OOC- please wait for @BONE to reply first :)
"Hey Bone, you wanna spar?" called Wolf from where he'd just finished stretching out, lips tugged into a smirk as he regarded the single-striped shecat.
To be honest, there was nothing in particular that had singled her out as the one to choose. She'd simply caught his eye during a moment of restless boredom. He imagined he'd test the skill of most of these cats at some point or other, so it didn't really matter where he started, did it? The only thing that did was her response.
She, like many of the newly named 'Shadowclanners' , was still a mystery to Wolf as far as he was concerned. Knowing some names and faces didn't change that fact. Knowing how she reacted to something like this, though? Seeing how she fought? That might be useful to him at some point. He imagined that would be a sentiment they all shared eventually though; wanting to know the strengths and weaknesses of the cat following you into whatever trouble life might be handing out that day.

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars