Closed ThunderClan ThunderClan's First Clanborn Litter (1 Slot)

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Not FCFS, we will be deliberating and choose the kit after the civil war plot concludes!
Please include the basics with your application! (Name, appearance, personality, some plot ideas etc...)
There is only ONE slot available as the other two we pre-claimed prior to the site existing!

The naming theme must fit with the parents (Thorn & Serpent)
Leaf & Thistle are the names of the other kits for reference. Leaf will be named as a suggestion from Hawthorne before he heads out to the Moonstone never to return. Thistle will be named by Serpent's brother Water Snake as she will be in shock from his death and unable to think of any other name than Leaf initially. The third (this slot) will be named by Juniperstar, Hawthorne and Serpent's close friend and ThunderClan's new leader.
These babies will be very much loved so keep that in mind!
Make sure to verify the name is available on the PREFIX LIST!

We are not doing realistic genetics for this litter but we do ask they look somewhat similar to either parent or even a combination of them both! Here are their THs for reference!
Hawthorne TH
Serpent TH

The Story
Perhaps their paths were never meant to intertwine. Maybe in their desperation to tangle together, thorns instead threaded into the very fabric of their lives and ripped open a new seam; one that begins and ends with bleeding hearts.
Serpent has lived and laughed through misfortune, her youth wrought with plagues and death. She and her brother, Water Snake, insisted on exploring beyond their small coven before the curse takes them, too. Her passage through the colony was only meant to be a blip in her unseen path, however the moment she locked eyes with Hawthorne, it was over. Wanderlust be damned, she didn't need to explore any further. She's found everything she needs.

All Hawthorne has known is the Colony and its ever changing cast of felines. Some stay for seasons on end whilst others blow away with the wind. His attention hardly strayed from his duty as the Colony's heir. That is, until she swept in; her worldliness enraptured him. And though she agreed to stay in the Colony with him, he continued to encourage her ever wanting nature. It's what sewn them together in the first place.

Quickly after falling for each other, Serpent joined the fold of Hawthorne's closest friends, making them hers too. They enjoyed the flowers of newleaf, the warm winds of greenleaf - however come the end of leaf fall, Serpent learned quickly of her pregnancy. With Hawthorne's father ill and failing, and leafbare only a moon away, it seems like an awful time to raise kits - but the pair are ecstatic with the news instead. The reigning bloodline will continue with two famously in love cats to raise them.
Additional Details & Relations
These kits will never know their father, but they will hear stories of him and know the kind of cat he is through the clan he helped found. They will be the first kittens born and named with the suffix of 'kit' and will be named in honor of both parents who were chosen by the stars to help guide ThunderClan.
How these kits will grow and develop we are leaving entirely to the player, we ask that they remain in ThunderClan until they are of warrior age but after that point whatever path fate leads them on is the path they should follow.

Mother - Serpent (Suffix Pending)
Father - Hawthorne (To-be Thornstar)
Uncle on Mother's Side - Water Snake (To-be Snakeblink)

Special thank you to blueblossomtea for the header image | Story portion written by Nya. | Coding by Rai.


  • Name: Rosekit
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Prefix: a pretty flower to represent her connection and resemblance to her late father | Suffix: kit for her rank in the clan
    Age: newborn
    > Aging Rate: monthly​
    Gender & Pronouns: AFAB, She/Her
    Sexuality: demisexual demiromantic
    Rank: kit
  • Short Description: A Shorthaired Chocolate Torbie Lynx Point w/ Low white
    >Long Description: When first born, the kit is nothing but a fragile bundle of ivory. As the weeks pass, her paws, face, and tail will gain color, mottled with her mother's orange fur and her late father's chocolate lynx marks. These colors only become darker and more prominent as she grows, except for white speckles reminiscent of freckles across her nose and cheeks. A splotch of white will become visible on her chest and belly as she ages, contrasting with the rest of her coat as she gains color. Her soft paws are covered with white socks, along with the tip of her tail, mirroring some of her mother's white markings. Her eyes, starting off a baby blue, will gradually shift, with her left eye gaining her mom's green hue, while her right has the gentle blue of her late father. She is a svelte thing, not standing very tall but carrying herself with a practiced grace as she gains experience in life.​
    Scars and Injuries: NONE
    Accessories: Petals that she may later tangle in her fur during warmer seasons
    Rosekit ref.png
    Personality: In her early youth, Rosekit is a bright and outspoken child. Her youth is filled with stories of both grandeur and tragedy, enough to get her mind rolling as she perceives the world around her. Her mother's words and behaviors are practically considered a guiding law for her development. She is passionate about her beliefs formed from stories, which also has made her form an undying stubbornness about the stories she's been told and considers them her truth. She is immensely devoted to her family and lineage and will likely react with quite a hissy fit tantrum if you try to deny her curiosities about it. When it comes to direct interactions with her family, Rosekit still maintains a childlike naivety, believing their words as full truth, often following them around like a duckling and pestering them with childish questions. Due to this, Rose has developed an almost black-and-white view when it comes to the clan her father happened, believing her home is the best despite the flaws hidden behind good intentions.

