Territory πšπš›πšŠπšπšŽ πšπš˜πš› 𝚊 πš πšŠπš›πš– πšœπšžπš—πšœπš‘πš’πš—πšŽ β—ˆγ€Ž πšπš›πšŠπš™πš™πšŽπš 』

This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.
The new land proves stingy, keeping its prey beyond the reach of his claws. Every foray into the thicket thus far has borne no fruit. Were it not for the generosity of the others who brought back surplus (namely his mate, or those liable to drop their wares when browbeaten), the tabby would be down to skin and bones by now. Dense vegetation, uncertain footing, slippery mud slogsβ€”one or the other of these is bound to sneak under him at all times, and he's still grasping for a way to overcome such obstacles.

It's embarrassing, frankly. But that doesn't mean he doesn't make the effort.

Accompanied by a slew of others in the half-decayed overgrowth, Smogmaw prowls with a stolid yet impatient determination. Others have landed catches throughout the late-night excursion, and the looming potential of returning empty-pawed spurns him onward. The familiar chitter of some mouse-like critter eventually rewards him, a sound he can latch onto with confidence.

Without a second's delay, he gives pursuit to the scent-trail. The marsh rat, a thing not quite so compact nor nimble as a squirrel, scrambles through a maze of bramble and underbrush. Smogmaw is quick to gain on it, less than a fox-length behind by the time the critter dives under the shadow of a fallen tree.

A lapse in judgement, a misreading of the terrainβ€”perhaps even an act of desperationβ€”drives his decision to burst headlong into the cavity beneath that dead wood. It's far deeper than anticipated, and his front legs slam hard into a steep slope that's slick with wet soil. His back half tumbles forward. The rest of him slides. He doesn't slide for long. Smogmaw's body pitches into a soft surface at the bottom, the landing a merciful one. Snout lifting from the mud he's fallen into, nose scrunching and eyes blinking away dizziness, there is a confused and helpless moment where the tom half-tries to get his bearings before realising what had just happened.

He's stranded in a moderately-sized sinkhole, its maw to the above world barred by the heavy, dead tree overtop. And he's landed on top of the rat.

His hocks hurt. His rump hurts, and so does his lower back. Everything just kind of stings, really, an ache radiating all up his spine. Smogmaw rises to all fours after a long breath, at least until the bottommost branch jutting over his head catches his ears. Lifting further causes only pain. Craning his head around and staring up from whence he fell, the dusk-toned warrior comprehends he's stuck here. It's a pitiful gap between the girth of the tree's trunk and the muddy surface. It's a heavy, barbed wood at that. Best not risk dragging his hide under the serrations of its spines while scrabbling for a foothold steep slope.

"Heeeeeeeelp," Smogmaw moans out. He doesn't want to sound like a wailing kit, but what else is he to do? "Could use a paw here!" Inwardly, the tom cringes at his own display. But, hey. At least he caught the damn thing. Silver linings and all that. Here's hoping he'll be able to enjoy it before he starts to decompose.


Shadowclan territory was a mess in the youth's eyes even in the gloom. A sorry sight to behold and a painful one to hunt in. Slowly he marched through as cats split off to find what little morsels they could scrounge up. For a minute he had begun to enjoy the peace. Until he heard the pitiable cry. They paused to see if any other soul was around to address it first and the silence was a resounding 'no'. His orange eyes rolled skyward as if the stars might grant him some patience. Of course.

They padded through the dense thicket of dead overgrowth with disdain. His long fur dragging through damp foliage. The air was thick with the acrid tang of mud and embarrassment. The moan of distress drifted again, and for a moment he was confused. Unsure of where it was coming from. A disturbed trail of ick clued him in to a hole beneath a fallen tree. Possumgrin's smile slid onto his face like a well-worn mask as he approached the hole.

