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HOLLYKIT ;; BRAMBLEKIT, SHRIKEKIT (or something else; can be named icly)
TUXEDO TOM // ref coming soon (click)
He looks just like his father, has his spiky fur, his cowlicks, and his honey amber eyes, though where his father's eyes are often narrowed and usually stand guard to his thoughts, this young cat is wide-eyed and wears his heart on his sleeve. Because of who he looks like, he unwittingly causes those around him– including his mother– pain, as he serves as a constant reminder of the cat who betrayed them and killed their dear friend. As he grows up, he'll likely grow to resent his appearance for this reason. Depending on what his siblings look like, and how closely they resemble their father, he might grow jealous of them. Why did he have to be born this way? Why does he look like their father, why does he have these eyes and this fur and this body?
❝Don't worry. Your father is only your father until one of you forgets.❞
KIT - CURIOUS, QUIET, EXPRESSIVE. I imagine his kithood to be one of confusion. He doesn't understand why cats look at him like they do, why they sometimes whisper, why it's such a bad thing that he looks like his father. Depending on when/how he finds out what Sable did, he'll probably be extremely upset, and might grow to resent his appearance and in turn his father. While he starts out wide-eyed and curious, seeking out connection, depending on how others react– that is, if he's rejected or shunned– he will turn in on himself, and turn his anger inwards and at his father.
APPRENTICE - QUIET, REPRESSED, SINS OF THE FATHER. Because of his father being (in his and many of his clan mates eyes) evil, he will likely take the burden of redeeming these sins onto himself. Though the severity of his want/need to do this will also depend on how he's treated by his clanmates, even if they treat him kindly, he is likely to make up cruel voices of his own to haunt him. He wants very badly to be seen as someone kind and righteous, and to be someone who is needed and trusted by the clan. As he learns more about his father, he will try harder and harder to be nothing like him. Because of this I think he'll be a very impressionable character, especially in his time as an apprentice– he will be shaped by the interactions with his clan mates and his mother. He'll do anything, change into most anyone, to please and be seen as himself and not Sable. But in the process of this, he may end up losing himself.
WARRIOR - GUARDED, VIRTUOUS, PURSUER OF JUSTICE. As he's got a planned death ahead of him, I won't say too much here, but he'll likely go down a similar path as he did as an apprentice, although without some of the anxiety as being appointed warrior will likely make him feel that he's gained the clans (and his mother's) approval. Though I think he'll end up with a lot of pent up emotions, as his fear of being like his father will cause him to repress a lot, especially anger/negative emotions.
NOTE // I may change personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.
- FEAR // ABANDONMENT - Because his dad abandoned their family, he'll probably be very attached to the family he has left. He is terrified that they too will abandon him. Even if their relationship might be strenuous at times depending on how the story shapes up, and how he feels about them and they might feel about him might sometimes be negative, he would never leave them, unless he….dies….:)
- FEAR // SABLESTAR - He will grow resentful of his father, and scared, scared that he himself may one day betray his family and friends, that the poison drips through.
- FEAR // THE DARK - He's a little paranoid, I think. Happens to the best of us.
- INSPRIATION // THUNDERCLAN - His clan will be very important to him, as it's the home of his family and the force of good in his eyes. He will grow up being told they were in the right, and that Sablestar betrayed them, and he will believe them without question. He'll strive to be a worthy member of the clan.
- SINS OF THE FATHER // I just think the concept of inherited sin is fun to play with and an interesting angle for a character:3
- ICARUS // golden boy flies too close to the sun, destined to crash and burn. Also thinking of Prim in the hunger games and this specific quote from the author when asked if she always knew Prim was going to die; "Oh yeah, of course. That's the whole point."
- AVERSION TO VIOLENCE // What sort of mentor he has, and how they treat him, will have a huge impact on him. He'll probably start out with an aversion to violence and any kind of fighting, seeing violence as a direct link to his father. depending on how his mentor feels about fighting and violence, he may stick with this view or it might change.
- RETRIBUTION // Again, depending on how roleplay progresses, he might grow a lil vengeful towards Sable. Unlikely to act on it, though he might attempt to seek Sable out in an effort to confront him about abandoning him and why he 'cursed' him with this appearance
- MALLEABLE // Like I said earlier, I think he will be very impressionable and therefore a lot will develop through roleplay, but I hope u get the gist of what I'm going for!!
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