TORI'S TREEHOUSE - character hub

AnemoVictoriousAnemoVictorious's icon

*steals ur stuff*
Character Hub
hi! my name is tori. i casually rp cats sometimes. this is my character hub where you can find them. this has a hidden scroll, so scroll to see each clan + the deceased outside of clan, and future characters!

there will be a section for rped characters and a section for recurring npcs. the character format will be - 'name (w tags link) | pronouns | age | aging rate | rank | activity', while npcs will be similar but the role and character they're connected to will be in place of activity

My Characters
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

My Characters
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

My Characters
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

My Characters
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

My Characters
Chrysanthemumkit | She/Her | 0 moons | Ages every #th | SkyClan Kit | Active, Casual

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

My Characters
Ruby | She/Her | 10 moons | Ages every 1st | Shipyard Cat | Active, Casual
Kestrel | She/Her | 3 moons | Ages every 17th | Barn Cat | Active, Casual
Bramble | He/Him | 14 moons | Ages every 1st | Colony Cat | Active, Casual
Aurora | She/Her | 18 moons | Ages every 1st | Colony Cat | Active, Casual

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Dark Forest
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | In[Active], Frequency

Dead NPCs
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To

Future Characters
My Characters
Name | Pro/Nouns | # moons | Ages every #th | Rank | Relation | Character Related To​
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  • Name: Ruby
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Ruby-: a precious stone consisting of corundum in color varieties varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose. / named because the color, and gemstone are pretty. | -paw: Standard suffix for an apprentice.
    Age: 10 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Shipyard Cat, Future RiverClan Apprentice
  • Short Description: Short-haired chocolate tortoiseshell with high white and dark copper eyes
    > Long Description: lazy girl does this later​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Picrew by felidaze)
  • Personality: Ruby is a sweetheart that enjoys spreading joy where she goes. She is fiercely loyal to her loved ones and determined. An optimistic with an infectious smile, she's made it her goal to brighten the days of those around her! She is very attuned to the emotions around her, however, and can be swayed by their feelings. When others laugh, she laughs. When others cry, she cries. Overall, Ruby is the warm-hearting type, if not taking off more than she can chew, and can be naïve when others have bad intentions.
    Mental Ailments: Answer
    MBTI: Answer
    Alignment: Answer
    Pokemon Type: Answer
  • Parents: NPC x NPC, Gen 1
    Siblings: NPCs
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Cinnabar #E34234, gradient also uses Rose Bud #FBB2A3
    > Her human AU name would be TBD
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be TBD
    > Potential warrior names: Rubylight, Rubyshine, Rubysun, Rubygleam, Rubydapple, Rubylake, Rubypool, Rubyheart, Rubyglow, Rubymoon, Rubysong, Rubysplash, Rubyrose
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  • Name: Kestrel
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Kestrel-: a small falcon that hovers with rapidly beating wings while searching for prey on the ground. / named to fit her family's bird theme. | -kit: Standard suffix for a kitten.
    Age: 3 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every #th.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Barn Cat, Future WindClanner
  • Short Description: Long-haired seal mink point with aqua eyes
    > Long Description: lazy girl does this later​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Picrew by felidaze)
  • Personality: TBD