    NOTES: Her personality & plots will be a very 'play by the ear' development style. For the most part, this is a base guide concept, since I would like for some of her traits to develop through ic interactions completely ♡
    Mental Ailments: N/A
    Add Some Extras: MBTI type, pokemon types, etc. add as you wish!
  • Parents: Hawthorn/Thornstar x Serpent, Gen 2
    Siblings: Leafkit and Thistlekit
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: N/A​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: Water Snake/Snakeblink - Maternal Uncle
    Friends: TBD
    Acquaintances: TBD
    Enemies: TBD

  • STARLIGHT DEVOTION: From youth, most of her knowledge from her father will be stories and told that he resides in Starclan. This would have her form an unusual fascination with Starclan easily in her young life. She makes it clear that this interest is because of the late Thornstar, a father she would never get to meet. This also leads to her likely purposely trying to spend time around the medicine cat of Thunderclan (with an additional bonus of mother being the aforementioned medicine cat), to try and understand their communication with those who reside in the stars.

    CHASING FAIRYTALES: She lives a kithood full of stories, from her father's greatness to the love story between her parents. In youth, this gives her an idealistic perception of love and romance, one she wishes for herself. While an undiscovered demi-romantic, she'll easily misinterpret friendly gestures from those her age as something more, and begin to, at least what she perceives, as easily, and frequently formed crushes. This may even lead to crushes on cats from other clans, though those will likely diminish much swifter than the crushes she may form within Thunderclan. It will likely end with heartbreak, majority-wise on her end, as her crushes will likely not always be requited. She, for most of her apprenticeship and early warriorhood, would be in love with the idea of falling in love. Depending on how interactions may lead, she may never have this realization or have it entirely too late for her poor heart.



  • Rosekit ref.png
    Rosekit ref.png
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HOLLYKIT thunderclan kit

Born to the once-future king of thunderclan, Hollykit grows up hearing tales of his father and his father's father, their praises sung in every corner of the camp. He is raised by the clan, lifted up by the clan– for better and for worse. As he grows up, the tales start to feel more and more like shackles, expectations he must meet lest he disappoint and tarnish his father's legacy. From his mother, he hears of another legacy; that of a curse of death.

    ↪ Named by Juniperstar, to honour his father– who before the clan's forming was called Hawthorne, another red berry.
    Age: kit
    Gender: cis male
    Orientation: bisexual


    Tortie-point with partial heterochromia.


    Hollykit is determined, blunt, and hard working to the point of it being detrimental to his mental and physical health. He puts an immense amount of pressure on himself, and tends to hold the cats around him to the same (sometimes impossibly) high standards, which can lead to conflicts between him and his future fellow apprentices.
    As a kit, he listens enthusiastically to the stories about his father, but as he grows older, he grows jaded. What was once goodnight stories told in the nursery den now feel like heavy weights laid on his shoulders. He feels an immense pressure to live up to the expectations of the cats around him, and to the picture of his father and grandfather that the stories painted. Even as an apprentice, he feels he must be better and do better than everyone else, not because he is better than them, but because of who he is. The father he once loved and dreamed to meet now haunts him at every step. And then there's the supposed curse on his mother's family line, a belief that they're destined for death before their time.
  • Generation 1 — Family Tree
    ↪ Littermate to LEAFKIT & THISTLEKIT



