TW: Death Open The Farm there ain't no moon tonight ] death

Character death is present in this thread.
Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.


death inspires me
{$title} death by horse

Hush moves like a shadow through the moor, their paws whispering over the frost-stiffened grass. The night is heavy with quiet, the wind little more than a thread of breath over the hills. Overhead, the stars flicker, distant, indifferent. Hush does not look at them. Their focus is ahead, on the lone figure standing against the darkness—a horse, pale as mist in the moonlight. They have always known to keep their distance. The creatures are unpredictable, their hooves striking the earth with the force of thunder. But something about this one draws Hush forward. Maybe it is the way it stands so still, its breath curling in soft plumes in the cold air. Maybe it is the quiet between them, the space that does not feel empty but waiting.

Hush steps closer. Their tail flicks behind them, a slow, measured movement. Their breath comes steady, though their muscles are taut beneath their pelt. They do not move without care—never. Their life has been shaped by caution, by the quiet instinct to slip between danger's teeth without being caught. And yet... The horse shifts, a shudder passing through its massive frame. Hush stills, ears flicking forward. They are close enough now to see the damp gleam of its muzzle, the twitch of its skin beneath the moon's pale touch. Close enough to hear its breath, deep and slow, a sound like distant waves against stone. Hush has never been reckless. But they take another step.

The horse startles.

It happens faster than thought—faster than instinct. A sharp exhale, a jolt of muscle, and then the blur of movement as its hind legs lash out. Hush barely has time to flinch. There is no space for escape, no crack to slip through, no moment to twist away. The impact is all there is. A sickening crunch, white-hot pain that flares and then, nothing. Hush is on the ground. They do not remember falling, but the earth is beneath them, cold and solid and impossibly far away. Their body feels distant, weightless, as though they are hovering just outside of it. There is a ringing in their ears, shrill and thin, drowning out the wind. They try to move. They do not move. The stars are above them. Closer, now. Or maybe it is only that their vision narrows, the edges softening, curling inward like the petals of a closing flower. They are aware, distantly, of warmth trickling from somewhere—down their cheek, over their jaw. The scent of blood is sharp, metallic. It should scare them. It does not. Hush exhales, slow. Their body does not feel like theirs anymore, but the night is still here, wrapping around them, and the stars—yes, the stars—are still watching. Their breath leaves them in a whisper, curling into the cold.

They do not take another.
It was one of the first lessons Goldy had taught her upon her decision to permanently reside in the barn. Do not ever, ever, underestimate the horses. Do not test, them, do not go near them. Because for all their beauty, they are deadlier than a monster and infinitely more unpredictable. How Buck was still alive was honestly a mystery. It was so easy to forget, especially when some treated the horses like a game. Sometimes they even won, earning a few boisterous moments upon the backs of these majestic creatures. Lady luck was not terribly unkind. But tonight, all would be reminded that neither was she forgiving.

The calico hears the commotion, out in the field. She is used to passing by the horses occasionally, giving them a wide berth even as her gaze is fixed above. She has heard the horses plenty. But never has she heard the sharp whinnies and snorts followed by such a nauseating crunch. For a moment her heart seems to stop as her eyes tear down from the sky, darting around in the darkness. W-What was that? Flicker knew of only a few cats who wandered after dark as she did, and all of them knew the dangers of the barn animals. Surely there was no wild creature was dim enough to take on a skittish horse. It couldn't... None of the kits could have come this far, could they?

The smell breaks her.

Lurching forward, Flicker stumbles through the snow. Her breath slows in her throat, clogged with copper tangs and cooling heat. Her stomach heaves restlessly, burning as she tries to find her way. Where are you? She'd meant to speak aloud, but air refuses to leave her lungs. Her frantic eyes catch, there, a disturbance on the pale ground. Not seeing any nearby assailant, Flicker moves closer.
"Oh, stars above. No. N-No." Her limbs are locked, holding her to gaze endlessly at the grizzly scene. Lines of blood drizzle sluggishly down the sides of a dark skull. The body is utterly still, fur rustled only faintly by the breeze. It has to be the breeze, because Flicker has not drawn breath in minutes.

