Closed ThunderClan ShadowClan turpentine erase me whole ✧ juniper[star] x sable[star]

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BOOPAW'S favorite idiot
The Favorite
This user plays a HP.


rai wtf (1).png

a bond formed in moons of comfort and certainty, juniper and sable have been mates since long before the fear of hunger drove them down different paths. but fear, impatience and the rumbling of their bellies has wedged a stake between their minds, stretching the cord of their hearts to a thin, taut rope. if they'd known then what they know now... maybe they wouldn't have laid the groundwork for this. would not be territories apart when blessing becomes burden.

split into two, separate. with kits on the way.​

✧ please be aware that these kits will be loved but may still experience neglect, loss, and other sensitive topics may be broached throughout their lifetime
✧ kits are the first half-clan babies on site... between two leaders.... wack
✧ there are only two slots, with four being born. one is pre-selected and the other is a planned stillborn. [if you're interested in taking the starclan kit, feel free to let us know!]
✧ kits are born january 23rd [ they will age skip to 1 moon old ]
✧ this closes on january 13th, kits being chosen january 16th
✧ one of the slots will be going to shadowclan with their preselected sibling! the other will remain in thunderclan with juniper [ thunderclan kit should be aware that this character is not intended to be long term for plot reasons ;) if no one is willing, that's okay too, we have an alternative option! ]
✧ feel free to pester poe and i! we are happy to yammer about this​

✧ brindle, bramble, bright. glimmer [ bracken ]
✧ mushroom, sleek, sprout, squeak [ chantarelle ]
✧ holly, rosehip, bryony, tender [ thornstar ]
✧ cobweb, dapple, rattle, amaryllis, twist [ serpent ]
✧ split, peregrine, shrike, belladonna, sharp [ sable ]
✧ flicker, burn, giggle [ flame ]​
✦ wheat, oat, hay, aster, doe, fawn, echo, dream [ juniper ]
✦ dusk [shade], stone, cloud/y [smog], fog [smog], soot, mist/y, feather [moth], shiver [wolf], sleet, hail, mink [cicada], shrew, stoat, ray [smudge], light [smudge], cheer [smudge], glow [halfy], day [halfy], sunrise, cedar, lynx, vole, hoot, shriek, shrike [ shadowclan / allies ]
✦ harvest, arch, wasp, sap, chipmunk, nettle, rattle, dash, pinecone, newt, lotus, drizzle, hickory, pride, loyal, sage [ appearance / likes ]​

genetics are FREE FOR ALL!

[ paternal great grandparent ] alder
[ maternal auncles ] bracken ( & hazelheart ), chantarelle, flame
[ paternal auncles ] cowboy, gray, shade*, nip*, pebble*, ice*
[ maternal cousins ] honeysucklecry, hyacinth, magnolia
[ paternal siblings ] smudge*​

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i call this 'lavs makes things complicated for her friends'

"rivers and roads, rivers 'till i reach you"

  • ★ shrikekit/brightkit/hollykit/doekit/sproutkit → named by parents' rp-ers
    ★ afab she-cat → she/her
    ★ sexuality tbd → single
    ★ 00 moons→ aging rate tbd
    ★ thunderclan → kit
  • tbdthunder_by_lavendes_dis5lyz-pre.jpg
    ★ a longhaired chocolate spotted tabby with low white and orange eyes. → identical to her dam on all accounts except for one, this is a girl made for the forest. silky chocolate fur cascades in waves across her slender frame, darker dapples giving her her tabby pelt. creamy white splashes her paws, belly, tail tip, and muzzle, freckling across her face. her ears are tall and tufted, cheek fur fluffed out like juniperstar's own. the only thing this girl takes from her sire is her burning gaze - the hue of a crackling fire, sparking from narrow sockets.
    ★ smells like moss → sounds like chappell roan
    aesthetic board → toyhouse/ref
  • ★ curious, brave, empathetic, intelligent, rash, bold, a bleeding heart → enraptured by the idea of warriorhood, it is this child's greatest ambition to serve her clan with everything she has. in kithood, one could call her almost a fangirl of her favorite warriors from her mother's clan, idolizing particularly thornstar, who she longs to meet, though never will. a deeper, quieter patrt of herself yearns for a stronger relationship with her father, sablestar, but she holds it in, not speaking this desire into existence. there is a glint in the girl's eye every time she speaks of fighting in battle, and she will often be found practicing her battle moves. there is a naïve spark to this girl, the golden child of juniperstar. her kit moons are relatively carefree, the idyllic childhood of a well kept princess, protected and nurtured by the world around her.