He peered down into the darkness, adjusting to the sight of Smogmaw crouched awkwardly in the muck, his ears pinned and a dead rat squished beneath him. The scene was almost too ridiculous. Almost. "Looks like you're in a bit of a... Sticky situation." Possumgrin drawled, his voice slick with humor. "Nice catch." He perched on the edge of the pit, his ears twitching idly as he assessed the best way to assist. Or if it was even worth the effort. I'd be blamed if he croaked so may as well.

Leaning back and sucking in a a large gulp of air he screamed to the other cats. "HEY! A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE!" His yowl was sure to be heard by cats and prey far and wide. Sighing sharply, tail flicking with irritation, he needed a way to help the stuck tom. With the dead tree in the way it would be difficult to haul the larger of the two out without getting scraped up. No way he could push it over and climbing atop it could be as unstable as the mud.

Not to mention the filth clinging to Smogmaw's pelt was thick, and the incline too slippery for him to climb out on his own. The longer Possumgrin stared, the muggier it became. Smogmaw would need help gaining traction, and there wasn't exactly a ready made solution lying around.

"Stay put!" He instructed with a chuckle, already padding off. The chilly damp ground squelched beneath his paws, sending a shiver of disgust up the blue feline's spine. He didn't have time to complain. Nearby, he spotted some smooth branches tossed about. That could do the trick. He began yanking the long appendages out from the mud with his teeth, shaking off the excess muck as he collected a small pile. He carried the bits back to the pit and laid them off to the side.

Bowing he dug at the side of the slope. If I can just make this gap a bit bigger maybe I can slide some of these sticks down. Give em' some grip. Possumgrin's claws scraped against the soft, muddy ground as he worked, his breath coming in short huffs of irritation. He wasn't built for this kind of effort.

At least not in his opinion, anyway. His long fur was already smeared with grime, and the damp air clung to him like an unwanted second pelt. The gap beneath the fallen tree stubbornly resisted his attempts to widen it, but he kept at it, if only because the thought of Smogmaw whining for longer made his ears ache. Hopefully backup would arrive and he wouldn't have to pretend to care as much.

  • I wasn't terribly sure how the tree is so I went with slippery as well!

    tldr; Hollered for backup. Possumgrin gathered some sticks for traction and is trying to dig a bigger gap so Smog doesn't get scraped up by the dead tree's branches when he climbs out.
  • RXohUba.png

    β–Έ possum, possumgrin
    β–Έ LH blue ticked tabby w/low white and orange eyes
    β–Έ amab, cis male,18 moons
    β–Έ ex-colony cat, warrior of shadowclan
    β–Έ heterosexual/romantic, single, crushing on no one
    β–Έ child of npc x npc ; sibling to marbleshine
    β–Έ "speech", thoughts, powerplay
    β–Έ peaceful and healing powerplay accepted
    β–Έ toyhou.se - hub - playlist - penned by tasmagoric
  • 3aHZKNY.png






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The new territory was something that would take some getting used to, but Wolf was nothing if not adaptable. While he wasn't crazy about the strange prey or the feeling of mud between his toes, or the way everything was perpetually wet, it wasn't weird or troublesome enough to send him packing. Food was food. A den was a den. And if it failed to suit the tastes of him or his clanmates, they could always move on to something else. The world had plenty of territories to offer if they were willing to find and take them.

For now though the pocosin was home, and the large, mottled tomcat was happy to make use of it's resources. Today his hunt had proven not just fruitful, but lucky as well, the bird hanging from his jaws a vibrant red cardinal. It was a decent sized catch and he was rather pleased with the blood-red feathers, having half a mind to pluck them for his nest. He'd never really kept much in the way of belongings due to constantly moving around, but now that he had an actual nest in a place he intended to stay? Why not indulge in his simply luxuries and show off what he collected?

That would have to wait though, it seemed.

Possumgrin shouting for help in the near distance had him letting out a sigh of resignation, putting off his plans of a still-warm meal and some r&r while plucking feathers. Finding a nice, thick patch of brush, he quickly stashed his kill before loping over to where his clanmate was calling out.

"What the hell is going on?" he huffed when he found the tom standing unmarred and in one piece, digging in the mud beneath a fallen tree, sticks piled beside him purposefully.

