WindClan theres a message in the wind ⊱✿⊰ meadowpaw


Id rather paint the world bright...
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MEADOW, barncats & apprentice

has yet to fully define her values. Though she outwardly strives to meet her mother's expectations, a quiet fire burns within her. She's resourceful and determined but can be tempermental. As a kit, she internalizes her mother's lessons, but she often finds herself questioning whether her way is the only way.

As she grows, her perfectionist tendencies will drive her to work tirelessly at her tasks, desperate to prove herself capable and worthy of approval. But under her poised exterior is someone craves the space to express herself. When no one is watching, she sneaks moments of rebellion—whether it's going to a forbidden place, chatting with cats her mother disapproves of, or sneaking off to have small adventures.

In conversations, she is clever, thoughtful, and guarded, often hiding her doubts and fears behind a mask of composure. With her sister Nutmeg, however, she risks being more open. Nutmeg's affection gives her a sense of comfort, even if she struggles to reciprocate it fully. Nutmeg's love encourages her to push boundaries, for now, in small, subtle ways.

Her worldview is a complicated mix of hope and frustration. She wants to believe that there's more to life than duty and survival but feels trapped by her mother's beliefs. In time, her rebellious streak may grow stronger—or she might find a way to reconcile her independence with her family's teachings.

    Named Meadow after the flourishing colors mixed throughout her pelt and her bright green eyes.
    Age: 7 moons
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Rank: Apprentice

    Description: Black and red tortoiseshell with high white and green eyes.
    Physique: Lean and wiry with slightly longer than average legs, hinting at the graceful cat she'll eventually grow into.
    Posture: Tall and poised when under scrutiny, but less stiff and more relaxed otherwise.
    Distinguishing Features: Her pelt is a blend of white, orange, and black as if painted. Likes to tuck flowers or leaves in her fur.

  • Adventurous — Resilient — Perfectionlist — Curious

    » Tends to hover around Nutmeg in moments of doubt or fear, seeking reassurance without directly asking for it. She feels safer with her sister nearby.

    » Because of her mother she struggles to show affection openly but will go out of her way to help others.

    » She's playful with other kits but keeps them at an emotional distance, afraid of becoming too attached in case her mother disapproves of them.

    » Meadow enjoys learning new things, even things other kits might find boring. She'll eagerly sit through a long explanation of herbs or hunting techniques.

    » Prone to injuries due to her boldness and occasional clumsiness when exploring. Over time, she'll learn to mend her own basic injuries.

    » Gets random spurts of energy and can't help but unleash it when her mother isn't looking.

    » She enjoys looking at and smelling flowers and will rub against anything she likes the scent of

    » She respects her mother but often feels she has to hide mistakes or insecurities, afraid of getting in trouble.

    » Prefers solving personal problems by herself and will go to great lengths to hide them if discovered.
  • Early Life

    → Meadow was born in the area that will have hailed most of Windclan's founders and is the closest to their future territory.

    → Their mother is strict and controlling. She doesn't coddle them much and expects them to be largely responsible for themselves. However, she's lightened up considerably since Meadow's older brother disappeared.

    → Meadow has an older sister called Nugmeg who fills a gap in her life. She showers the kits with the love that she never got.

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"Bet you can't catch me!" One of the other kits baited, their voice ringing out across the pasture.

Meadowkit hesitated, her paws itching to join the chase, claws kneading the earth with frustration. She glanced toward the barn, where her mother's stern gaze could appear at any moment. They weren't allowed to be out right now, not so close to dark. With a quiet sigh, she shook her head. "Not right now," She called back, feigning disinterest with a sharp flick of her tail.

But as the kits ran off, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. It's fine. Meadow figured she was getting too old for those games anyway... As their silhouettes disappeared into the distance, she crouched low and pounced on a stray clump of moss, grinning softly with satisfaction. If she couldn't join in, at least she could pretend.

The soft glow of dusk settled over the fields as Meadow slipped through a gap underneath the barn floor, her green eyes wide. The usual buzz of activity was fading, cats finishing their meals or settling in for the night. She glanced back once, her ears swiveling for any sign of her mother or siblings.

The wind swept over the moor, carrying the scent of wildflowers and dry grass. She padded forward cautiously, her paws nearly silent. A flicker of yellow light caught her eye, a tiny glow hovering just above the grass. She froze, staring at the air, trying to catch sight of it again. Another flicker appeared—then another and another!. She gasped softly, her eyes wide with awe.

What are they?

Meadow was tentative at first but eventually, curiosity won over caution, and she leapt after one of the lights, paws swiping at empty air as it darted away. A laugh bubbled up in her throat as she gave chase, her tail streaming behind her. The lights danced just out of reach, their glowing bodies weaving through the tall grass. For a moment, she forgot everything—her doubt, her family, even the rules her mother drilled into them.

But then a sound halted her fun, sharp against the stillness. She froze, pressing low against the earth, ears straining as her heart thudded in her chest. She could only listen, the fear of being caught freezing her in place. For a long time, nothing stirred and nothing moved. The hum of crickets gradually returned and with a small huff of relief, she turned back to take in the flickering lights. "Just a little longer. Please..."
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My Stat Guide


Meadow's Stat-Tracker

Current Skill-Cap: 10
Stage: Apprentice
High Position? No.




Social Skills


Point Ledger

+5 points
Divided skill points into stats. Territory (+2), Social Skills (+1), and Herbalism (+2)
⤷ Apprentice Age reached! +5 points and skill-cap increased to 10.
⤷ Divided skill points into stats +2 to Social Skills, +1 to Herbalism, +2 to Combat.

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