    at four moons, the girl becomes an apprentice, and something shifts. perhaps the reality of her situation is expressed to her, finding the truth of her sire to be lackluster, the golden imaginings of a kit washed away to something more realistic. she figures out finally that he is an enemy, as are her siblings, locked in the clutches of a foreign clan. the girl changes upon apprenticehood. still a cat with few wants more than to serve, she becomes more of a soldier than a knight. diligent, gruff and often bored seeming, she will prefer solitude to company and will get annoyed quite easily. disappointment in her clanmates will come easily, and she will seek encouragement and adoration wherever she can find it.

    as a young warrior, perhaps she gets her spark back. she will never be the same little girl, but there is something there, a kind, honorable knight returning. all of this is subject to change throughout rp.
    ★ other notes
  • ★ PARENTS juniperstar x sablestar
    ★ sibling to magpiekit, tbdkit, tbdkit
    ★ mates with none → crushing on none → no offspring​
    ★ mentored by tbd → mentored none → currently mentoring none
    FRIENDS here
    ADMIRES here
    DISLIKES here
    HISTORY history here
    PLOT IDEAS ★ as a kit, she really tries to get her parents back together in a series of parent-trap like events.
    ★ will be told eventually sablestar's actions in a more negative light than what her mother has always told her. she has a slight breakdown after this, potentially tries to confront him about it. this is the start of her change.
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to battle → is/is not inherently violent
    ★ may/will not start fights → will/will not end fights → will/will not run away
    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to talk to → what they are like in conversation
    ★ poor/okay/good hunter → poor/okay/good fighter → poor/okay/good mediator
    ★ based on here

"i wanna be nobody's soldier"

  • ★ dreamkit/echokit/lightkit → named by parents' rp-ers
    ★ amab tom → he/him
    ★ sexuality unknown → single
    ★ 00 moons→ aging rate tbd
    ★ shadowclan → kit
  • tbdkitshadow_by_lavendes_dis5lwz-pre.jpg
    ★ a longhaired chocolate spotted tabby with low white and orange eyes. → identical to his dam on all accounts except for one, this is a boy who seems made for the forest, not the shadows. silky chocolate fur cascades in waves across his boxy frame, darker dapples giving him his tabby pelt. creamy white splashes his paws, belly, tail tip, and muzzle, freckling across his face. his ears are tall and tufted, cheek fur fluffed out like juniperstar's own. the only thing this boy takes from his sire is his burning gaze - the hue of a crackling fire, sparking from narrow sockets.
    ★ smells like pine → sounds like jaime lannester
    ★ aesthetic board → toyhouse/ref
  • ★ curious, brave, calculating, intelligent, rash, bold, a bleeding heart → enraptured by the idea of warriorhood, it is this child's greatest ambition to serve his clan with everything he has. in kithood, one could call him almost a 'fanboy' of his favorite warriors from his father's clan, idolizing particularly his father himself, who he believes to be the strongest warrior. a deeper, quieter part of himself yearns for a stronger relationship with his mother, juniperstar, but he holds it in, not speaking this desire into existence. there is a glint in the boy's eye every time he speaks of fighting in battle, and he will often be found practicing his battle moves. there is a naïve spark to this boy, the golden child of sablestar. his kit moons are relatively carefree, the idyllic childhood of a well kept prince, protected and nurtured by the world around him.

    in time, the boy becomes an apprentice, and something shifts. perhaps the reality of his situation is expressed to her, finding the truth to be lackluster, the golden imaginings of a kit washed away to something more realistic. perhaps he figures out finally that thunderclan is an enemy, as is his sibling, locked in the clutches of a foreign clan. whisperings among his clanmates of his crossclan heritage, comparisons to thunderclan whenever he shows weakness. the boy changes upon apprenticehood. still a cat with few wants more than to serve, he becomes more of a soldier than a knight. diligent, gruff and often bored seeming, he will prefer solitude to company and will get annoyed quite easily. disappointment in his clanmates will come easily, and he will seek encouragement and adoration wherever he can find it.

    as a young warrior, perhaps he gets his spark back. he will never be the same little boy, but there is something there, a kind, honorable knight returning. all of this is subject to change throughout rp.
    ★ other notes
  • ★ PARENTS juniperstar x sablestar
    ★ sibling to magpiekit
    ★ mates with here → crushing on here → how many/no offspring​
    ★ mentored by here → mentored here → currently mentoring here
    FRIENDS here
    ADMIRES here
    DISLIKES here
    HISTORY history here
    PLOT IDEAS ★ grappling with his resemblance to juniperstar, he may grow to resent his name, as a reminder of her.
    ★ a general distaste for thunderclan develops as he grows, fueled by the whisperings of his clanmates. he may do something drastic to prove his loyalty to shadowclan.
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to battle → is/is not inherently violent
    ★ may/will not start fights → will/will not end fights → will/will not run away
    ★ easy/medium/hard difficulty to talk to → what they are like in conversation
    ★ poor/okay/good hunter → poor/okay/good fighter → poor/okay/good mediator
    ★ based on here

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Work in Progress of course!!!



AGE: Unborn atm


DAM: Juniperstar
SIRE: Sablestar
LITTERMATES: Magpiekit, TBDkit, & TBDkit

MATE: None
KITS: None



TBDkit starts off as every other kitten starts in this world. A little crying ball with fur that spikes up in random directions and can be hard to keep neat and tidy. From birth, his coat shows strong resemblance to his sire, a slight sheen to his darkest patches that contrasts so nicely against his white underside. Black paws stick out of the white fur splayed across his ankles, with the shade of his back paws climbing along the back of his legs to wrap around the back of his thighs and tail. The white cracks across the middle of his back, breaking apart the black of his spine. With a splash of inky black across his shoulders and the darkness masking the top of his crown, the last thing that the kitten inherited from their parents was the long coat of their mother, fur drapping from their cheeks and paws nearly covered.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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[ name options; pridekit, rosehipkit, harvestkit, peregrinekit, shrikekit, minkkit ]

PRONOUNS —————— he/himORIENTATION ———— unknown
CLAN ————————— either/orRANK —————————— kit
MATE ——————————— noneAPPRENTICE —————— none

" oh, violence does call me, i've answered before
i've made many enemies, i've settled my scores
but i did grow weary and i settled down
and proudly bore the weight of my crown "

a tall, bulky cinnamon lynx mink with an imposing aura.
→ lh cinnamon lynx point w/ low white
→ ruddy brown and gold central heterochromia
APPEARANCE tbnkit is a striking tom with a commanding presence, his appearance radiating both strength and an understated elegance. his medium-length coat is predominantly a warm, earthy brown, enriched by subtle tabby markings that ripple like shadows across his fur, framed by occasional white highlights. these markings are most noticeable along his legs, face, and tail, their soft gradient blending seamlessly into the base color of his pelt. the fur itself is thick and slightly coarse, with a denser, fluffier texture around his neck and chest. this creates a full, voluminous ruff that frames his angular face, giving him a regal yet rugged air. the crownlike tabby markings on his face only add to this effect. the ruff of his neck, combined with the thickness of his fur, adds to the impression of a cat who is both formidable and well-prepared for harsh conditions.

tbnkit's facial features are sharp and defined, his cheekbones prominent and his jawline strong. his slightly protruding lower canines lend him a fierce, almost predatory appearance, especially when he parts his lips in a half-snarl or a toothy grin. his muzzle is short and broad, blending harmoniously with the rest of his angular face. his nose is dark and complements the deeper brown tones in his coat. his eyes are deep ruddy brown, with molten gold ringing his pupils. they are deep-set and framed by markings that seem to draw attention to their intensity. these markings accentuate the sharpness of his gaze, giving him a perpetually watchful and calculating expression. his ears are tall and slightly pointed, their tips dipped in a dark brown that stands out against the softer hues. a hint of tufting at the tips gives them a touch of wildness, while the base of his ears is rounded, blending smoothly into the contours of his head.

his body is compact but muscular, built for both agility and power. his legs are sturdy, with thick fur covering his limbs and darkening as it reaches his paws. the gradual transition to a deep, chocolate-brown around his feet creates the impression of natural stockings. his tail is short and bobbed but thick and well-furred, tapering slightly toward the end where the fur darkens in a gradient matching that of his legs. every aspect of tbnkit's appearance seems to be deliberate, like a painting, from the seamless transitions of color in his fur to the way his ruff frames his striking face. he carries himself with confidence, his posture upright and purposeful, exuding an air of self-assured strength. he is undeniably eye-catching, his form and features leaving a lasting impression of quiet power and refined elegance.