  • Name: Lightningkit
    Previous Names: N/A​
    Prefix: Lightning because it goes paw-and-paw with thunder, the Clan his father founded.​
    Suffix: The standard suffix for Clan kits.​
    Age: 0 moons
    Birthday: N/A - Ages every XX on the XX​
    Gender & Pronouns: AMAB, He/Him
    Sexuality: TBD through roleplay
    Rank: Kit
  • Description: Blue and cream tabby tortoiseshell tom with patches of white and green eyes.
    Genetics: short-haired ; low white​
    Scars & Injuries: None
    Accessories: None
  • Personality: Lightningkit's unwavering confidence and determination to be the best are both his greatest strengths and biggest flaws. His ambition drives him to excel in everything he does, but his arrogance can make him dismissive of others' ideas or feelings. Even so, his devotion to ThunderClan is undeniable. Living up to his father's legacy of founding ThunderClan by becoming the best warrior is Lightningkit's dream, and failure is his biggest fear. He cares deeply about his siblings, mother, and uncle; they are the only ones he talks to about his insecurities. If someone hurts his family or Clan, they'll quickly learn Lightningkit doesn't let go of a grudge.
    Positive: Confident, Disciplined, Hardworking​
    Neutral: Ambitious, Competitive, Stubborn​
    Negative: Arrogant, Obsessive, Vindictive​
    Mental Ailments: N/A
    Extras: ENTJ (The Commander) ; Enneagram 8w7 ; Choleric
  • Parents: Thornstar x Serpent ; Gen 2
    Siblings: Leafkit and Thistlekit
    Mate: No.
    Relationship Status: Just no...​
    Kits: Stop.
    Other Relatives: Snakeblink (maternal uncle)
    Friends: TBD
    Acquaintances: TBD
    Enemies: TBD
  • Pride and Peril:
    Eager to prove himself worthy of his father's legacy, Lightningkit sneaks out of the camp to "patrol" ThunderClan's territory alone. He stumbles upon an unfamiliar scent and believes he's found an intruder. Determined to prove himself by driving off the rogue, he follows the scent to a hollow where he discovers a harmless fox cub. While not a rogue, this mysterious creature could be a threat so he decides to drive it off. However, Lightningkit's confidence falters when the mother fox returns and he is forced to flee. A patrol arrives just in time to save him, but he faces stern consequences from the leader and warriors. Through this, he learns that courage must be balanced with caution, and Lightningkit begins to see that being a leader means more than bold actions—it means responsibility for others' safety.

    Lightning's Lesson:
    During a patrol, Lightningpaw sprains his paw while trying to show off. Frustrated and not wanting to be sidelined due to his injury, he tries to hide it. Instead of working out and being able to continue training like he planned, Lightningpaw's condition worsens. While he's forced to stay in the medicine cat's den, Lightningpaw gains a new appreciation for other roles in the Clan and realizes that everyone needs help sometimes.
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Dingo's App for TC's first litter!

  • Prefacing this by mentioning that a lot of details for this character idea are undecided as of at the moment as a lot of them I'd like to have be decided throughout the RP (If they get accepted of course!) One such detail is their name which I'd be happy to let the RPers of the parents and/or Juniperstar decide for! The ideas listed are just potential suggestions <3

    ★ Name suggestions;
    ★ Thorn (After Hawthorne)
    ★ Bristle, Needle or Nettle (Similar to thorn maybe in being something small and sometimes sharp or pointed, like bristling fur)
    ★ Cobra or Python (Snake based like Serpent's side of the family)
    ★ Trail (To potentially be Trailblaze, it's a name I'm wanting to claim at some point either way and Trail feels forest based! Maybe he likes to trail after his mother as well. Blaze could come from the yellow eyes and his fighting spirit but this is the only full name suggestion I have)
  • ★ Name TBD → named for ?
    ★ Male → He/They
    ★ Sexuality: TBD → Single
    ★ Newborn → Aging Rate: Monthly
    ★ Thunderclan → Kit
  • 92248994_vTvdI3vwaTPamEL.png
    ★ Smoke torbie (tortie-tabby) / Chocolate lynx point chimera with low white → This cat is a bit of both of their parents. One half of his face is almost the splitting image of his father aside from the lack of scars and some light spotting while the other half is more similar to his mother, except for the eyes, both eyes are no doubt just like Hawthorne's or even his father, Fray's being a striking yellow-orange in colour. With scruffy medium-length fur that he can never seem to have looking fully groomed no matter how well washed his pelt is kept, despite this though its always remained rather soft to the touch. Much like their face the rest of this cat's body is a little bit of Serpent and a little bit of Hawthorne depending on where you look.

