Stormcrow gets up early, before the sun has breached the edge of the horizon, the early new leaf air cool and crisp in her lungs. She pads out into the camp, stretching in front of the entrance to the warrior's den. There was something about being up before dawn; a softness about the world, which has yet to adjust to its inhabitants being awake.
After the meeting yesterday, Teaselpaw had looked… rather stricken. She sighs. They were like their mother; too soft, too trusting, too ready to defend someone who had done nothing to deserve it. Misplaced loyalty. Shaking her head, she heads towards the camp's entrance, sitting down next to it and wrapping her tail around herself, covering her paws.
She sits there, still as a mountain in the half light of the soon to rise sun, a silent observer. Her eyes are the only part of her that moves. Were she sitting in the tree tops, one might've mistaken her for an owl or some other bird of prey, looking for a rustling in the bushes to indicate the presence of her prey. Now her eyes search for Teaselpaw.
- ooc: @Teaselpaw
Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.