Hunting Rolls-- (just for fun)
– 19 to catch prey (great success, didn't break a sweat)
– 3 for prey type (bird)
– 28 for bird species (cardinal)


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

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Admittedly, Smogmaw had dreaded the prospect of no one lending him any attentionβ€”left to languish in this damp hole without so much as a pitying glance to know his demise was not forgotten. Equally as dreadful is the premise of another seeing him in this predicament, discovering him as stranded as the rat he now squeezes under his right foreleg. Whether the arrival of Possumgrin can be construed as some saving grace or further smiting of his ego is difficult to discern. All the stuck warrior can do is remain there, askance and ears laid flat against his skull, and attempt to collect his own thoughts while the other tom jokes at his expense.

He flinches when that mocking face peers down at him, pulling into his mud-tinged form a familiar sense of pride-wounded vulnerability. Their comment is met by a forced chuckle from Smogmaw, stark orange eyes diverted away from the pit's opening. "I'm right comfortable down here, actually." His words have a flat edge. "Can really see the sights, the full splendour of ShadowClan."

There's an initial shock at the cry for help Possumgrin screams out at some distance from him, but it subsides with his logic. Obviously they'd need more than just the scrawny little git to get him out of this mess.

Breathing comes a wee bit easier when the soot-hued tom starts on plucking branches from the muck. Some meaningful solution to his problem begins to take form, notwithstanding the tiff in his chest at how helpless he's rendered himself to be. Oh well, he muses in silent self-abasement, barely a moon spent here and he's already indebted to one of the wretched sods.

While he hears the sounds of Possumgrin attempting to widen the gap beneath the tree, Smogmaw stares. Thinking. Calculating how that passage of dirt and root-embroidered soil can fit his head without scraping up his skull. He also hears the eloquent disbelief expressed by the familiar voice of Wolfpack, and once again wishes the mud was bottomless, so he might sink away. Unfortunately, the ground retains solidity and all that he can do is blink and await the inevitable scoffs from above.

"I caught a rat." He offers simply, his explanation loud enough for the above-ground bumpkin to hear. "Had a little slip 'n tumble, now I'm stuck. Get me outta here!" Pressing a paw forward, tentative, the tip of his foot shoves against the slippery soil and achieves no real traction. The sinkhole's slope is more than difficult to get a grip on, and the way up looks deceptively out of reach. If Possumgrin's strategy proves successful, and the earth's jaws become split enough to barf him up, Smogmaw can surely worm his way out with some assistance.

One can only hope he does not accidentally claw someone's off while scrambling to solid land.

// post from class lol

Sablestar was not out here to hunt seeing as many of his warriors took to the swamps for the chance of decent food. Too much preyblood would kill a hunt quicker than stepping on a twig, and so he allowed himself the chance to listen for the sounds of the whistling between threading branches of pond pines and shrubs.

The land was vast, far more than the oaks they abandoned at least. From the stretch of hikes he had made there was a long, active thunderpath that curved around the pocosin. A natural barrier of sorts, a protective layer or perhaps a warning to any potential dangers trying to enter.

It was hard to focus, however, with the sound of his warriors struggling close by. The tuxedo veered from his path to investigate himself what the trouble could be. Teeth prodded his inner cheek seeing Smogmaw with his marsh rat, the price paid for something other than a simple frog. "I'd say the splendor is better to see from this angle, myself." Honey-glowed eyes look to Possumgrin's attempt to work in widening the entry of the sinkhole and motioned for Wolfpack to join him in the toms efforts.

"Try not to swallow any mud, we're gonna dig you out." Claws unsheathed to score across the damp earth. The corner of his mouth twitched as every pull caused a small trickle into the depths. They would have to be careful they weren't burying Smogmaw at the same time. "Think you can make it out yet?" He would be cleaning mud out from between his toes for days at this rate!

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTARβ€” he/him ο½₯fifty-four moons ο½₯leader; shadowclan ο½₯penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
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