    Some notes on the design and how they tie back into the family are gonna be listed below to explain my design process/thinking a little!
    ★ The little hair tuft, freckled spotting on the face and light tail tip are a nod towards Hawthorne's father, Fray! The eyes are a mix of both Hawthorne's and Fray's.
    ★ The darker ear colouring is a nod to Hawthorne (as are the ear tufts)
    ★ The patterning is mainly a nod to Serpent and the ginger and black colouring is from her as well though some of the ginger patterning is replaced instead by Hawthorne's colours to try and give the kit the appearance of both parents simultaneously
    ★ The fur length and shape (Like in the cheeks) is an attempt at mixing both Hawthorne and Serpents (Cheeks are roughly Serpents shape but more scruffy like Hawthorne's)
    ★ The face markings are mainly based on Hawthorne's though half of it with Serpent's colouring (He has Hawthorne's nose bridge and to the forehead marking but it is in Serpent's ginger colouring for example)
    ★ The lightest most parts (like the chest, muzzle and neck fluff colour) are based on Hawthorne's though the black side of the face's light eye markings still match Serpent's in shape
    ★ One front paw has white toes and ginger patterning based around Serpent's and the other front paw although based on Serpent's colouring still, has darker toes based off of Hawthorne's paws
    ★ Some small parts of the design also nod to this design that I considered applying with as well (The nose colour, one ginger paw and one darker black paw, the rear markings and tail tip, etc) as I thought that she would make for a better potential future child design of this cat instead if accepted!
  • ★ Traits → The personality of this cat is something I think will be left mainly up to the RP as I'd like for him to be shaped by his remaining family and clan mates and the story most! Most the notes below will be a little barebones because of this or will differ a bit from one another as they'll depend on how the story goes and what path/s they are lead down by the influence of other cats.

    ★ One thing that is true and will remain as much regardless of the path taken is that this cat loves their family, Serpent, Leaf, Thistle and Snake will always be top priority to protect to this cat and he will show this fairly early on as though he is trying to make up for the fact that his father is gone.
    ★ On that note as well, he adores Serpent and will look up to her most of all, as well as maybe Juniperstar but mostly his mother.
    ★ Overall I imagine this cat will start off rather reserved and quietly curious, all stories about their father and grandfather will inspire them but also be a reminder that some cats might have rather high expectations of them as well. Can they ever hope to live up to the likes of Fray and Hawthorne? Most of all though, can he make his mother proud?
    ★ He has a very real chance to become very interested in what the medicine cats do eventually/the Moon Stone (Mainly in that if its discovered they have any links to the dead he'd be curious to see if they have any contact with Hawthorne, the dad he never got to meet but has heard so much about from other cats) maybe not to the point of wanting to become a medicine cat himself but enough to the point of potentially trying to sneak visits to the Moon Stone in hopes of meeting his father.
    ★ There is also a very real chance for him to develop resentment and want for revenge against the future Shadowclan/ any of the cats involved in his father's death if he finds out enough about them and what happened to lead to his father's death. A more battle-focused mentor might also further encourage this path to be taken.
  • ★ PARENTS: Hawthorne x Serpent
    ★ Sibling to Leafkit and Thistlekit
    ★ Mates with N/A → crushing on N/A → Offspring N/A​
    ★ Mentored by TBD → mentored N/A → currently mentoring N/A
    ADMIRES: Juniperstar, Snakeblink
    DISLIKES: The cats responsible for his fathers death.
  • All of the below will be worked out later on once they've had time to grow as they'd currently be a kit!

    ★ Peaceful and healing powerplay allowed

    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to battle → is not inherently violent
    ★ may/will not start fights → will/will not end fights → will/will not run away
    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to talk to → what they are like in conversation
    ★ poor/okay/good hunter → poor/okay/good fighter → poor/okay/good mediator
  • Thank you for reading and for this opportunity! <3 Art is done by myself, I had a lot of fun designing them!

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hi friends !!!! rai and i took a good bit to look over the apps and have decided to invite @DessertDingo to the family!!!

thank you guys for your apps - we are so sorry we could not pick you all!! the apps and art are all so precious. please feel free to use these concepts regardless!!! more kits in leafbare!!!!
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