+ strategic / + confident / + resourceful
` stoic / ` loyal / ` disciplined
- relentless / - blunt / - solitary
PERSONALITY tbnkit is a cat of intense dualities: composed and calculating on the surface, but beneath lies a simmering undercurrent of restlessness and ambition. he is fiercely intelligent, often seeing several steps ahead in any given situation; he uses this foresight to maintain control and influence over those around him. though he appears calm and reserved, his sharp wit and cutting tongue reveal an unyielding confidence in his own abilities. tbnkit values strength—not just physical, but mental and emotional resilience—and he holds himself and others to extraordinarily high standards. he is unapologetically self-reliant, often viewing collaboration as a necessary inconvenience rather than a virtue. his trust is not easily earned, and he has little patience for those he perceives as weak or overly sentimental. however, for those who manage to gain his respect, tbnkit is fiercely loyal and surprisingly generous, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them.

a natural strategist, tbnkit excels in high-stakes situations where quick thinking and adaptability are crucial. he thrives on challenges, often seeking them out not just for the thrill but as a way to test and refine his abilities. he is unafraid of conflict, meeting challenges head-on with a quiet but unshakable determination. while he avoids unnecessary cruelty, he is not above making difficult or morally ambiguous decisions to achieve his goals. tbnkit struggles with emotional expression, preferring to focus on logic and pragmatism. while he is not devoid of feelings, he often suppresses them, believing they can be a liability. this internal restraint sometimes makes him appear cold or detached, but in truth, he feels deeply—he just rarely shows it.

despite his outwardly stoic demeanor, tbnkit possesses a strong sense of individuality and a subtle rebellious streak. he resists being controlled or constrained, always finding ways to carve his own path even within the rigid structures of clan life. beneath his calculated exterior lies a cat who relishes the freedom to pursue his own destiny, guided by a relentless drive to prove himself and leave an indelible mark on the world. though his demeanor may intimidate others, tbnkit is far from heartless. in rare, unguarded moments, he shows glimpses of a softer side, revealing a cat who values justice and fairness more than he lets on. for those willing to look past his formidable exterior, they may find an ally who is as steadfast as he is complex.

that's it so far
HISTORY description of history when it happens

  • intelligence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎
    confidence ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎
    empathy ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎
    humor ∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎
    emotional ∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    wisdom ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎
    charisma ∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎∎∎
    creativity ∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎
    luck ∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎∎
    logical ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎

    strength ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎
    stamina ∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎
    offensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎
    planning ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎
    physical health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    dexterity ∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎∎
    endurance ∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎∎
    defensive ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎∎
    intimidation ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎/∎∎
    mental health ∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎
    tbnkit may start fights and will end fights. he will not flee and will not show mercy.

    in battles, tbnkit excels at strategic planning and offensive combat, but his tendency to rely on brute strength makes him vulnerable in defensive situations. he is known for his precision and ability to read his opponents, often predicting their moves before they act.

    tbnkit often smells faintly of pine, frost, and floral notes. his speech is bold and commanding, marked by a deep, steady tone. peaceful powerplay allowed.
    this is from noia's site codes
  • tbnkit was born to sable and juniper. his siblings are magpiekit, tbd, and tbd.

    tbnkit is currently too young to have a mate or kits. he is too young to have a mentor or apprentice

    he respects his clanmates for their contributions but does not form deep personal bonds easily. tbnkit admires strength and independence in others but disdains those who show weakness or hesitation. he has no sworn enemies but maintains a wary stance toward outsiders.
    this is from noia's site codes

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consider this finished!! just haven't wrote the appearance and extras sobs

SPLITKIT shadowclan kitten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dou fugiat nulla pariatur.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

    ↪ named for her pelt split between two cats; a homage to sablestar
    Age: newborn
    Gender: afab, she/her
    Orientation: undiscovered

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


    Splitkit's earliest moments start with demanding mewls and fast paws - from the get-go, this kitten sports a commanding presence. Oblivious to the forlorn circumstances of herself and her littermates, this boisterous kitten is filled with boundless energy and, from the moment she can walk, is quickly dubbed the little terror of the nest. The girl is endlessly playful and favors rough-housing above all, tussling with whatever she can get her paws on and fascinated at the prospect of becoming a 'strong, battling warrior' - but in rare times of peace, typically when she is tuckered out or after a hard scolding, Splitkit may begrudgingly enjoy a calm game of 'Clan' or a nice storytime, too.

    When not wreaking havoc playing, Splitkit's second favorite pastime is to talk. With no greater need than to simply be heard, Splitkit talks indiscriminately to the cats around her, no matter how old or young or what temperament they display; and typically, the subject of her interest is stuck to remain for quite some time. Between re-telling stories and pointless rambles, Splitkit becomes consumed in her own words and frequently loses track of her surroundings in the meantime as she struggles to learn to multi-task - be that walking into things, losing the cat she's talking to, or interrupting someone's work. Above all, the split-colored kitten is keen for learning, though she can rarely be sat down for a story except under her own accord. When ready to listen rather than speak, the inquisitive kitten can summon question after question out of thin air - she is privy to all the who's, what's, when's, why's and where's of the world, and will seldom rest until her questions are seen to, even the most impossible of such to answer.

    Of course, as she grows, Splitkit's questioning gains more depth - and it is not long until she wonders about her father in their neighboring Clan. Whatever knowledge she comes across will be responded to ICly.

  • Generation 1 — Family Tree
    Son of NAME & NAME
    ↪ Littermate to NAME & NAME

    Mate to NAME
    ↪ Parent of NAME & NAME

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tracking! maybe notes below....

- purple guy fnaf (cobweb- maybe)
- probably tc or starclan baby?
- idk. my main thought is "wow it would be so fun (evil) if there was a cat w/ a reincarnation cycle where he was doomed to die early on every time"
- going to take a nap soon but hi gonk and eden if the plot idea works best for the starclan baby lmk bc i would love the chance to torment this family
withdrawing! sorry </3 goodluck to the others!


Growing up, TBDkit will be average sized, if not a bit long-legged and narrower then perhaps some broader built clanmates. However, he has long fur that almost glows when it's taken care of, an instant face card amongst the masses. Two jewels of eyes are set within a split face, cream and black tabby warring for dominance on his pelt. Alongside this, he has a lighter blue eye amonst the cream tabby split, and a darker blue eye amongst the black tabby split.

This split is mainly seen with the top of his body 'pelted' with the black tabby, and a majority of his legs and belly are covered with the cream tabby. Two white patches are the only things obvious beyond the mottling of his light-and-dark pelt. A 'heart' shape settles over his chest, and his chin is dipping in this as well.

From a young age, especially knowing his heritage, he stands with an almost noble stance. Head held high and shoulders straight, you would assume that TBDkit would know how to manage himself just at a single glance- that isn't so true, with a nervous social approach. Body language is important to read on him, as that's how you'll come to know the most about him, especially as a kit. As he gets older, he'll become more reserved and controlled about that aspect of himself, making it harder to 'read' him.

KIT - QUIET, OBSERVANT, PROTECTIVE, NERVOUS. From a young age, TBDkit is known for his protective nature, the way he'll step in front of his sibling or take the reins on a situation if he has too. But if his family, or close friends, aren't involved? He's normally quiet and watching from the background, eyes intent on the situation, taking in information and learning. He isn't big on socializing, normally only doing it out of necessity. When things get tense, he may be nervous or anxious within. While a kit, he'll make an effort to run from any situation that's tense. This changes as he gets older.

APPRENTICE - QUIET, OBSERVANT, PROTECTIVE, BALANCED, BOOK-SMART, ANXIETY OVER NERVOUS. At this point, TBD(paw) will be wholly focused on getting stronger, and smarter. He puts all the information he can in his head. A well-known, active mentor would be best- he will suffer and become inactive under a mentor that's complacent or lazy. This can lead him down a different track then what's planned, which I'm not against, it's just worth mentioning. This will be part of his most formative moons. If he does have a complacent, lazy, or otherwise negative-based mentor, he will become cold and sharper, a barbed tongue amongst a pretty face.

The nervous tendencies he has a kit is more of a war with his mind these days- anxiety chews at him. Under a good mentor, he'll learn to become a fully independent cat. Under a 'bad' mentor, he'll struggle with this as an adult, and lash out more. (This can lead to a plot later down the line where a friend or someone closer helps him become more confident in himself.)

WARRIOR - HIGHLY OBSERVANT, PROTECTIVE, INTELLIGENT. These are the only traits that are promised to follow him into warrior-hood. See the note just below as to why.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // INHERENT FEAR OF BIRDS OF PREY - It's unknown why he is afraid of birds of prey, but this is a deep-seated fear he'll carry for most of his life.
  • FEAR // THE SHADOWS - At an early age, he'll fear deep shadows he can't see into. He'll grow out of this fear, but he's scared of the dark to start.
  • FEAR // THE OPPOSITE CLAN - Growing up, he may be given a twisted perspective of either clan- Thunderclan or Shadowclan. He'll grow scared of them, but the type of fear that makes you lash out with sharp fangs and claws instead of one that makes you run.
  • INSPRIATION // HIS LEADER - Similar to fearing the opposite clan, he'll become a parent's child- whether it's trying to follow on the heels of his father or his mother, he's going to try to impress them at every turn. He learns and studies and fights for them.
  • INSPRIATION // HIS MENTOR - Similar to what was noted in his 'PERSONALITY' section, and the 'GOOD COP, BAD COP' down below in PLOTS, this will inspire him to act one way or another.
  • OLD CHARACTER // Part of TBDkit's personality and tendencies are brought in from an old character that I had killed on another site. This is a 'reincarnate', only in concept. I will be pulling a lot of old fears and personality from that remake.
  • COLORS - CROSSFADE // 'Can you feel it crush you? / Does it seem to bring the worst in you out? / There's no running away from / These things that hold you down,'
  • BASIC CONCEPT // Lethal face card, awkward as hell.
  • NAMING // Depending on how you guys are swinging naming- if Juniper[star] does it right then and there or if they are named later, perhaps a lag in being named? On top of that, I have a list of names I'd like the parents to select from! See underneath 'TBDKIT' at the top of the application!
  • GOOD COP, BAD COP // This relates back to the mentor plot I began to mention in the 'PERSONALITY' section. A good mentor would realistically be knowledgable, kind, willing to put their apprentice before them and teach them everything they know. Heart-to-hearts, birthday parties, the whole nine yards. A bad mentor would be one that's complacent, lazy, rude, or otherwise uncaring. This will lead TBDkit down a darker path. IF I cannot find an IC mentor, I will be performing a dice roll to choose a flavor of NPC mentor.
  • LACK OF ROMANTIC LOVE // While it isn't impossible that cats may have crushes on him, he won't return them. Or, if he does, he can't act on in on account of his anxiety or focus on his studies.
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Honestly??? Tracking for the Starclan kit

