the window of my soul / Swiftwatcher


remember me, remember me
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An introduction, perhaps with a short physical & mental description. Morbi lacinia sodales velit, sit amet egestas est euismod eu. In cursus sodales enim, dapibus efficitur dui dignissim bibendum. Ut dictum semper massa, facilisis euismod est porttitor sed. Curabitur fringilla pulvinar purus et malesuada.

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———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

↪ named Swift for his pelt
Tom & he/him
↪ bisexual
54 Moons
↪ birthday
WindClan & Warrior
Thoughts, "Speech"
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———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

Fullbody ref
Longer description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lacinia sodales velit, sit amet egestas est euismod eu. In cursus sodales enim, dapibus efficitur dui dignissim bibendum. Ut dictum semper massa, facilisis euismod est porttitor sed. Curabitur fringilla pulvinar purus et malesuada. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
↪ Scars, injuries, other notable traits

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———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

( + ) Jovial, kind, nurturing, cheerful ( / ) resilient, impulsive, loyal ( - ) vengeful

Swift is a jovial cat with a boisterous laugh, he is often loud and you can hear that he is there. Good-natured and with a certain warm kindness that makes you feel welcome, he will tuck you under his tail to give you some warmth and a reminder that not all that is dark will remain so. He is loyal to a fault to his kits and will do anything to keep them safe and happy, even if it is at the cost of his own happiness. It is evident that this cat is resilient in his way with life, through the losses he suffered, he always managed to bounce back up, refusing to give up, refusing to lay down and take it. The sadness may linger, but he trudges through, he has so much to live for. He is a brave individual, courageous and ready to fight if so needed. Not afraid to speak his mind when he deems it needed and having taken a certain eye on the younger ones amongst them. He has shown time and time again to be a nurturing cat, having raised his two kits with all the love he could muster, as hard as it sometimes could be. He appears as a cheerful individual, always with a smile on his face and a good talk at paw if one so needs it.

He can appear a bit impulsive in his way of speech, seemingly not too aware of personal space until someone throws that in his face. He has good intentions, but sometimes forgets to ask whether it is okay to speak his mind.

At second glance and knowing the other better, one will know he is a cat who carries his guilt and sadness close to his heart, the loss of his mate Bumblebee broke a part of him and he still feels as if there was more he could have done. He has a one set mind on keeping his kits happy, but often forgets himself in that aspect. As kind as he appears to be, the moment someone would lay a claw on either one of his kits or other cats he is very close to, he will be lethal and vengeful. The one thing he cannot accept is the thought of losing another that's close to his heart.
↪ Oblivious to being flirted with

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———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

NPC x NPC | children: Sweet&Hornet | siblings: 2
Slow to trust, quick to befriend, does not hold grudges​
Mentor to/mentored by
↪ Previously mentor to/mentored by
Mate to Bumblebee [ deceased ]
↪ open to plots
Friends with
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———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

Will end fights, will show mercy, won't run away
Excels at fighting, mousing
Poor at figure this out
Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay allowed within limits
Smells like hay and dandelions
↪ penned by lion :)

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———-,. ° ✧- HISTORY -✧ ° .-,———

Born to a pair of loving parents, he shared the nest together with two siblings who each went their own way after they were old enough, claiming the barn wouldn't suffice forever. During that time, Swift started falling deeply in love with a she-cat named Bumblebee. She was kind, sweet and such a warm presence in his life that he could not have imagined life without her. A bond that had already started since he was a young kit, now fully came to bloom. The courtship had been one where he bumbled and shown his clumsiness quite some, new to the concept of courting. She relished in the moments, finding them endearing and only finding herself falling even more for the tom.

Their love blossomed and he proudly strutted aside her when they were considered official. The days were good and warm, even the darkest nights could not toss aside the shine that overcame the couple. When finally she fell pregnant, he was overjoyed and nervous all in one. Parenthood around the corner and the thought what if he wouldn't do a good job? She assured them that they could do this together, that they had each other's backs in this new path in their life. He tried to give her every little thing she needed, often nosed at her belly and spoke grand stories to the kits that were in there. The nights close to one another, waiting for the moment where the kits would grace their world.

During this time, his father disappeared, which caused for quite the worry with his mother and him. To this day, he is still uncertain what has exactly happened to his father. Whether two-legs had took him away, or whether he had lost fight with a monster, or a predator, or simply... Left. Questions that would never be answered. Even through this, he tried not to lose that spark of excitement of what was coming, tried to hold on to the family that they would be. The day the kits would finally be there.

And when they did, what was supposed to become a joyous day had also became the most painful one of his life. Bumblebee lost her life during the birth and he was left raising two little kits on his own. His mother helped where she could and they managed to find a cat who could help nurse them until they were old enough to eat their own food. It was a hectic time for the tom, who often sped from one place to another, ensuring the molly who helped him with the kits was fed enough, ensuring his mother was okay, ensuring his kits would get all they needed. They were lovingly named Sweet and Hornet after their mother, in a way. It was his sole desire that they would know how much their mother had loved them, and that they would carry a bit of her with them always.

He told the little ones stories galore, huddled up with them when needed, dedicated his whole life to seeing them grow up well. It was something to work around when found one of his kits was blind, but he tried the best he could, in a way also tried to make sure both siblings had a good bond with each other, so they would always have each other to fall back on. He watched Sweet fall in love and happily took in the cat, knowing how content she made his child.

All in all, he still lives at the barn, mousing around and keeping an eye on his two children, often he wonders about his siblings and where they had gone to, and sometimes he thinks of the great beyond the barn.

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I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ——・゚✦
・゚✦ —— I'll be the bright, in black that's making you run

[fancypost=60%; margin: auto; border-left:1px dashed COLOR;border-bottom:1px dashed COLOR;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:15px;padding-right:15px;font-family:georgia;font-size:18pt;color:COLOR;line-height:9=50%']SWIFT OF THE BARN
[fancypost='margin:auto;margin-top:-6px;width:100%;border-right:1px dashed white;border-top:1px dashed white;padding:5px;float:left;font-family:georgia;color:#fff;font-size:10pt;padding-right:15px;padding-top:10px']Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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[center][size=5]I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ——・゚✦[/size][/center][size=5]・゚✦ —— I'll be the bright, in black that's making you run[/size]