Private Territory SkyClan the show must go on // teaselpaw

This thread is private! Only post if you have permission!
This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


I have always been a storm
Played by

Stormcrow gets up early, before the sun has breached the edge of the horizon, the early new leaf air cool and crisp in her lungs. She pads out into the camp, stretching in front of the entrance to the warrior's den. There was something about being up before dawn; a softness about the world, which has yet to adjust to its inhabitants being awake.

After the meeting yesterday, Teaselpaw had looked… rather stricken. She sighs. They were like their mother; too soft, too trusting, too ready to defend someone who had done nothing to deserve it. Misplaced loyalty. Shaking her head, she heads towards the camp's entrance, sitting down next to it and wrapping her tail around herself, covering her paws.

She sits there, still as a mountain in the half light of the soon to rise sun, a silent observer. Her eyes are the only part of her that moves. Were she sitting in the tree tops, one might've mistaken her for an owl or some other bird of prey, looking for a rustling in the bushes to indicate the presence of her prey. Now her eyes search for Teaselpaw.

  • ooc: @Teaselpaw
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png
    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.



Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselpaw had been anxious, there was no denying that. Sleep had not come easily, their thoughts spinning in restless circles. Eventually, exhaustion had won, pulling them into an uneasy slumber. They often sang softly to Cygnetpaw to comfort her, but lately… it hadn't felt the same. And curling up against Rosepaw? Out of the question. Lavenderpaw, too… Their little family felt broken, just a bit. Because of Crowsight? Or… had their mother played a part in it, too? The Daylighters weren't bad, not exactly. Just different. Living slightly differently didn't make them wrong.

A sigh left them as they groggily pulled themselves from their nest, careful not to wake the other apprentices. They slunk toward the den entrance, squinting against the first light of dawn. Stretching out their stiff limbs, they padded forward and then froze.

Oh… oh no. Stormcrow was already there.

Panic flared in their chest. Had they overslept? Were they too late? A worried noise escaped them, and they hurried over, ears pinned back in apology. As they reached Stormcrow, they stomped a paw lightly against the ground.

I'm here. I'm here now.

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The young apprentice appears from the mouth of the apprentices den just as the sun finally peaks over the top of the world, stretching out their limbs. Good. They're timely, if nothing else. They seem to spot Stormcrow, immediately hurrying towards her, ears pinned back. Geez– it's not like she's scary, is it? Teaselpaw stomps a paw against the dirt, and Stormcrow guesses the meaning of it. Indication of their arrival. She nods.

"Follow me," she says, and without turning to look if they do, she heads out of the camp and into the territory. "I'm sure Fitz will have done what he could to teach you; it's not his mentoring skills being questioned." Her ears flick– she didn't need to justify herself to this kit, but she felt a strange need to, anyway. Perhaps it was her mother's soft but firm influence, a certain soft spot for the younglings of the clan. "I didn't want to take you from him, as some implied. Getting an apprentice is not a reward to reap, but fulfilling a duty to your clan. Duty comes before everything. That is what he must learn. You never put yourself first, always your clan, your leader," she stops suddenly, having heard a sound.

She signals with her tail for Teaselpaw to stop, and drops into a hunting crouch. Turning to Teaselpaw, she speaks very softly. "Can you hear it? Smell it? Tell me what you sense, young one."

  • ooc: -
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png

    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.