    Mental Ailments: Answer
    MBTI: Answer
    Alignment: Answer
    Pokemon Type: Answer
  • Parents: Whorl x NPC, Gen 2
    Siblings: Wren
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Brown Rust #AF593E, gradient also uses Macaroni and Cheese #FBB2A3
    > Her human AU name would be TBD
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be TBD
    > Potential warrior names: Kestrelfeather, Kestrelfern, Kestrelwhisper, Kestrelwhistle, Kestrelwing, Kestrelsong
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  • Name: Bramble
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Bramble-: a prickly scrambling vine or shrub, especially a blackberry or other wild shrub of the rose family. / named for his feisty behavior as a kitten.
    Age: 14 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st​
    Gender & Pronouns: Trans-Male, He/Him
    Sexuality: Homosexual Homoromantic
    Rank: Colony Cat, Future ShadowClanner
  • Short Description: Short furred black tabby with low white and green eyes
    > Long Description: With green eyes often narrowed into a cold glare, Bramble comes off as somewhat unapproachable. He is small in stature, and is very clearly upset by it, judging by how angry he'll get when someone mentions it. His fur a dark brown-ish hue, with black stripes covering his body. He has a white splotch on his forehead, above his nose, and on his chest.​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Picrew by felidaze)
  • Personality: Bramble tends to keep quiet and can be quite prickly when it comes to others. He is very guarded and not all too willing to let others in, especially when it comes to his own insecurities. He is sharp, snarky, and sarcastic, and struggles to really express vulnerability. However, he does show his caring nature around younger cats, in particular kits, and is fiercely protective of those that do breach into his inner heart. Beyond the layer of sharp thorns is a somewhat shy and sweet cat with a lot of insecurities and a lack of self confidence, and a sense of playfulness and chaos. It just takes a lot of work to get there, and Bramble can't help but wonder what it'd be like if he wasn't so hard to deal with his emotions...
    Mental Ailments: Anxiety, Depression
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Pokemon Type: Grass/Ghost
  • Parents: NPC x NPC, Gen 1
    Siblings: N/A
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Open​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Eucalyptus #278A5B, gradient also uses Everglade #1C402E
    > His human AU name would be TBD
    > His partner pokemon, or his Pokemon self, would be the Brambalin line
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  • Name: Aurora
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Aurora-: a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole. The effect is caused by the interaction of charged particles from the sun with atoms in the upper atmosphere. In northern and southern regions it is respectively called aurora borealis or Northern Lights and aurora australis or Southern Lights. / named in hopes that she would be as vibrant and bright as the Northern Lights.
    Age: 18 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every 1st.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Bisexual Biromantic
    Rank: Colony Cat, Future ThunderClanner
  • Short Description: Long-haired chocolate silver tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    > Long Description: lazy girl does this later​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Picrew by felidaze)
  • Personality: Soft spoken, Aurora may appear to be the shyer type at first glance. However, she has no trouble talking to others when she so desires - she can be quite talkative when she's around those she cares about. She's observant and intelligent, and goes at her own pace. She is not afraid to speak her mind - going from light teasing to outright antagonizing or mocking those that she doesn't view as close to her. She is confident, and believes that as long as she and those she cares about believe in her, than others' opinions don't matter.
    She also has a tendency to be a bit stealthy - only making her presence known when she feels like it. She enjoys gossip and hearing secrets, so she uses this to her advantage. She can also be a bit judgmental at times, and she's willing to point out her criticisms. While she may come off as rude, it doesn't bother her - she goes at her own pace and if others don't like it, that's their problem.
    Mental Ailments: Answer
    MBTI: Answer
    Alignment: Answer
    Pokemon Type: Answer
  • Parents: NPC x NPC, Gen 1
    Siblings: N/A
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Open​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives: N/A
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Amethyst #9966CC, gradient also uses Biloba Flower #B2A1EA
    > Her human AU name would be TBD
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be TBD
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  • Name: Chrysanthemumkit
    > Previous Names: N/A​
    Chrysanthemum-: a plant of the daisy family with brightly colored ornamental flowers, existing in many cultivated varieties. / named because Lostmoon likes the flower. | -kit: Standard suffix for a kitten.
    Age: 0 moons
    > Aging Rate: Ages 1 moon every #th.​
    Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Sexuality: Undecided
    Rank: SkyClan
  • Short Description: Long-haired silver tabby with low white and blue eyes
    > Long Description: lazy girl does this later​
    Scars and Injuries: N/A
    Accessories: N/A

    (Picrew by felidaze)
  • Personality: TBD
    Mental Ailments: Answer
    MBTI: Answer
    Alignment: Answer
    Pokemon Type: Answer
  • Parents: Lostmoon x Jaggedstorm, Gen 2
    Siblings: Echokit, Mistkit
    Mate: N/A
    > Relationship Status: Single, Not Looking​
    Children: N/A
    Other Relatives:), Duskpool (Adoptive Grandfather), Keahi, Acheron (Adoptive Uncles), Ume (Adoptive Aunt), Flowercloud (Adoptive Great Aunt), Cygnetpaw, Rosepaw, Lavenderpaw, (Adoptive Cousins), Wolfstorm, Lionfire (Godfathers
    Friends: N/A
    Acquaintances: N/A
    Enemies: N/A
  • > Theme Color is Illusion #F6A4C9, gradient also uses Magic Mint #AAF0D1
    > Her human AU name would be TBD
    > Her partner pokemon, or her Pokemon self, would be TBD
    > Potential warrior names: Chrysanthemumbush, Chrsyanthemumleaf, Chrysanthemumfern, Chrysanthemumtuft
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