Open Prompt Territory ShadowClan they don't like your chances and neither do I // battle training

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This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
Warrior |
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{$title} Battle training! Show your grit
The sharp look from Jadethorn had been all the confirmation Coalstrike needed. She would follow him, he was certain of it. But it wasn't enough to simply hope others would step forward. No, he expected it. ShadowClan wouldn't survive, much less thrive, if its warriors didn't pull their weight, didn't show some grit. This was their territory now, their home, and they'd have to fight to keep it.

The new land was unlike the territory they had once prowled. It was darker, tangled with undergrowth, marshes, and unfamiliar, but that didn't mean it wasn't useful. It simply required sharper minds and cleverer claws. " I see I have some takers. " he drawled, his piercing gaze sweeping over the cats who had joined him. He paced slowly around the small clearing he'd chosen for their practice, his tail flicking in measured arcs. " We tread in different territory now. " he acknowledged, gesturing with a flick of his tail to the dense shadows and twisted undergrowth surrounding them. His yellow eyes narrowed, gleaming with challenge. " But that doesn't mean it can't be turned to our advantage. "

A smirk crept onto his face, sharp and knowing. " We have the undergrowth. We have the shadows. Now, tell me, any of you... How would you use this land to turn a fight in your favor? " He stopped pacing, turning to face the warriors gathered before him, his gaze cutting and expectant. " Think carefully. " he warned, his tone low and edged with challenge. " I'll have time to test your claws soon enough. First, I want to see how you think, how you react. "

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.

prompt: teaching some apprentices how to perfect their stalk, the silence is disturbed by the sudden snap of a twig. when your character goes to investigate, nothing appears to have left a trace
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Fleapaw kneaded the ground, shoving her restless energy into the dirt instead of where it really wanted to go. For once, she was fully tuned in to Coalstrike's lecture. She sat up straighter than usual, her face abnormally focused, tail tip twitching with interest.

Coalstrike's voice cut through the air, like stones grinding together. She could feel his eyes skimming over her pelt, razors dragging across her fur—watching, judging, measuring everything it saw. Wasn't no secret he didn't like her. She hated his stupid face too. Fleapaw would've happily pushed him into the pit given the chance.

But if she was gonna be the greatest warrior in the whole clan—heck, in all the territories—she had to set aside her feelings. Yeah, she liked Coalstrike about as much as she liked eating crowfood, but she wouldn't deny he was strong. In some ways, he was a lot like her Pa—big, powerful, the kind of cat that could level an enemy without batting an eye. A hell of a lot less fun than Pa, though. No jokes, no warmth, just sharp words and jagged edges.

But still… In him, she saw a fraction of the strength she wanted to have. So, Flea would listen to him and do what he said... just for today.

Fleapaw's claws flexed into the earth. She hadn't forgotten the feeling of his jaws grabbing her scruff, tossing her aside like garbage. Would she get to fight him today? Or maybe—she could use what he taught her against him someday.

Now I like the sound of that.

She had spent plenty of time out there on her own, exploring their turf. She caught frogs in mud puddles, marked her favorite stumps, and found all the best hiding spots.

She thought hard about Coalstrike's question. She'd noticed it before—when she hunted mice, sometimes it was hard to sneak up on them. They scurried off before she could even get close, even downwind like she was taught. But after playing in the mud so many times, she learned that it could be than a tool for pranks.

Fleapaw piped up, "Could roll in the mud, so you can sneak up on 'em and they can't smell you comin as good." Let him call it stupid if he wanted. "Works with mice—don't see why it wouldn't work with cats too." Fleapaw thought warriors covered in mud sounded pretty cool. She could imagine in, dark warriors rising from the earth, muck dripping off them, taking a Thunderclan patrol by surprise.

Thunderclan had its stupid trees and Shadowclan had mud. Lots of it.

  • prompt: —— RAAAAAAA
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - apprentice
    - 6 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Coalstrike did not like the feisty little ball of fleas and fur. She was obnoxious. Loud. Always in everyone's space, completely unbothered by the way she stomped all over their auras like an overexcited kit. Annoying. But at least she wanted to improve. She wanted to be strong. And if there was one thing Coalstrike could respect, it was strength.

So when she spoke up, rattling off ways they could use the land to their advantage, he couldn't help the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, a ghost of a smile, fleeting and faint, before it disappeared just as quickly. " Very good. " His voice was curt, clipped. A single nod acknowledged her words before his sharp gaze swept over the gathered cats, eyes narrowing slightly.

" Use your territory to your advantage. Mud can be washed off. Empty bellies cannot. Vanity has no place in the wild. " His ear gave a single flick before his gaze landed on Fleapaw. " That is one point to you. "

It wasn't praise, exactly. Just a simple, matter-of-fact statement. Then, without missing a beat, his attention shifted back to the group. " Anyone else? " His tone invited no hesitation.

" Yes, mud is useful. But it is not the only tool at your paws. What else? "

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.