
HOOT(WHISKER), 125 Moons // Barncat // He/They // #ffebcd
Chocolate spotted tabby with pronounced countershading and golden eyes.
Gruff and a little on the grumpy side around cats he's not familiar with. Big family man, adores his kids! Loves to tell stories and teach younger cats especially kits all he can. Might talk your ears off though. Some of his stories might be a little exaggerated but no cat is old enough to debunk them!
New Leaf was finally here! The snow that had once coated the fields and the barn like a cold blanket was starting to slowly melt away, giving way to new plant life as the frost that had once bitten at their whiskers was starting to also ebb away. Hoot would give a ruffle of their frost covered pelt after having been perched still for some time now, only the tips of their pelt had become frosted though while the rest of them had remained nice and warm. The tom would give a slow stretch as he got to his paws-- Which seemed quite large compared to most cats. A whole moon seemed to pass before the older cat was done with their stretching! Once done they glanced up from where they had been laying in a hay pile from within the barn, eyeing the support beams of the structure before carefully picking his way up onto one, claws digging into the wood in order to pull himself up onto one of the wooden beams.
Prowling across the plank of wood the brown tabby would stop at a nice sunny spot, plopping himself down into a perched position once more with a gentle thud. He'd gotten up from the hay nap just to have another nap in the sun? But of course! Hoot would settle down into a low rumble of a purr as he watched all that went on below him in the barn. The mice were back out and scampering about again now that the days had grown warmer, the sleepy spots were cozy and plentiful and his children were happy and well fed, there was plenty to purr about and he wondered if life could truly ever get better then this!
Prowling across the plank of wood the brown tabby would stop at a nice sunny spot, plopping himself down into a perched position once more with a gentle thud. He'd gotten up from the hay nap just to have another nap in the sun? But of course! Hoot would settle down into a low rumble of a purr as he watched all that went on below him in the barn. The mice were back out and scampering about again now that the days had grown warmer, the sleepy spots were cozy and plentiful and his children were happy and well fed, there was plenty to purr about and he wondered if life could truly ever get better then this!