"Hush, what have you- How did this-" In an act of mercy, or perhaps oxygen deprivation, her muscles give way. The calico crumples, her forehead falling to his ribs. A sharp, choking cough rattles her body as the ice around her lungs finally shatters, wheezing for relief. Her head spun, trying to make sense of the incomprehensible. Flicker had never known death before. Whatever she'd expected it to be, it wasn't this. So sudden, so small, so... undeniable.
"I'm so sorry, my friend." The hoarse whisper tumbled from her maw, and with it falling tears. The calico didn't know what he would have wanted, whether he considered her a friend in return. They had only truly spoken in passing. She only knew that her nights would be quieter now. Emptier. She only knew she would miss him.

Hollow, -- 33 Moons / Barn Cat
Black spotted ghost tabby with bright amber eyes.
She is friendly, yet quiet, and always willing to help.
Tagging @Flicker

The night had been beautiful. The galaxy above was bright with stars that Hollow always appreciated on dark nights like these. She likes to sit in the loft, right near the large window space in the wall looking out upon the farm, head resting on the worn and old wood. Up here it was peaceful, and this late in the evening everyone was mostly quiet as they settled down to either sleep or rest. If it wasn't winter with the cold biting at every cat's heels, it may have been more active and lively, but as it is mostly everyone wants to stay warm and comfortable in the barn.

It wouldn't be a pleasant night for much longer.

It wasn't the sound that met her ears that got her attention, at first. She only processed it once she noticed a silhouette quickly moving through the snow below, heading out into the field. Only then did she realize what had happened. Her paws felt numb as she quickly scrambled to climb down from the loft, hitting the floor before taking off out into the cold. Her feet stung as she carefully made her way closer to where the noise had originated, jumpy and ready to take off at the slightest hint that there may be a threat. Hollow's nose caught the scent of copper, burning her nose like acid as she sped up and followed it. She froze when she finally saw what was ahead, dark against the bright snow.

Her eyes darted from place to place, the blood slowly mixing with the cold snow, Flicker's small body bent over on the ground next to the body, resting against it, shaking. Hollow looked up, catching sight of the distant silhouettes of horses out in the far field. Her heart dropped, realizing fully what had happened.

As cautious as she ever was, she had always avoided the farm animals. For good reason. She always heard the talk, and the warnings given to other cats, and she never took them lightly. Now she truly sees why.

Hollow's limbs felt locked as she stared at the scene, willing her mind to do something other than look. Her ears reared around, suddenly aware of everything, the icicles crackling in the distance, trees creaking, wind picking up ever so slightly... she willed a single foot forward, then another, slowly approaching the grief-stricken she-cat like a shadow. Crouching beside her, she gently put a tail over her back, trying desperately to provide any kind of comfort. It was even more horrifying to look at up close. She couldn't look away.

Commotion interrupts the silent evening air. Brown ears perk, cranium twisting around in turn, as unordinary noises grab his attention. Buck spent some nights as a night owl, staring out onto the snowy pastures from his sill-side nest and watching the stars before drifting off to slumber. Tonight, however, would be much different.

He was no resident warden ( much like Dusty ), but when Buck's gut told him that something was wrong, he would immediately rise from his nest and make a beeline for the source. Lean muscles tense as his paws carry him outdoors and toward the pasture, where he can make out the shapes of a couple of other barn cats. They are crouched over something... or, as it turns out, someone.

Frowning, the chocolate tabby tom hurries over before he arrives at a halt, pupils widening as he casts his gaze down upon a bloodied body. The familiar form of Hush, fatally beaten and crushed by what Buck could only assume to be one of the nearby horses. A damn shame. Those giant creatures were powerful and a force to be reckoned with, especially when they grew startled or annoyed. He thinks of all of the times he's attempted to jump onto their backsides, much like the twolegs did. One wrong move and this could have easily been his own fate.

