there's a hunger for companionship and bonding that nestled itself in the pit of her belly the moment Fray had passed... for such a substantial loss, there were bound to be weakened spots that he'd once held together. cats drifted apart in their uncertainty, their fear. she'd nudged who she could to try to stir a mischievous, harmless thrill into tired, cold bones... a prank, something to remind them who they were. that they were a group, a collective, in constant collaboration. they would only survive if they stuck close, didn't let themselves get distracted and turn their friends into enemies over night.
"Hurry... hurry! He'll be back soon, we have to all pile in and pretend to be asleep!" there is a weak glimmer, a tiny hope clung to ferociously in the corners of new-leaf greens, a smile pulled on as encouragement first but growing more sincere with every body that piles in to join her.
"Don't crush each-other- watch your elbows-" the spotted she-cat practically dives into Hawthorne's nest, faint as his scent may be it will only grow fainter now with their trifling. a tail curls tightly around her body, chin rested against the pillow of moss he seems to have formed in his tossing and turning. others shuffle in, taking up their places, laying paws over one another, twisting tails, leaning and growing warmed by their closeness.
[[ OPEN: in an effort to remind the colony of their bond as a group, juniper has recruited some pranksters to all invade hawthorne's nest and pretend to be asleep in a big pile when we returns! ]]
"Hurry... hurry! He'll be back soon, we have to all pile in and pretend to be asleep!" there is a weak glimmer, a tiny hope clung to ferociously in the corners of new-leaf greens, a smile pulled on as encouragement first but growing more sincere with every body that piles in to join her.
"Don't crush each-other- watch your elbows-" the spotted she-cat practically dives into Hawthorne's nest, faint as his scent may be it will only grow fainter now with their trifling. a tail curls tightly around her body, chin rested against the pillow of moss he seems to have formed in his tossing and turning. others shuffle in, taking up their places, laying paws over one another, twisting tails, leaning and growing warmed by their closeness.
[[ OPEN: in an effort to remind the colony of their bond as a group, juniper has recruited some pranksters to all invade hawthorne's nest and pretend to be asleep in a big pile when we returns! ]]