Splitkit/ Asterkit / Dreamkit

- [if allowed] will develop as the clans form, watching both her parents and siblings
- will remain forever kit-minded, always cheerful and optimistic
- guardian of other lost kittens, a little Neverland type of shindig
- basically, ill post a thread with her [ if allowed ] in the Starclan board every once and a while discussing current events, especially centering around her living family / greeting the recently deceased
- The entire forest's designated little sister, essentially

- maybe once her living family joins Starclan, ill throw her into the poll for reincarnation, maybe

- maaaaaybe, IF ALLOWED will occasionally visit the dreams of living kittens/queens to provide a little bit of hope and excitement

- basically, just a MASSIVELY casual character who I'm eager to explore the concept of youthful immortality and the boundary line between life and death, someone who could visit dreams but will never actually be alive, someone who can make waves but only within tiny ripples, a goldfish who's joy is trapped within a bowl but still enjoys shining it's scales for all those who care to look at her
sighs loudly (/pos) I may add to this more but finished proof of concept

sleetkit / ashkit / larkspurkit (preferred, but not on list)
— shadow-bound
— she/they? I think?
— longhair black or blue (smoke???) w/ white or like a chimera of two different blues? grey eyes. I have a very specific vibe in my head. hefty. looks like an owl markings-wise, I have a vision. left-pawed :)

— sable should give her a potentially cruel mentor...... it'd be funny..... send her further down the path....


─ named either by or in honour of sablestar. might have a mini name change plot actually that could be cool?
─ destined for shadowclan alongside magpiekit.
─ she/they pronouns
─ eventually bi with a preference for she-cats
─ associated colour is #9370D8

✦ OOC ─

─ main shadowclanner. aiming for 5-10 a month but we'll see what the vibe is!
─ may not be rehomed as a premade if required


─ "a sleek greyscale cat with sharp silver eyes."
─ lh black self w/ low white (c. chocolate)
─ about average height. resembles sablestar at a glance. symmetrical design. left pawed. will gain distinctive scars across her face during apprenticeship.


— there's a joke here somewhere about her being born in the wrong generation. how has she found the hardness of colony life in her heart in her young age? who knows not me. sometimes kids are just world weary at age 4. unfortunately, this does have consequences: she seems to show little sympathy, often quoting misfortune as "part of life" and moving on.
─ with that said, there is a self-serving aspect to her nature that rears its head young. independence comes easily to her, especially once her curiosity begins to spark, and she will often be found away from her caretakers.
─ from about 3mo, considers herself "too old" for kitten games and starts to desire apprentice duties. hangs around older cats a lot to learn.
─ this then begs the question ... would sable break the code and let his kit start training early?


─ my ted talk on why sablestar should assign her to a cruel or at least cunning mentor will go here. tldr, "let me play a potential villain that isn't a tragic one this time"<3
— retains an enjoyment of older cats' company, but is more prone to judgement of their worth based on what knowledge they can offer her.
— this judgemental trait, however, lends itself to an impartiality which makes her an interesting mediator. she is prone to unbiased decisions, even if the are made without emotional consideration.


─ belladonnaclaw / sleetwhisker / hailsight / larkspurbite
─ there is a stereotypical shadowclan vibe to her as an adult: cunning, shrewd, selfish, with a penchant for night skills. she is still quick to judge, but she is also quick to learn. just because she is just, does not mean her morals align with most other cats.

