{$title} *to the tune of girl dinner* slug dinner,,, slug dinnerrrr

indentttMothbite is enjoying the relativley warm weather. He's not the only one either.
indentttThere's a bunch of gooey looking somethings hanging onto the side of the medicine den. They're whitish-brownish things, with a long, roundish shape, almost like a fish. They crawl around like grubs, but they don't have any feet, as far as Mothbite can tell. He squints at the little critters, wracking his brain for a name to put to them.
indentttThe answer hits him after a few minutes of deep thinking. "Snails!" He exclaims. "It's like snails without shells!" But how? Mothbite has pulled a snail out of it's shell once or twice, and the snail always dies. So how were these ones still alive and moving around? Gingerly, he takes a paw and gently pokes one of the Naked Snails. It seems to tense up, pulling itself into a rounder shape like an upset mouse. It falls off the wall of the den inelegantly, landing as a little ball on the ground. "Weird." Mothbite has moved around quite a bit in his short life, but he's never seen something like this before. He crouches to the ground to stiff the fallen Naked Snail. What the hell is it? Is it dangerous? Is it..... edible?