Open Camp ShadowClan Then those is uhhh.... SLURMS - slugs

This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen
{$title} *to the tune of girl dinner* slug dinner,,, slug dinnerrrr

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttMothbite is enjoying the relativley warm weather. He's not the only one either.

indentttThere's a bunch of gooey looking somethings hanging onto the side of the medicine den. They're whitish-brownish things, with a long, roundish shape, almost like a fish. They crawl around like grubs, but they don't have any feet, as far as Mothbite can tell. He squints at the little critters, wracking his brain for a name to put to them.

indentttThe answer hits him after a few minutes of deep thinking. "Snails!" He exclaims. "It's like snails without shells!" But how? Mothbite has pulled a snail out of it's shell once or twice, and the snail always dies. So how were these ones still alive and moving around? Gingerly, he takes a paw and gently pokes one of the Naked Snails. It seems to tense up, pulling itself into a rounder shape like an upset mouse. It falls off the wall of the den inelegantly, landing as a little ball on the ground. "Weird." Mothbite has moved around quite a bit in his short life, but he's never seen something like this before. He crouches to the ground to stiff the fallen Naked Snail. What the hell is it? Is it dangerous? Is it..... edible?

Mothbite | 19 moons | Shadowclan Nightguardbababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab

——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit was happy to bask in the slightly warmer weather; it wasn't much, but following the almost nonstop rain, fog and wind, even this was something to celebrate. With a pep in her step, she left the nursery on the lookout for something to do. After leaving the camp many times, the other cats got a little fed-up with her antics. 'When Fleapaw leaves camp she gets to be an apprentice when I do it I get sent to bed early...' she huffed to herself. So, instead,d she resolved to find something fun to do in camp! It wasn't long until she'd be apprenticed, so she may as well use the time well.

Just as luck would have it, Mothbite seemed to be pawing at something near the medicine den. Stoatkit wasn't exactly much pleased with him after he followed her from camp, just trying to get 5 minutes without being smothered, so she decided he'd get that treatment instead! Padding over, humming something she didn't know the tune of but remembered the feeling of Hollowmist singing after everyone was a little shaken after the horses or whatever stampeded through camp. She watched beside Mothbite as he pawed at the... sl.... slu.... slurm? Slurm. 'That's what Father called them! I think...' she tried to recall, but shrugged, Mothbite probably knew, he was a grown-up after all.

However, she felt less confident in that as Mothbite leant down to sniff at the thing, slimy and curled up after he unceremoniously knocked it off the wall. She tilted her head, little face scrunched up. "Father said not to eat those. They'll make you sick!" Stoatkit announced, with full confidence, not addressing Mothbite otherwise, as she'd more or less crept up beside him to watch him.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
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mother nature has finally decided to take pity on the swamp-dwellers, offering them a break from the miserable downpour with weather that wasn't utterly awful for once. the temperture was lukewarm at best but at this point geckoflame will take what she could get. the rosetted molly had settled down in a dry patch of mud and flattened brush, paws tucked beneath her chest in a loafed position trying to soak in as much warmth before it disappears.

it's laughable to think there would be even a moment of peace when a grating voice suddenly cuts through the air going on about snails without shells. a singular eye peels open but only partially to sweep over mothbite who is huddled closer to the ground sniffing at a slimey little slug with stoatkit in tow. yuck.
"maybe he should test that theory, see if it holds any truth."
she hums in a slight drawl, unmoving from her spot.

geckoflame truly believes a good portion of her clanmates would eat literal garbage as long as it looked even the slightest bit appetizing.
Webkit didn't know the names of a lot of animals. She'd been indoors most of her life, and it was difficult to bring in anything from the water or the air that wasn't already cubed for her and Roxy.

Her wide eyes darted to Mothbite, then back at the mass of slimy, naked things near the medicine den. Snails? Those were rare; the twolegs had one briefly, kept enclosed in something glossy, supplied with twig and leaves. It must have been precious to be so securely locked away. This one was less crunchy than that one. Was it any less, since nobody scooped it up and put it away? Stoatkit's disgust was short-lived in Webkit's mind, shedded when Geckoflame arrived. Face sparkling briefly at her savior, she stood on her tip-toes to a high-hanging slug, watching it wriggle.

"Precious snail," she decided. Nobody else was taking this opportunity! Webkit opened her mouth, licking one of the slugs, before slurping it.
⊹ ࣪ ˖͙͘͡

she/her; afab / any gendered terms / 5 months
shadowclan kit / former kittypet
seal sepia with vitiligo / orange eyes

peaceful powerplay allowed, no perms needed
ask before hostile powerplay unless preplanned
always open to interaction in battle unless stated otherwise
ask before injuring !

