blindness had never dimmed her courage or dulled her adventurous nature, if anything, it had only strengthened her resolve.

Snowveil's belief was clear: change was not something to fear. It was an opportunity to grow, to secure a brighter future for SkyClan. And she, as always, would meet it head-on.

there's fire underneath this snow
I like it better when the sun shines,
Give me those good times, then I'll be alright


MILKHEART, He/Him / 29 moons / Skyclan Caregiver
Seal Sepia tom with high white, has scruffy tipped ears, a long fluffy cream-white tail and amber-caramel eyes
Former mate of DUCHESS, Father of CREAMKIT and two others
Radiates Dad Energytm, good with kits, warm and amicable (totally doesn't look like a hot chocolate, except he does)
Tagging [@]
OOC Note: Dingo gave permission for mention/puppeting of Creamkit

Situated closer to the kits and young apprentices of Skyclan, keeping an eye on his own three little ones nestled close to his warmth, Milkheart sat upright and focused, awaiting what was to come. He had a lot on his mind, particularly of the future.

Changes were coming, big ones, in many ways. Skyclan would have a new leader in Hawkstar, to succeed Coffeestar, all sorts of preparations would have to begin soon, and there was also the vigil to be held for Coffeestar later on. Reactions were mixed, this was to be expected but Milkheart did his best to remain as neutral as possible— Hawkstar deserved a chance at the absolute least, even if they had disagreements in the past. Besides, Coffeestar saw something in her after all, right? Therefore others could see it too, given time.

That being said, Milkheart himself had an inkling of what that was from his perspective as well. He was reasonably sure that Hawkstar had a softer side that she seemed to be hiding in regards to kits and apprentices— it was always small things, but small things that the experienced caregiver noticed and remembered... Especially after he had returned with his three kits, having rescued them from the two-leg nest inhabited by his increasingly irate and dangerous former mate Duchess.

Milkheart saw no reason for Hawkstar to hide— or stars forbid, be ashamed of— having a soft spot for kits; he had one too, so he could relate! Alas, how Hawkstar chose to express herself was up to her!

Either way, he had hope that things would be better soon, especially now with the journey to a new territory being announced. It was a massive relief, if there was ever a chance to keep his kits safe and away from their deranged mother this was it.

The journey wouldn't be easy, nothing ever worth doing was easy... Even so, Milkheart would take on every hardship of his life again and again, repeatedly, in a heartbeat if it meant the ensured safety of those in his care and for his clan.

I tell you what— you better not be bringing bad vibes,
Leave your troubles behind, then I'll be alright
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Tigerfoot was no stranger to changes in leadership, though he'd often known them to happen far more abruptly than this one. He'd heard of violent coups, civil uprisings, roaming dictators; He worried for the lawless moments between shifts in governing and the methods it would take to establish new law. This? this was easy, slow, and expected. Hawkstar was destined to be the next leader and so she became. Tigerfoot wasn't fond of the toil the journey would entail, he didn't know how well the weaker clan members would fare, but he agreed that it had to happen. Their current situation was not one that would see Skyclan through the next few moons, nevermind the next few generations.

He didn't say anything to mark his agreement, his words alone would not change disagreeing minds, but he let his head nod slightly along to the statements made. He would have to finish his preparations, take final count and stock of what he had. It wouldn't be easy to find herbs along the way.
Oh, I can't stop feeling I want her love ♡

The chocolate tom ambles forward, his plodding gait nearly sending him tumbling in his excitement to get to the front of the group along with his siblings, his heart pounding in his chest despite his attempts to maintain an aura of cool uncaring collected grace; failing miserable as he twitched and tapped his paws with impatient eagerness - his tail wriggling behind him as he struggled to keep seated. Hawkstar had a lot to say before the most important part (his apprentice ceremony) and he tuned it out in the way only an impatient young fresh out the nursery kitten could. His focus only reigning back in at the sound of his name. His new name.
Rosepaw. Rosepaw. Finally. Nothing could-wait, what was it their leader had said first that now whispered through the crowd like a blanket of unease? His ears flicked upward, head tilted as he frowned at the older cats making their plans.
They were leaving.
His mood is instantly sullen, striped face wrinkling and blue eyes widening in repulsion, disgust, annoyance all in one. He had been waiting forever to become an apprentice! To see their territory and finally get to explore the world beyond the camp just to be snatched away from it the same day he was granted his new name. Even being the leader's apprentice did little to soothe the hurt and his gaze dropped to the ground to glower at the dirt as though the land itself was to blame for his suffering.

But all my dreaming is not enough...

  • 75204847_CrnFZadkMepzPz0.png

    — Apprentice of SkyClan
    — He/Him

    — Chocolate Sepia Tabby w/low white & blue eyes.