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  • ★ bramble/sprout/rosehip/cobweb/aster/hickory → named by parents icly
    ★ afab trans male → she/her at first before eventually identifying as he/they
    ★ asexual homoromantic → too young for relationship
    ★ 00 moons → aging rate tbd
    ★ thunderclan OR shadowclan → kitten
  • k1sAFD3.png
    ★ longhaired chocolate tabby w/low white & brown eyes → tbdkit is born with a fever coat due to several events that has put his mother under stress so his pelt seems to be sprinkled with ash or fainter than the other coats of those next to him during their birth. his pelt more silvery/pale gray than the usual appearance of a regular tabby pelt, only faint patches of spotted tabby visible through this coat, and due to being sickly, he may have a more thinner appearance than the rest of his littermates. as he grows older, it'll take time for his fever coat to gradually shed/make way for his darker spotted pelt that mirrors his mother in markings and darker hues like his father. he has a pair of brown eyes that match the bark of the oaks that surrounds his mother's home, although, they seem rather big for a small kitten of his stature and give him a sort of bug-eyed look w/ears that seem too big for his own head. (potentially, at 6-8 moons old where he finally doesn't have the fever coat anymore to truly show on his late development)
    → baby fat and fluff make way for a more lanky/tall/skinny build that will make tbd seem more like an odd gangly fawn that's still trying to find his footing. he becomes a lot more leg than cat at this point in his life and despite his awkward features, he still has some sort of beauty to him thanks to both of his parents. of course, that won't be until he reaches adulthood as he simply goes through an ugly gosling era (kitten to apprentice). he'll be the least visually appealing apprentice there is + paired with the fact that he's constantly sneezing or w/snot dripping from his pink nose, he definitely seems pathetic/miserable through passing or whenever someone bumps into him.
    → traits from either parents juniperstar && sablestar
    ★ smells like oak leaves, soil, and morning dew/rain → sounds like tbd
    ★ aesthetic board → toyhouse/ref
  • ★ inquisitive, stubborn, thoughtful, gullible, envious, avid imagination, pessimistic, anti-social, self-conscious, and softspoken → (note: he'll develop icly & his personality will be more formed within rp, so, this is a faint outline of how i imagine him to be/act/etc...) as a kitten, tbd will be very curious of the world around him and ponder several things over/not hold much understanding on why his family is in two different places instead of together. but, of course, he's a mere child in both heart and mind so it isn't that he dwells on for too long/continues to be blissfully naive to the problems there is despite how others may be more aware of it. though there's a possibility of that changing if anyone asks him how he feels about the entire situation and at first, he will simply answer that he doesn't know and that itself is the truth. it's later on when he realizes that it isn't okay or normal for parents to be on different sides of territory and its too much to try balancing/trying to live with a paw in both worlds.