Buck doesn't afford enough time for self-reflection. He casts his dimmed orange hues toward Flicker and Hollow now, the silent latter seemingly trying to comfort the emotional former. "We should move 'em." The tabby murmurs, figuring that it would be best to distance themselves from the bigger animals and find a suitable space to bury Hush.

It's not very odd for Nutmeg to be around at night, once she tucks Meadow in snugly to her mothers side, shes off again. Normally, these nights would be shared with another, but... Those days were moons in to the past, and she was sure he was having an adventure elsewhere, and maybe somewhere out there, he thinks of her right at the moment she does of him. She's a little lost in thought as she aimlessly wanders, not too kept up on her guard until she hears a crunch resound in the night air. Her paws carry her towards it instinctively, as if she'd be any help at all.

Hush, someone shes never really interacted with, lays dead and bloodied on the ground with gathering cats around. Its the tragic truth of barnlife. Accidents happen. Cats die all the time, whether its from a fault of their own, a miscalculation, disease or old age... But that doesn't mean that seeing the body right there, right in front of her, is any less unnerving. The stillness of the body, the lack of breath is all too unnatural. She feels a heavy dread settle in her stomach, about everything and everyone, and its only quelled by the memory of giving Meadow a parting lick on the head. She was safe, as selfish as the thought was. She was safe.

But... Hush was something to someone. A friend to Flicker, maybe, with the way she mourns. A sibling, maybe, a parent, maybe, a child. A long, heavy sigh puffs out from between her lips before she speaks, responding to Buck. "Ah'll help, should get them out before anything else happens..." she murmurs, stepping forwards to fasten her teeth around their scruff. They are painfully cool against the night air. Puffs of steam leaves each cat but Hush. The reality of it begins to settle down, but Nutmeg is already in motion. "We'll... Find a nice burial spot," spoken through fur, its not much comfort, but its all she can do to reassure Flicker, who seems so distraught that it makes her heart twist.
They are lucky that the hushed stories of horrors and warnings of what-could's keep those in the barn away from the horses for the most part, lucky that more were not killed by their hooves more often, for though Crescent had seen her fair share of deaths she had not seen very many from the beasts that the twolegs chose to ride around... chose to keep around despite their danger that surely they could cause to them if they could cause such sudden and permanent devastation to other animals due to being so easily scared.

She heard the noise and commotion and moved quietly from the warmth and safety of her nest, gut wrenching to see the scene before her as a deep frown creased upon the tabby's maw. As more cats began to gather and help she'd simply nod her head before it hung for a moment of her own silence to mourn Hush. She didn't know the other as well as she'd have liked but he was still taken too soon and in too horrible a way. "I'll keep a look out just'n case... help find the perfect spot for'm too." Once they were away from the penned in area away from the animals those that weren't helping to carry Hush could help find a spot to bury him, maybe through all the frost there were still flowers somewhere somehow.

  • "speech"
  • CRESCENT she/he, horseplace, thirty-one moons.
    a marbled blue tabby with high white and yellow eyes
    mentored by none // mentoring none
    NPC x NPC / mother to none / mated to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by tikki ↛ rabbitcake on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Harefoot had heard it from where he was lying on the roof of the barn, looking up at the stars. The familiar crunch of bones breaking. He stands, big ears flicking in the direction the noise had come from– he sees a dark shape on the ground, quiet, dead. Jumping down from the roof, he pads towards it, observing as several other cats come out of the dark, swarming the poor thing.

"... Is there a need to rush?" Harefoot says softly. "The ground will be softer tomorrow, our options clearer under the sun. And besides, the stars look beautiful tonight. Let them lie under the stars… for one last night. We can sit vigil."