  • Ew
Reactions: F l e a p a w

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indenttt"Father said not to eat those. They'll make you sick!"

indenttt Mothbite looks up from the Nakedsnail.
"Dangerous? No way! I've eaten snails before and they're fine!" Stoatkit had to by lying to him, or else Timberfrost was lying to her. "There's no way just taking off the shell could make em' dangerous. Timberfrost is just telling you that because he doesn't like slimy stuff!" Why he chose to live here if he couldn't put up with a little slime was beyond Mothbite. Shadowclan at least was forced to live here, more or less, but as far as he's aware Timberfrost and Stoatkit just kinda showed up here of their own volition.

indentttIn the commotion, he doesn't notice Webkit sneak up beside him. Mothbite is far to focused on Geckoflame's thinly veiled insult.
"Don't act like you're all high and mighty! We all live here now, so we better figure out what is and isn't for eating, before we starve again." He's sick and tired of these prissy, stuck up cats, acting like they're too good for frogs and snails! Mothbite will show them, when they're all nurturing empty bellies and he's well fed with the fruits of the marsh. Webkit, though, doesn't notice Geckoflame's hidden meaning, and happily snaps up a Nakedslug. In a flash, Mothbite is crouching beside her, eyes wide with interest.

indenttt"How is it? Does it taste any good? Do you feel like you're gonna be sick?"

Mothbite | 19 moons | Shadowclan Nightguardbababbnihfibnfdifdhfhabbabab

——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

cw - gagging/ emetophobia (she doesn't throw up but ohhh she hates this)

The kit wasn't paying the most attention after her truly insightful knowledge; she hoped her clanmates wouldn't be foolish enough to eat the slimy little things. One of the.... slums... was curled just in front of her; she couldn't help but tilt a head at the thing; she'd seen plenty before around the horseplace when she and her father had visited what felt like forever ago, eating the plants and climbing up barn walls. The cats there weren't much fond of them, but she recalled watching some of the older kittens batting them around between one another since they balled up when they were pawed at.

So instead of sniffing at the things, she curiously batted at one of them, watching it roll away out of reach, stopping just short of- 'When did Geckoflame get here...', the kit mewed an apology for almost hitting the other with the slimy little thing, her nose crinkling at the realisation there was now slime on the bottom of her paw. It was cool on her paw pad, sticky, and not the worst texture she'd dealt with, but decidedly, it was not something she'd like in her mouth.

Wiping her paw off on the ground, she looked up to begin walking off, deciding these weird little beasts weren't something she'd like to deal with more, to her horror she watched as Webkit slurped up one of the slurms like it was fresh prey. Stoatkit's mouth began to water as she couldn't help but wretch at the sight. It was wholly involuntarily but the sight and thought of eating one of those foul little things turned her stomach, she was able to keep the contents down but the kitten was downright appalled by the site. "Noo no no, Webkit spit that out that's-" her face scrunched up again as she whined, growing more nauseous; she wasn't picky with food, not minding a frog or lizard when something fresh and bloody wasn't available but that slimy little thing? She'd rather starve than ever eat one of those. She watched Mothbite crouch and look at Webkit with curiosity. She couldn't tell what he was saying, but she wasn't too interested, finding this whole idea abhorrent, wishing she'd never poked her nose in.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
cw: talk of parasites


CICADABUZZ, 27 moons / shc + med. cat
a SH cinnamon tabby/chocolate tortie chimera w/ orange eyes
parent to deathberrykit, hemlockkit, mistletoekit
a reserved, pragmatic healer driven by duty rather than sentiment

Cicadabuzz watches the scene unfold with detached amusement, their expression unreadable as they observe from the entrance of the medicine den. The warmth in the air is a welcome change from the damp chill that has settled over the territory for far too long, but it seems the shift in weather has brought with it a new variety of foolishness. Their gaze flickers to the pale, writhing creatures clinging to the walls, then down to the one that Mothbite has so unceremoniously knocked to the ground. Slugs. Cicadabuzz has seen them before, though they've never given them much thought beyond the occasional need to scrape one from their collected herbs. They are harmless enough when left alone, but Webkit's sudden, ill-advised decision to slurp one down like a particularly unappealing piece of prey forces a soft, incredulous breath from Cicadabuzz's nose.

"They can give you worms, you know," they remark offhandedly, voice as calm as if they were commenting on the color of the sky. Their dark eyes remain fixed on Webkit, unblinking, waiting to see if the realization sinks in before they continue, "Or worse, if you're unlucky. I don't think I have anything on paw to treat slug-related poisoning, but I'm sure you'll let me know if you start feeling strange." The words are spoken without malice, just quiet pragmatism. They know well enough that most won't listen until consequences come clawing at their heels, and Cicadabuzz has little interest in wasting their breath on warnings that will go unheeded. Still, they can't help the small, tired shake of their head as they shift their attention back to Mothbite and Stoatkit.

Mothbite, as always, is too preoccupied with defending his own questionable logic to truly listen. Cicadabuzz is hardly surprised. They flick their tail, unimpressed. "You assume all things that look the same must be the same," they observe, tone flat. "A foolish assumption to make in a place like this." Stoatkit, for all her confidence, has at least the right instinct. She's not wrong—eating slugs is a quick way to an unpleasant fate, though Cicadabuzz doubts her father framed it in such a way. They watch her for a moment before adding, "Your father is right. You should listen." And Geckoflame—Cicadabuzz does not need to look to know the warrior is lounging somewhere nearby, likely enjoying the show. There is no more to say. Still, they linger just a little longer, waiting to see if Webkit will regret her decision. It is a slow day, and entertainment is rare.