    it'll cause him to be envious towards any of those with both of their parents within the clan and that they're not struggling like he is, it'll cause him to shroud himself from others and become less social so he can focus on himself. any child-like imagination is placed in the back of his mind in favor of a more grown-up persona of sorts that he seems to take on throughout apprenticeship, he listens closely to his mentor and tries to hangout w/older cats so that he may find a place of belonging since he feels out of touch or place with his fellow peers/denmates. although, this only seems to make things more awkward than he likes & he becomes a bit of a code abider for a good chunk of his life (before he finally sets his paw out to do something that may break the code or endanger himself/others even if that may not be his initial intent).
    ★ other notes/potential plot ideas
    → if shc, sablestar living with a little juniperstar lookalike ...
    → thinking the trope of where a character has so much spirt/life/fire in them/personality wise but their body cannot match said energy due to illness ; eventually, their sicklyness becomes a weakness & results to an earlier death than others (if tc kit but will be altered for shc kit, whereas he'd learn how to survive his illness even if he's several pawsteps behind his peers/littermates)
    → with how sickly he is (probably breathing issues/asthma), he'll likely earn a late warrior graduation than his littermates or perhaps, there will be a bit of nepotism in play where either parent graduate him despite not passing his assessment
    → if nepotism is put in play & earns his warrior name alongside his peers, it will actually upset him/gain conflicted feelings that he didn't quite earn his warrior name just yet. it'll eat away at him for a bit and cause him to be hesitant in moving in the warriors den
    → perhaps, would either talk about it to his closer friends/sibling(s) or even his own parent, to confront them (ie: perhaps, a misunderstanding where sable/juniper tried to do good but tbd sees it as them not believing him capable of finding his own footing/them coddling him)
    → potential rivalry with littermate or peer near his age, it really tests him & makes him push himself a lot harder/strive to be better (even if it may lead to him trying to catch his breath)
    → brains over brawn, whereas many may rely on their brute strength and stature. tbd relies on his wit, strategy, and more lithe form to get an opponent with stealth or surprise attacks (when he's able to succeed in doing so)
    → will have complicated feelings on both of his parents being leader of their own groups instead of together, a part of him feeling that he's been robbed of a much simpler life. a small resentment to both parents perhaps (depending on which clan he ends up in, it'll fluctuate... if he were to stay with juniper and find out that it had been sable to rally others & lead the attack, he'll think his father selfish and uncaring of what he potentially gave up [even if he hadn't truly known]. if he ends up with sable in shc, he'll have mixed feelings about juniper essentially "giving him up" so that he lives w/his brother & father.] overall, will feel envious towards those with complete/undivided families
    → either the biggest mama's boy or truly, will become his father's son (once more depends)
    → if he ends up in tc, he will have wished that his family had been together. childish hoping that they'd give up their positions and raise the family they brought into the world.
    → if he ends up in shc, he wouldn't want to live with his paws in two worlds and must make the hard choice of severing any leftover ties he has with those within tc/especially his mother even if it pains him horribly/may even kill him on the inside to outright "reject" the one who had loved him so dearly as a son. "You're my enemy. You're not my mother." but in a choked up voice as he tries his best not to sob in front of Juniper as it tears at his own heart && the same would apply if he's in TC then he will cast out his own father, Sablestar, and reject the fact that he's his father
  • ★ PARENTS sablestar x juniperstar
    ★ sibling to magpiekit & the rest tbd
    ★ mates with N/A → crushing on N/A → no offspring​
    ★ mentored by N/A → mentored N/A → currently mentoring N/A
    FRIENDS here
    ADMIRES here
    DISLIKES here
    HISTORY history here
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed
    ★ medium difficulty to battle → is not inherently violent
    ★ will not start fights → will not end fights → will not run away
    ★ easy to talk to → what they are like in conversation
    ★ okay hunter → poor fighter → okay mediator
    ★ based on here

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Stares at Magpiekit. sighs

prefix- for ???; -suffix for ???
also responds to nickname (if any)

ages realtime on the 00th
born 01/23/25 at 00 moons

SINGLE closed to plotting
aromantic; pansexual; ambiamorous

DEMI-GIRL they/she/it
uses feminine/neutral terms and titles
afab; leaning towards enby; likely closeted until apprenticeship/age

KIT of ???
born & raised in ???


??? is a shadow in comparison to most children, a blank slate, a shade. a small slip of a girl, they are lean and lithe and slight-figured, all angles and sharp edges and ears and yet carrying none of the grace one would expect of a creature with such long limbs. short fur covers most of her pelt - messy, rumpled, unkept; wilder upon her tail and mane despite her best efforts. sallow eyes peer out from long, narrow face - cold, blank, apathetic. as a child she is oft uncanny, as though not quite all there - a doll, lifeless in comparison. but when she moves it is with ferocity, all pointed teeth and needle sharp claws. dark fur drowns most of her figure, with faint tabby stripes only making themselves known in just the right light. solid white tail, as though dipped in snow or touched by the stars, a smattering of stray moonlight dappling her face.

no known illness/injuries/scars
no acessories

sounds like:
smells like: smoke, ash, decay... and hickory



positive: traits here
neutral: traits here
negative: traits here

In depth personality goes here



littermate to MAGPIEKIT, two others
no other siblings


other relations here

NAMEKIT (surpise me)
Flexible little creature, bound by her fate and whatever life may have in store for her. Starts out dull eyed and apathetic; may mature or grow more naive based upon circumstances. Wild and untammed irregardless, a creature of sharp teeth and bloodied paws, unable to truly escape the monster within. Uncanny. Unsettling. Time may soften her blows or harden her heart, but she will always be balancing upon the knifes edge, one misstep away from falling into madness.
- shadowclan specific: unfailingly protective of her sibling, somewhat attatched to her father. Likely takes pride in her heritage and may lord herself over her fellow kits because of this.
- thunderclan specific: shadows her mother often, willbe absolutely shattered by whatever event does happen with Juniper, very likely to go a hurt/angst route. Endlessly curious about her siblings should she ever be told of them.
- starclan specific: angry, bitter, mischievous. understandably upset that her siblings get to live and she never will, likely to act out. A bit to meanspirited and mischievous, perhaps takes pleasure in purposefully twisting any omens she's tasked with / making thing unnecessarily hard on the living. Would likely calm somewhat if/when her mother should join her.

Very likely to exist even if not chosen (just obv. w/o the relations)
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